Almond Cookie from The NecessiTeas . . .

Despite the eventual turn of the season towards something warm, there are still plenty of cold, grey days.  On those days, it’s time to brew up something comforting and sweet like Almond Cookie tea from the NecessiTeas.  Opening up the bag of tea, the blend has a very forward amaretto-like scent, sweet and fragrant and strong, like baked goods with almond extract.  This smooth and silky flavor carries over into the smell of the brewed tea and its taste.

Just beneath all the sweet marzipan is something more creamy and buttery, clearly the “cookie” part of this Almond Cookie blend.  This butteriness almost reminds me of coconut, though it’s not so tropical. NecessiTeas had a great idea combining almond and cookie together.  A marzipan-driven tea can be a but too overwhelming on its own, so the nutty, butter-cookie taste is the perfect pairing against the almond flavors.

Writing this review I almost thought I had talked about this tea before.  Last time I reviewed Coconut Almond Macaroon from the NecessiTeas, which is similar though it has a green tea base and stronger coconut tones.  If you liked that blend, definitely try this Almond Cookie blend as well. My mug is almost empty and there are still clouds in the sky, so it’s time to brew another cup!

Here’s the scoop!

Leaf Type: Black
Where to Buy: The NecessiTeas
Description: This bakery-style blend of black tea, sweet almond and creamy coconut is sure to satisfy your inner “cookie monster”.

Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!

Cookie from Lupicia

cookieTea Information:

Leaf Type:  Black

Where to Buy: Lupicia

Tea Description:

Black tea scented with an image of freshly baked caramel cookies. Best served with milk.

Learn more about this tea here.

Taster’s Review:

Yes.  You are reading the name of this tea correctly.  Cookie.  This tea smells just like a fresh baked sugar cookie with hints of caramel.  I was sticking my nose in the pouch for about a minute straight because I couldn’t believe how much this really did smell like a cookie.

Lupicia is known for their delicious flavored teas especially their green ones.  I had heard a lot of hype about this particular blend so I was excited to try it.

Brewed this up-212F-4 minutes.  Let it cool for just a moment and took a sip.  Yes, this does taste just like a fresh baked cookie.  I would love to have tried this tea with just a splash of almond milk to see what other flavors will pop out.  It is quite good on its own as well.  The black tea is solid and is quite nice in the background and their are notes of maybe cinnamon and even almond thru each sip.  Nicely done for a dessert tea. If you are in the market for a dessert tea to curb that 3pm sugar monster that you can’t avoid, try this one.

Saying all of this tho, I’m not a big cookie fan. I like them on occasion but I couldn’t see drinking this tea all the time just because I’d rather have a fruity flavor in my tea than the cookie flavor.  What I would love to see is this tea made up into a latte which I might just do tonight when I get home.  Now that could give me the wow factor I’ve been looking for.