Toasted Apple Green Tea by Bluebird Tea Co.

ToastedappleTea Information:

Leaf Type:  Green

Where to Buy:  Bluebird Tea Co.

Tea Description:

This blend of roasted green tea, popped rice and toasty apples is a bit of a tea Marmite. Some are addicted to its grassy, savoury taste but it’s not for those with a sweet tooth. Don’t worry though, Genmaicha fans will absolutely love Bluebird’s unique twist on the classic Japanese ‘popcorn’ tea.

Learn more about this tea here.

Taster’s Review:

This is a flavoured genmaicha blend from one of the UK’s few independent tea mixologists – Bluebird Tea Co. This blend has been around since the inception of the company, so it’s one of their “original” teas, so to speak. It’s probably fair to say that they’ve come along in leaps and bounds since then, but this blend stands the test of time.

The dry leaf contains pretty much a 50/50 mixture of toasted brown rice and roasted green tea. The base tea is a blend of Chinese and Japanese greens; the Japanese being Bancha and the Chinese unspecified. The leaves are fairly small – some are darker and rolled into thin tubes, others are a lighter green and folded in appearance. There are some pieces of popcorn, although few compared to some genmaicha blends I’ve tried. There’s a generous smattering of apple cubes throughout.

I used 1 tsp of leaf and gave it 2.5 minutes in boiling water. The resulting liquor is a bright yellow-orange, and smells primarily of sugar puffs, but with an edge of seaweed. An odd combination if ever there was one!

This is a bittersweet blend to taste. The initial sip is quite heavily toasty in flavour, presumably from the rice. It’s not quite burnt toast, but very nearly, and while it’s not acrid, there’s an edge of bitterness that’s heading that way. The mid-sip is sweeter as the apple flavour emerges. It’s a floury, mildly floral apple that puts me in mind of homemade baked apples in the winter, only without the accompanying dried fruit. The apple flavour fades slowly away, leaving the slightly dank-tasting green tea behind.

It feels a little unseasonal drinking this one in summer, as this is a blend perfectly suited to blustery autumn afternoons. The only thing I would have liked to add is a touch of spice – perhaps a little cinnamon or ginger, or maybe some dried fruit flavouring. That would have made this a true baked apple tea! As it stands, toasted apple is a completely apt name. The beautiful baked apple notes are perfectly suited to a toasty genmaicha base, and the pairing seems to bring out the best in both flavours! A delicious sweet-savoury treat.

Neapolitan Ice Cream Iced Tea by Southern Boy Teas

NeapolitanIceCreamTea Information:

Leaf Type:  Black

Where to Buy: Southern Boy Teas

Tea Description:

Chocolate, vanilla and strawberry ice cream in an iced tea, from our Southern Boy Teas collection. This is a great blend of finely processed (CTC) Indian black tea blended with organic flavors and sealed in an oversized teabag. Each individually packaged teabag will yield 2-quarts (a full gallon if you re-steep) of the best iced tea you’ve ever had.

Learn more about this tea here.

Learn more about SBT’s subscription service here.

Taster’s Review:

It’s easy to get hooked on these iced teas. They’re just so flavourful and easy to prepare, there’s really nothing not to love. I’ve tried a couple of other “ice cream” flavoured teas, but this one is still by far the best. This one got the standard SBT brewing treatment from me – 2 mins in a 1/4 litre of boiling water, topped up to 1.8 litres with cold water, and into the fridge overnight. The main flavour I can pick out here is chocolate, followed by a creamy vanilla in the background. The strawberry is a little shy and fleeting, but it’s identifiable in the mid sip most of the time. The three combine beautifully in the aftertaste, to give the full neapolitan effect. Amazing!

I’m actually finding it hard not to gulp this one down – it’s so refreshing, and the flavour is absolutely fitting on a warm, just-about-summer day. The black base tea is smooth and unobtrusive, supporting the flavours without ever overpowering them. I’m surprised it took me so long to work out that iced black tea is what I’ve been lacking at work every summer. It’s a lot more refreshing than my usual hot tea, and because it’s black I can get my caffeine fix in as well. Paired with the great flavour, it really is a win-win-win!

This one comes highly recommended. It’s sweet, delicious, and unbelievably flavour-accurate. Your summer needs these teas.

A-Tisket A-Tasket Green Tea by Adagio

tiskettasketTea Information:

Leaf Type:  Green

Where to Buy:  Adagio

Tea Description:

A sunny, citrusy green tea, with a hint of delicious vanilla. Contains green tea, lemongrass, sunflower petals, citrus peels, and lemon and vanilla flavor.

Learn more about this tea here.

Taster’s Review:

Over time, this has become one of my favourite Adagio teas, and it takes a lot for me to say that. This is a green tea blend, part of the Sunlit Blooms collection, containing lemongrass, citrus peel, and lemon and vanilla flavourings. The dry leaf is primarily green tea, and the leaves are medium to dark green, fairly long and folded. No specific variety is given, but I’d say Dragonwell as an educated guess.

There’s also a generous scattering of sunflower petals, which I assume are there to carry the lemon and vanilla flavourings. Lemongrass and citrus peel are less in evidence, although it’s possible to find the occasional piece if you stir the leaf up and look hard. This hardly sounds encouraging, but as this one actually turns out to be a great tea I’m going to refrain from further comment.

I used 1 tsp of leaf for my cup, and gave it 2.5 minutes in water cooled to around 180 degrees. The resulting liquor is a bright golden yellow, and smells mildly citrusy. To taste, it’s a different story entirely. Lemon cream, in the best bakery sense of the words! Although the green tea is a large proportion of the mixture, it’s completely unobtrusive in the finished cup, and super-smooth to boot. This means that the flavours really shine through, with lemon the first flavour to emerge, followed by a wash of vanilla and cream in the mid-sip. It’s truly wonderful, and sipping on this is putting me in mind of a huge lemon sponge coated in light, fluffy vanilla buttercream.

The lemon here is candy-like and a little tart, which works with the sweet, desserty vibe of the blend overall. Personally, I could probably take a tad more sharpness with all the creamy sweetness, but it’s so great I can’t say I’m all that concerned. This is lemon cream in tea form! A dessert replacement if ever there was one!

Adagio can be hit and miss in my experience, but this one is a definite hit. It’s just so perfectly put together, with really well balanced flavours. This is a must-try blend for anyone who appreciates a good dessert tea. I don’t think there are many that can match this one for pure lemon creaminess. Spectacular!

Enchanted Narnia herbal tea by Bluebird Tea Co.

enchanted_narniaTea Information:

Leaf Type:  Herbal

Where to Buy: Bluebird Tea Co.

Tea Description:

‘Put the Turkish Delight down, Get out of that wardrobe + get the kettle on Edmund!’ said Lucy… Well perhaps we have paraphrased a little there. But we’re pretty sure that’s what she was thinking. Enchanted rose + smooth chocolate make an enchanting brew indeed.

Learn more about this tea here.

Taster’s Review:

I love the inspiration behind this blend from Bluebird Tea Co. The dry leaf looks like something right out of Narnia, with its whole pink rosebuds, additional rose petals, plentiful cocoa shells, lemongrass pieces and the fluffy, mossy greenness of the raspberry leaves. It’s so pretty, the White Witch of Narnia might well use it to tempt Edmund away.  I used a generous heaped teaspoon of leaf for my cup, and gave it 4 minutes in boiling water. No additions. The resulting liquor is a medium golden brown, and the scent is faintly herbal, maybe a touch floral.

To taste, this one is pure liquid turkish delight, although the variety that comes coated in chocolate rather than dusted with icing sugar. The rose is the most prominent flavour; sweet with a hint of perfume. The flavour of milk chocolate emerges in the midsip, adding a creamy, almost vanilla-like sweetness that really complements the rose. Although cocoa shells are responsible for the flavour, there’s none of the dry bittersweetness cocoa can sometimes add to a tea. This is liquid milk chocolate over rose-flavoured turkish delight; sweet, smooth, and perfectly befitting a fairy tale.

I had hoped that the lemongrass would add perhaps a hint of lemon-flavoured Turkish delight, but it really doesn’t. While it contributes to the overall sweetness of this blend, its mild citrus flavour is completely overpowered by the rose. Still, that’s a minor complaint. With a tea this delicious, it hardly registers.

I’m always impressed by Bluebird’s blends. It’s clear that they take a lot of time putting each one together, and the ingredients are obviously wonderfully fresh. The rose buds in this blend, for example, are a bright pink, firm to the touch, and still tightly nipped together. There are no brown, soft, wilting rosebuds here! The abundance of whole ingredients adds to the aesthetic impact of the dry mix – these are truly beautiful teas that are a delight to look at as well as drink. The inspiration behind this tea is strong and clearly realised – it would be easy to identify this as a turkish delight tea, even had it not been labelled.

If you’re interested in a quality herbal tea, a delicious dessert tea, or are just a fan of the Narnia books and films, this blend could be just the thing for you. It comes highly recommended.

Pom Tango Black from DAVIDsTEA

PomTangoTea Information:

Leaf Type:  Black

Where to Buy:  DAVIDsTEA

Tea Description:

This may have been a long, cold winter, but this exotic fruit-filled black tea is a sure sign of sunnier days ahead. Bursting with fruity pomegranate seeds and big, luscious pieces of mango, it’s like a cross between your favourite breakfast tea and the best juice ever. And since spring weather can still be a bit unpredictable, you’ll be happy to know it’s equally amazing hot or iced. One cup and you’ll feel like dancing for joy. Limited edition.

Learn more about this tea here.

Taster’s Review:

This is part five of a five part review of the DAVIDsTEA Summer Collection.

This is obviously a popular blend because this is the third, I believe, year it’s come back in a row! It’s also the only non-herbal blend in this years collection. This is my first time trying it. Similar to Just Peachy I’m not really big into mango as a flavour, though you wouldn’t be able to tell based on how much of it I’ve been drinking lately. This year I’ve been much more open to trying things I’ve previously avoided, so I figured it was time to try this one out and see what the big deal about it is.

I prepared it cold brewed for my first tasting; based on the smell of the dry leaf I’m expecting more mango flavour than pomegranate though the smell of the tea steeping did smell strongly of both mango and pomegranate so I could be pleasantly surprised here.

The first thing I taste is indeed a very strong mango flavour; but it’s vibrant and juicy and I don’t mind it at all. The pomegranate flavour is pretty strong too. I don’t think I’ve ever tried mango and pomegranate paired together in anything, but they work really well together! The sweet, almost berry-like pomegranate flavour and tropical mango have really great juxtaposition and are just phenomenally mouth watering. I really, really love the flavour of pomegranate but it’s one of those fruits that I never think about or crave so when I do have it I kind of have that moment where I mentally go “I love pomegranate – why don’t I eat it more often?”. I’m definitely doing that right now, and kicking myself for not trying it sooner.

Other notes observed are sweet red apple, not surprising given that pomegranate is often described as tasting like a cross of cranberry and apple, and very juicy, ripe orange. The black base is smooth and mild, providing the perfect background for the lovely array of fruit flavours. Overall, this is a hydrating, robust and ultimately fun tea. I can definitely see it lending itself well to hot preparation methods, or to tea soda!

I may end up purchasing more of it so I can test out both of those methods of prep, though I don’t see myself getting a larger quantity because like I’ve talked about neither of the primary flavours, mango and pomegranate, are ones I lean towards heavily in every day drinking. I finally understand the popularity of this blend, though!

Overall thoughts about the collection as a whole?

Just Peachy and this Strawberry Colada are my favourites and I _will_ be picking up more of each. I’m kind of leaning towards a full 100g of Just Peachy because it’s so different from the other tisanes that I have on hand, but while Strawberry Colada is my favourite I know I wont get more than 50g. I made the mistake of getting a ton of Tropicalia (over 100g) and the coconut turned before I finished all of it. This blend was solid, and I might pick up another sample size just to try it in a few other ways. Coconut Ice and Hard Candy were easily my least favourites, though neither were necessarily bad. But there’s no way I’ll be spending money on either again.

As a whole, I think this is the best collection DT has had in a long time – though more variety would be welcomed.