Tea Information:
Leaf Type: Black, Darjeeling
Where to Buy: English Tea Store
Tea Description:
Mim Estate from English Tea Store: This is a 2nd flush Darjeeling, grown at 6800 feet above sea level. The tea has a distinctive Muscatel character, with a hint of currant and an almost wine-like taste. It come from Mim in northern India, where you can see the tip of mount Everest on a clear day.
Due to the superb taste and limited production of Darjeelings, these teas are quite expensive. There are many who wish to take advantage of the high prices and as a result there are Darjeeling blends. Regrettably these blends are quite often very poor copies of Darjeeling and in some cases only contain 10% true Darjeeling teas; the balance made up from other production areas. A true estate Darjeeling is your guarantee of quality and genuine Darjeeling tea.
Learn more about this tea here.
Taster’s Review:
Mim Estate from English Tea Store, while good, is not my all time favorite Darjeeling from Mim Estate. I do love the English Tea Store and have been very happy with most all of my purchases there. I won’t try to suggest I know the difference between one tea from Mim Estate to the next. To me if the tea comes from Mim they should all be comparable right? Perhaps not. This is an area of my tea education I need to do more research on.
I know that English Tea Store states that they are selling a true darjeeling and I have no doubt of the accuracy of that as I have found the English Tea Store to be reputable and having excellent customer service. Perhaps I have been spoiled by the impostors and simply prefer those or perhaps I have been very blessed to have some beyond excellent darjeeling. Whatever the case may be I find this Mim Darjeeling to be good, very good, but not excellent.
Now please, don’t get me wrong, this tea is quite good! It is robust, has the muscatel note, but I would prefer a bit stronger on the muscatel. I have also found some Darjeeling to be somewhat peachy in flavor and I adore that note, which this tends to be lacking. There is just the right amount of astringency however which is notable as a positive.
It is a smooth tea, perfect for morning or afternoon with some tea sandwiches. I am having a cucumber sandwich with mine today and it is lovely. I think however the reason it is so lovely with my sandwiches is because it is fairly bland and does not compete with my otherwise mellow food flavors.
Overall this is noticeably darjeeling and a good robust cup with the right amount of astringency, a mellow muscatel note, and a typical darjeeling drying effect, excellent for food pairings, but I don’t think I would enjoy it as much as a tea to sip on without a meal.
Darjeeling Mim from Pekko Teas
Leaf Type: Black (Darjeeling)
Where to Buy: Pekko Teas
Tea Description:
Country of Origin: India
Region: Darjeeling
Shipping Port: Calcutta
Grade: TGFOP1 (Tippy Golden Flavoury Orange Pekoe 1)
Altitude: 6800 feet above sea level
Manufacture Type: Orthodox
Cup Characteristics: Good body with a classic muscatel character. This quality is only available during June when the 2nd flush growing season is at its peak.
Infusion: Bright tending light
Ingredients: Luxury black tea.Mim is in the Darjeeling area of Northern India. From the town center on a clear day the peak of Mount Everest can be seen. The genus of the Darjeeling tea bush is the Chinese Jat, which gives it the distinctive muscatel character. Because the tea is grown at such high altitudes and in relatively cool weather the bushes do not grow quickly, and as such the production is limited. The best time of the year for quality is during ‘second-flush’ (end May – end June). During this time Darjeelings are incomparable to any other tea in the world. The fragrance and taste is a complex bouquet that reaches right out of the cup. Some would describe the taste as nutty; others find it reminds them of black currants, but most often it is described as similar to the taste and fragrance of muscat grapes.
Learn more about this tea here.
Taster’s Review:
Now I am not as knowledgable on Darjeeling as my SororiTea Sister Anne, so I can’t pretend to know just how good this stacks against others of its caliber, however I am throughly enjoying this tea!
I can taste the muscatel in this tea, the base is great, and the mouthfeel is rich, almost creamy.
Its not AS robust as some black teas but yet it has its own nice level of somewhat roast-y flavor.
As Anne stated in her review, there is a slight bit of astringency not to be confused with bitterness – its like it is meant to be there – almost a little tart, like a fresh grape.
I have enjoyed this tea many times now, but one thing that I find with this particular Darjeeling, that I have not found in others, is a sweetness, not just from the muscatel, but rather a maple syrup flavor that is quite amazing!
It is almost a dreamy sort of tea, one that takes me away from the chaos of the world and eases me into a very relaxed, yet rejuvenated state of mind.
This is truly a stash must have. I find myself reaching for it regularly. Its not just a dependable tea but an impressive tea as well. One to enjoy while reading, with breakfast, enjoying the outdoors, excellent cold brewed, and by all means, serve this to your tea friends, as they are sure to be impressed by its quality. I know that I am impressed by it every time I steep it.