Being a HUGE Whovian, I couldn’t wait to check this blend out- Timey Wimey from BecauseURpriceless instantly impressed me. The packaging was superb and I loved the whole look of the tea itself. Pops of bright blue on a bed of black tea and little sparks of light orange.
But as I mentioned in my earlier post today, I had some hesitation because . .earl grey blends and I have not been the bestest of friends. And that is exactly what this blend is-a mix of earl grey tea and vanilla. But first whiff of this tea and I knew we would be best friends.
Gorgeous smooth vanilla notes mix perfectly with the light tones of the earl grey base. I couldn’t stop smelling the dry leaves. One of those blends that you want to bottle into a candle. I was hoping that those notes I was smelling would translate into a wonderful cuppa.
Set about prepping my tea pot up with freshly boiled water and allowed the two 1/2 scoops of tea to steep for 3 minutes. Took my first sip and . .sigh. . .I’m in love.
Rich luxurious vanilla tones that are smooth and decadent start the sip off with a hint of the bergamot here and there with a citrus finish. The black tea base really lays way for the rich flavors to really take the spotlight. Being one that is not a huge bergamot fan, I appreciated the hints here and there but not dominating the brew. The citrus notes were the perfect ending. Each sip is as smooth as the last, even as the tea cools.
I can only imagine how dynamite this tea would be as a cold brew and plan on trying it. This is a tea I’m finding myself craving through out the day. One of those teas I think I’m going to need to get a stock of for work and home.
One of those perfectly blended earl grey teas and one that is a perfect dedication to the Doctor! .
Have a tea you are fanatic? Join us on Fridays where we share our favorite teas! Tag your favorite blend with #FanaticFriday!
Here’s the scoop!
Leaf Type: Black Tea
Binge watching The Doctor?
TIMEY WIMEY TEA™ is a great accompaniment to all that wibbly wobbly time stuff. Savor this fascinatingly delicious blend of properly British Earl Grey Tea, citrusy orange peel, Tardis blue cornflowers, and smooth vanilla – no sonic screwdriver required. (Not a Dr. Who fan? That’s ok…you’ll enjoy this tea blend too.)
Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!