Tea Information:
Leaf Type: Green
Where to Buy: 52Teas
Tea Description:
Green Tea, Popped Rice, Shredded Coconut, and Natural flavors
This tea is no longer available but learn more about available blends here.
Taster’s Review:
So today I was finally able to set myself done and try this tea. With having coconut and genmaicha going on with the blend, I thought for sure I would devour this tea. So much so that I ordered an additional taster size for it.
I asked a co-worker is she wanted to try the tea with me and she eagerly grabbed her mug and we set to steeping.
The dry leaf mixture had a lovely and bright coconut fresh smell. I wouldn’t say sun tan lotion like but there is a resemblance. The coconut smelled amazing and I wanted to bottle up the smell into a candle.
We steeped the tea per the package instructions and waited impatiently for the timer to let us know the tea was ready. We allowed the tea to cool for a minute and took our first sip.
She loved the tea. She said it was just smooth roasted coconut love. She was all smiles while drinking it and she barely sat the cup down.
When I took my first sip, I didn’t get a whole lot of flavor so I allowed the tea to cool even more. After a few more minutes, I took another sip. As much as I wanted to love this tea, it just isn’t one that I am loving hot. I’m getting a nice toasted flavor but I don’t know if I like it mixed with the coconut and then on top of all of that, with a hot temperature. I’m wondering if this is a tea that needs to be either cold brewed or iced to really get that tropical feel out of it.
Don’t get me wrong the tea is fine and I have no issue with finishing my cup. I just can’t say that I want more of it. This might just be a tea that I need to experiment with.
Off to make some iced tea!