Connemara Morning Black Tea Blend from Trail Lodge Tea


Tea Information:

Leaf Type:  Black

Where to Buy:  Trail Lodge Tea

Tea Description:

One taste and you’ll believe Connemara Morning was mixed up by some leprechauns.It starts with a blend of black teas that a full bodied, rich, malty, and earthy taste. This is combined with Irish cream flavoring that gives it a sweet decadence. Then petals and shamrock sprinkles are added as a bit of whimsy.

Learn more about this tea here.

Taster’s Review:

When I opened the package of this Connemara Morning Black Tea Blend from Trail Lodge Tea, the scent of the Irish cream flavoring took me by surprise.  It’s really quite fragrant!  I really looked forward to pouring my first cup and taking a sip … it smells so good!

The dry leaf is very attractive with the yellow flower petals and the whimsical shamrock candy sprinkles tossed amid the dark tea leaves.  Candy sprinkles are certainly NOT a buying point for me when it comes to tea, personally, I think that teas are better off without them, but I have to admit that they certainly add a pleasing visual appeal to the dry leaf, and as one who used to create my own tea blends, I can see why companies have taken to add these little additions.  Without them, the tea looks pretty much like every other tea out there.  The sprinkles help the tea stand out and give it some interest … and really, even though they do add just a hint of sweetness to the brewed tea (as they do melt and add just a touch of sugar to the tea) their contribution, flavor wise, is really very insignificant.

But what does add some flavor to this cup is the Irish Cream!  Wow!  So good!

The flavor of Irish Cream really marries quite nicely with the rich black tea blend used as the base for this tea.  The two seem made for each other!  The black tea blend is a combination of Indian and Chinese black teas, and based on what I’m tasting, I suspect that there is some Assam in this blend.  It has that rich, malty flavor that Assam tends to bring to the cup.  The blend is very satisfying and provides a very solid taste for the backdrop of this flavored tea.

The Irish Cream tastes sweet and creamy.  Creamy enough, I would say, to be enjoyed without the addition of dairy, if this is something you prefer to avoid, but, it is also quite lovely when served as a latte.  (Just a splash of milk makes this happen)  As I said, I found this quite enjoyable without any dairy, and I think I prefer enjoying the strength of the black tea without the creamy addition.  But if you’re looking for an extra creamy treat … the latte is the way to go!

This flavor of this tea does improve by letting the freshly brewed tea cool ever so slightly before you begin sipping.  The piping-hot cup is delicious, but, let it sit for two minutes, and the flavor of the Irish Cream really develops nicely.  It’s worth waiting for … even though I found myself sitting here, rather impatiently, for that two minutes to lapse, because the scent wafting from my cup was almost too much to resist!

A really lovely cup of tea – definitely worth a try … especially for those who love the flavor of Irish Cream!

Shamrocks and Shenanigans from Della Terra Teas

Shamrocks and Shenanigans from Della Terra Teas
Shamrocks and Shenanigans from Della Terra Teas

Tea Information: 

Leaf Type: Black

Where to Buy: Della Terra Teas

Tea Description:

Top o’ the mornin’ to ya! It’s almost St. Patrick’s Day! Celebrate with our take on a delicious St. Pats Tea! Shamrocks for luck, and shenanigans for being an ornary little Leprechaun. Have fun! We have blended delicious, creamy vanilla mint with dark chocolate. An absolute treat.

Ingredients: Black tea, chocolate flavoring and bits, vanilla bits and flavoring, mint leaf and shamrock sprinkles

Learn more about this tea here.

Taster’s Review:

Gad if only I had not just eaten two HUGE jalapenos with peanut butter! I could surely enjoy Shamrocks and Shenanigans from Della Terra Teas even more! However knowing that I did just eat those devil jalapenos and knowing I can still taste this delicious tea – you know it must be really very good!

This is a seasonal blend from Della Terra Teas so get it while you can! I know I sure miss my all time favorite seasonal blend from them – Eight Candles! I hope it will be back next year! Regardless this is a good one! It has a lovely vanilla backdrop to a minty and yet chocolatey yummness!

Love the cute little green shamrock sprinkles!

I realize this review will post after St. Patties Day but you may want to go check because Della Terra Teas always has amazing sales and since the holiday is now passed it very well could be discounted!

As I sip on this tea longer the burn from the jalapenos is subsiding and I am tasting more of the chocolate note, where before I was picking up more on the vanilla. This is a mild flavored tea which is comforting and sweet, but not overly so. I really like the chocolate note as it tastes very natural due to the use of cocoa nibs.

This tea is really making me want to give Della Terra’s Swiss Mountain a try! I can’t recall if I have tried it before. Its another chocolate mint tea – without vanilla from Della Terra. You can find that one here.

The mint in this tea is light but notable and a real tummy saver as well. I am sure I will be appreciating that later today!

So points for a good chocolate note, points for a lovely vanilla note, points for it not being overdone on the mint, and points for a good base that I can taste but allows the flavors to do their work since the flavors are somewhat relaxed and mellow.

This isn’t an end all be all in your face flavored tea that says POW but it is a very enjoyable cup when you want mint, vanilla, and chocolate, without feeling your having a typical dessert tea. It is more like an after dinner tea.

Spiced Doughnut Chai Black Tea Blend from Compass Teas


Tea Information:

Leaf Type:  Black

Where to Buy:  Compass Teas

Tea Description:

Mmmm… Doughnut Tea!   It could easily be considered a ‘dessert tea’ that could help you cut your calorie and fat intake by substituting this yummy cup for your normal dessert.  Scrumptious as is, but tastes amazing with a spoonful or two of our all natural Amber Sugar Gems (made of pure Cane Sugar) and a dash of milk, if you like.

Learn more about this blend here.

Taster’s Review:

This is a tasty chai blend from Compass Teas, but, I’m just not getting Spiced Doughnut from it.  It is a rich, flavorful black tea blend, but, I guess with a name like Spiced Doughnut Chai, I was expecting more of a sweet, dessert-y taste that just isn’t there.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s still really good.  The black tea base is bold and full-flavored.  I taste more of an Assam-like base here than I taste Darjeeling, but I do taste certain notes that hint of a Darjeeling presence in the blend.  Every once in a while I note a sort of “lightness” … a bright note, if you will, that is distinctly Darjeeling-esque.  But the Darjeeling is more of a presence in the background … very soft-spoken and allows the other flavors to do their thing.

The spices are pleasant … the ginger is warm but not too peppery, the cinnamon is more of a spicy than a sweet cinnamon, and I like the nutmeg in this blend.  I taste the cardamom … I taste the cloves.

I am wishing for more of a vanilla taste to this … perhaps that would give it more of the sweet, dessert-y flavor that I had mentioned previously.  The aftertaste has an almost “bake-y” kind of flavor so I can ~almost~ taste where they might get the idea of a spiced doughnut … almost … but not quite.  It’s like almost reaching the finish line … but if you don’t reach the finish line did you really run the race?  Sure.  And this cup almost makes it.

It’s a flavorful tea, but, it doesn’t quite live up to the name Spiced Doughnut Chai for me.  I wish it did, because the idea of a Spiced Doughnut Chai sounds absolutely divine.  Close … but this one isn’t quite there yet.

Apple Cinnamon Coffeecake from Simpson & Vail

Tea Information:

Leaf Type: Black

Where to Buy: Simpson & Vail

Tea Description:

A new addition to our flavored tea line and already a huge hit with all of us here! This slightly sweet, scrumptious blend has a lightly toasted flavor with the delicious taste of apples and cinnamon. Sipping this tea reminds me of the Sunday morning breakfast treats of my childhood. Now that I’m all grown up I could have those treats every day of the week; however, I think I’ll stick to this tea blend instead. It’s full of the sinful tastes of childhood but, with no calories, it suits my adult metabolism!

Ingredients: Black teas, organic cinnamon chips, apple pieces, orange blossoms and flavoring.

Learn more about this tea here.

Taster’s Review:

This tea from Simpson & Vail is all things a flavored tea should be! There is no artificial flavor, the after taste is lingering and delightful, the flavor elements are perfectly bleneded. An all around excellent cup!

The aroma of this tea is something I can’t leave out of this review. It smells so good both in dry form and when steeped! The aroma fills the home and is a great way to scent your home without incense or candles, or that nasty artificial air freshener! My home smells like the holidays which is a lovely aroma anytime but especially this time of year!

I also want to mention the cinnamon in this blend. Often times cinnamon takes over a blend or is simply too spicy for some, the cinnamon in this tea is reminiscent of a cinnamon sugar cookie, sweet, not spicy. I love the way the cinnamon works in this tea.

The mouthfeel is slightly creamy and full. The color is a lovely festive orangish, brownish, red color.

Overall the flavor is sweet but not overly so, delicate on the spice notes, the apple is lovely in this tea, its quite fresh and delicious without coming over as a cider like tea. There is a wonderful baked goods flavor to the tea that again reminds me of cookies, christmas cookies. I think it is the toasted almonds that give off the baked goods flavor.

One could add some sugar or sweetener to this tea and it would hold up very well and give it an added dessert flavor.

I have been impressed thus far by Simpson & Vail teas although I would love to try more from them. I have only had their teas due to the generosity of others in tea trades but I look forward to making an order soon, perhaps after the holidays! For now, this sample is a wonderful treat for me while wrapping holiday gifts for others!

Almond Cookie by Joy’s Teaspoon

Tea Information:

Leaf Type: Tisane

Where to Buy: Joy’s Teaspoon

Tea Description:

It is a taste experience unlike any other! Pairing sweet apple and beetroot pieces, this tea once brewed has a red color nuance. The flavor note is determined by tempting, sweet, roasted, caramelized almonds. Our tip: simply try it and…enjoy! For a perfect taste impact, brew for a full 10 minutes. Naturally caffeine free.

Ingredients: apple pieces, planed and crushed almonds, cinnamon pieces, beetroot pieces, flavoring.

Learn more about this tea here.

Taster’s Review:

I simply love a good almond cookie, however when it comes to almond cookies I tend to be very particular! The flavor has to be just so. I blame it on a small Asian restaurant my family would go to when I was young. They had the best almond cookies ever. Then again I was very young so what did I know. However to this day I always try to find that elusive almond cookie flavor when I pick up almond cookies at the store, or have a chance to have one from a restaurant. Until now, I can’t say anything has truly touched upon that flavor from days gone by.

This tea is my secret sin! I can’t get enough of it yet I tend to hide it away for those “me times” when I want to just slump back and savor every drop of sweet almond goodness.

Who would have thought that I would find my perfect cookie in a tea? Not only have I found my favorite cookie but with that a piece of my childhood, a good memory.

This tea smells so sinful when you open the bag. While steeping, like you are in the middle of a sweet cinnamon and sugar dream. I think perhaps the one ingredient other almond cookies lacked was the cinnamon. Its absolutely not a harsh cinnamon, I don’t even care for cinnamon in tea, and while I realize that cinnamon is not mentioned in the ingredient list given by Joy’s Teaspoon, I taste it. I don’t know if it is real cinnamon or cassia which is usually what you buy in a grocery store, a cinnamon knock off, but it is so delectable and in just the right dose.

It requires absolutely no milk and no sugar. It is quite perfectly sweet yet balanced all on its own. Usually I don’t use additives unless it is a “desert” type tea like this one and often I find you almost have to add a little sugar and or milk to help nudge the sweetness slightly over the edge to perfection but Almond Cookie is already right there!

The apple is fresh, crisp, and pairs wonderfully with the cinnamon giving it just a smidgen of a cider taste. I absolutely taste the caramelized almonds as I use them frequently in salad dishes I make at home. Now as for beetroot, I won’t even pretend to know what that should taste like but if it concerns you, don’t let it. I should google beetroot to find out what it is – something like rhubarb perhaps, root of beets I assume, I don’t even like beets, I detest them, they taste like dirt to me, but in order to end this run on sentence let me just say this tea tastes nothing of beet, beet root, or dirt.

Each ingredient is discernible if you sit back and try to detect each and every one of them, they are there, to be found. However this tea is meant to be simply enjoyed in my opinion. It is far more fun to just let the tea speak to you as a wondrous blend rather than sleuthing each element out. Granted tea reviews often tend to pick a tea apart looking for what makes a tea so scrumptious but as for this one, I am just going to enjoy the bliss that it is – melding in such unison, with such grace, that you won’t be able to determine the cider like flavor from the caramel almond flavor, from the apple itself, or that beetroot, it just blends so beautifully that it becomes the almond cookie to end all almond cookies!