Etambagahawila Estate Ceylon OP1 Black Tea from Capital Teas

EtambugahawilaEstateTea Information:

Leaf Type:  Black

Where to Buy:  Capital Tea Limited

Tea Description:

Well made beautiful even and neat black wiry leaves with good sheen from Sri Lanka’s Galle region. These aromatic leaves produce a medium to strong tasting tea liquor with ample body and prominent sweet flavour and aroma notes reminiscent of sugar candy.

Learn more about this tea here.

Taster’s Review:

This is a really flavorful, strong Ceylon!  I’m not used to a Ceylon being as full-flavored as this!  But it’s a bold, flavorful Ceylon with a really lovely burnt sugar caramel sweetness.

It’s a pleasantly smooth Ceylon too.  It has some astringency to it, but it’s more like the tangy-tart qualities of a citrus fruit than a really jarring astringent tone.

There are some notes of malt to this cup too.  The way the malt notes meld with the caramel notes is quite lovely and makes for a really enjoyable tea experience.

This has many of the qualities I expect from a Ceylon – a smooth, even flavor, for example.  But I like the unexpected qualities that I’m discovering – the rich, bold flavor!  It’s an invigorating tea that would take to the additions of milk and honey well if you’re looking to make this your next breakfast tea.  This would be a good breakfast tea for those days when you’re looking for that gentle shake awake.  It’s got a robust flavor but a non-aggressive attitude.

A really nice tea.  I enjoyed about half my cup and then I was distracted from my tea for a while and when I came back to the cup, it was cold (yes, this does happen a lot, that’s the way it works when you’re a mom!) but even as a cold tea, it’s quite delicious!