Peep Crispies from A Quarter To Tea. . . .

I have one, very important rule about Easter candy: Peeps. Must. Be. Stale.

Now. I understand that this is a very divisive stance. Statistically, about 50% of you right now are probably nodding in impassioned agreement, thinking “of COURSE! What other way is there to eat them?!” and the other 50% of you are probably sharpening your pitchforks and chanting “off with her head!”

Okay. So maybe not *quite* that impassioned. But little did I know that there was even room for another rule in the world of Peeps: they should be brewed. As a tea. And sipped often.

I know. You’re thinking I’ve lost my mind– and I promise, I’m not actually sticking sugary marshmallows into cups of tea and waiting for them to melt (because that sounds like a sticky mess)– but with this green blend from A Quarter to Tea, I may as well be for as delightfully spot-on as this flavor is. A green genmaicha with toasty, popped rice, marshmallow root, and adorably bright sprinkles, this tea is maybe a little bit closer to a toasted (dare I say it– or even a stale) peep than a fresh & puffy, right-out-of-the-package little guy, but if that’s even close to sounding tasty to you, you must give this one a try. All of the seasonal delight with so much less of the high fructose corn syrup and neon-colored sugar dusting. I’ll be sipping this one long after Peter Rabbit has finished his seasonal duties and left for summer vacation.

Now, there’s only one thing left to do– leave the bag open for a few days and see if peeps tea is as good stale as the actual marshmallows. Can’t hurt, right? 😉

Here’s the scoop!

Leaf Type:  Green
Where to Buy:  A Quarter To Tea

A toasted marshmallow delight with roasty genmaicha, marshmallow, and brightly colored sprinkles

Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!

Sweet Mirabelle from Fusion Teas

Tea Information:

Leaf Type:  Green

Where to Buy: Fusion Teas

Tea Description:

Sweet Mirabelle is sweet indeed! This tea yields a fresh, fruity infusion that lingers on the palate. Like the yellow plum it’s named after, this Sweet Mirabelle Green Tea has a full, succulent flavor. Big pieces of dried mango adorn this blend and the flavor of the brewed tea is straightforward and honest: it’s all about the fruit!

Tasting Notes:
Plum, apricot, tropical candy

Piquant notes of plum and mango create an exotic flavor with a tangy finish. An intoxicating sweetness infuses every sip. Enjoy the charms of this delightful blend for a dose of summer any time of year.

Learn more about this tea here.

Taster’s Review:

Sweet Mirabelle Green Tea received mixed reviews in my family last night.  I have to say that my family loved it. I on the other hand wasn’t the biggest fan. Let me explain.

This vibrant green flavored tea is mango flavored with notes of a tropical feel. I filled my tea pot up with this lovely sweet smelling tea blend and started steeping. Waited about 4 minutes and poured myself, my hubby, and my stepson Casey, huge mug fulls.

After steeping, this tea smelled as sweet as it did as a dry leaf. As you can see from the picture, there are HUGE pieces of mango in the mix, which normally I would love. First sip in, I could hear my hubby and stepson loving the tea. I took a huge first sip myself and found that this tea was incredibly sweet. Overwhelmingly sweet to me unfortunately. Where the mango and tropical flavors are there and quite present. This tea almost needed a contrast from a different flavor ie maybe a vegetal green tea note- that would calm the sweetness down. I typically would love a tea like this, but as a hot tea, it just didn’t sit well with me.

Regardless, as a hot tea, this tea seemed to appeal to the masses in my family. My hubby and stepson greedily gulped this tea down in no time flat and would have accepted more if I would have put on another pot. I can see Sweet Mirabelle being a hit at parties or served at a gathering.  This tea might be one of those blends that needs a cold brew to make the green tea notes pop. I have just enough left over to try that later this week!