I have talked about Steepster before and I will probably mention it again as it is a large part of my tea-loving life. Recently it gave me the opportunity to not only enter but WIN a draw by 52 Teas for their monthly teabox. I lucked out even more by winning the box of their anniversary month so while they normally have 4 teas of the week in the box, my box had 5 teas to try.
This tea and another tea, The Unicorn!, were both the blends made for the first week of the month and they are both inspired by the Starbucks Frappuccinos of the same names. Unfortunately I didn’t get a chance to try The Dragon frappuccino but I can appreciate the idea and I am excited to give the 52 Teas interpretation a try
The Dragon! brings together limes, strawberries, blueberries, and marshmallow root, all on a green tea base.
I brewed this up hot per the recommended steeping parameters.The liquid is the color of a clear and light lemonade (this is how my sister described it when I asked). The taste is also light, though not without flavor. Lots of natural tasting, juicy berry flavor, effectively mimicking the berry ribbon in the namesake frappuccino. The lime contributes a bit of flavor but mostly adds a refreshing brightness to the tea. Finally, the marshmallow root keeps everything sweet and fluffy. Is this in-your-face like a frappuccino? No, this is lighter and easier to drink but still satisfies the sweet tooth and to me, that makes this a winner.
Here’s the scoop!
Leaf Type: Green
Where to Buy: 52Teas
This tea is no longer available. Click below for teas that are.
Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!
Scarborough Fair from A Quarter To Tea. . . .
Every single time I am on the A Quarter to Tea website, the name “Scarborough Fair” catches my eye. Every. Single. Time. I have no idea why or what I am always expecting but the name always pulls me in. I keep thinking it is like a berry tea or something like that and I want it but then I click on the page and read the description which calls it “fruity” and “herbaceous”. Though fruity I like, herbaceous makes me hesitant and in the end my hesitation wins out and this tea gets left behind. However, I guess fate decided to intervene because a sample of this Scarborough Fair tea arrived in A Quarter to Tea’s monthly subscription box for August.
I steeped the entire sample in a 16 oz mug according to the recommended steeping parameters of 3 minutes in 190F water.
The description “fruity” and “herbaceous” hit the nail right on the head, to be honest. The fruity raspberry flavor hits your tongue first but the sage quickly comes up from underneath. Somehow the two components intertwine seamlessly while still being distinctive in their own rights. The rosemary also blends with the sage and the two flavors linger on your tongue after the sip is done, all the while the sweet raspberry note still floats on top. This tea is unique to say the least and certainly very interesting but I can’t decide if that is good or bad.
I am enjoying this cup well enough but if I am being honest, “herbaceous” is just not what I want from my teas. I’m more of the dessert tea kind of girl and though this has a nice sweetness, the herbs are throwing me off. Nevertheless, I am glad I got to try it and for those who like a more herbal element or even just anyone wanting to try something new, I wholeheartedly suggest giving this a taste.
Here’s the scoop!
Leaf Type: Black Tea
Where to Buy: A Quarter To Tea
Raspberry, sage and rosemary come together to create a fruity and herbaceous cup worthy of Scarborough Fair itself.
Sikkim is located just north of Darjeeling in India. The only garden there, Temi, does its teas in a Darjeeling style. The base tea here is comparable to a second flush Darjeeling tea
Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!
Casey’s .45 Gunpowder Blast from 52Teas. . .
We review a lot of 52Teas here on The SororiTea Sisters but there is a good reason for that. A good chunk of us are big fans of the blends that Anne and company creates and we just can’t get enough. I personally have over 50 different blends from 52Teas in my own tea stash.
There is just something so incredibly intimate with each of the blends that 52Teas creates. Since each blend is hand blended with love and passion, you know you are in for a treat when you take your first sip of any 52Teas blends.
This particular blend is a combination of gunpowder green tea, lemons, and raspberries-basically a play on a raspberry lemonade with a slight smoky taste. Steeped up per the parameters on the pkg- water prepped at 170F and allowed to steep for 2 1/2 minutes and cooled for 5, this tea was an incredible treat.
First you are greeted with this amazing green tea background that has a slight smoky finish. The lemon notes come next and lay the ground work for the raspberries to come into play to create this wonderful lemon berry twist of a finish. With the gunpowder tea that was used as the base, that lemon berry twist was the perfect way to finish each sip. Fresh crisp and on point with each sip as satisfying as the last.
Unfortunately for me, I only picked up a taster of this tea so when I was out of this tea, that was a sad sip down for sure. I didn’t get a chance to check this tea out cold brewed because I just loved the flavors so much brewed hot. I can only imagine how fabulous this tea would be iced with a lemon wedge and possibly even a sprig or two of fresh mint. Fortunately for me, this blend is still available. Looks like I need to make another 52Teas order soon!
Here’s the scoop!
Leaf Type: Green
Where to Buy: 52Teas
This tea was crafted for one of our VIPs who requested a VIT for a friend’s birthday. She wanted to start with a base of organic gunpowder green tea – check! Then she wanted to add the flavors of raspberry and lemon – check and check!
A fairly straightforward recipe with delightful results! The flavor is a fruity: tart, a little sweet and very bright and refreshing – perfect for summer!
A very limited edition!
taster size is approximately 15g
organic ingredients: green tea, raspberries, lemons and natural flavors
Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!
Raspberry Champagne from The Love Tea Company. . . . .
Love Tea Company purchases have been making the rounds of me and my friends lately. It all started when Nichole (Cuppageek here on the site) sent me a Tea It Forward care package. So I sent a few to my friends. And then bought samples. 25% of net profits go to the Flagg Foundation for Mental Wellness.
So I’m of course already in a good mood just looking at the packaging and getting a cup going. Plus, the idea of Raspberry Champagne is very appealing to someone who’s on a diet. Helping people! Drinking but not really! FIVE STARS.
I made this one iced as a dinner accompaniment. I’ve cut soda (for real this time!) (I think!). So I’m learning a little more on iced tea to fill in when I need caffeine.
I’ve made this one before hot, and thought it was pretty good, but ICED, my friends, is where it’s at.
The flavor is a mix of sweet and tart. It has the sass of the raspberry with the gentle playfulness of a white. There’s a bite that I guess I could associate with champagne, but also has a bit of a green apple vibe to it. The white tea has JUST enough caffeine to keep you coasting, but not enough to keep you up at night.
All in all, a lovely blend for a sparkly afternoon.
Here’s the scoop!
Leaf Type: White
Where to Buy: The Love Tea Company
Our White Raspberry Champagne is a great alternative to the real thing! Our wine inspired blends create a character so versatile you’ll get all of the fun of a “fancy drink” without the boozy qualities. The pairing of champagne and raspberry flavors dates back centuries and we’ve mastered it here in this wine evoking tisane. You won’t be disappointed this is a luxurious treat any day of the week.
Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!
White Champagne Raspberry from Tea and Tins. . .
Alcohol isn’t really in my life. I don’t mind having a drink once in a while, but it mostly upsets my stomach and gives me a headache. Tea is my drink of choice. However, I don’t mind teas that are made after alcoholic beverages….things like hot buttered rum, pina coladas, or in this case, champagne!
Upon opening my little sample bag, the first thing that came to mind was raspberry tootsie pops. It actually smells JUST LIKE a tootsie pop. Its making my mouth water! Once steeped I gave it a sip and think it needed a little sweetening, so I added just a pinch of agave. It tastes like a tootsie pop. Honestly, I just cant get past that reference! I’m tasting hard candy here. However I will say, that after swallowing I do get a hint of tingly champagne. But all in all, this is totally a raspberry tootsie pop through and through. Sweet and tangy with a hint of cocoa from the tootsie roll sitting in its center, but not too much that you’ve reached the chewiness just yet. I cant really speak of whether you will get a full on champagne experience when you drink this being as all I can taste and visualize in a tootsie pop, but I will say that your taste buds will tingle with bubbly happiness because this is tangy and tasty and leaves you wanting more!
Here’s the scoop!
Leaf Type: White
Where to Buy: Tea and Tins
White tea, safflowers with champagne flavor and red raspberry flavor.