Right off the bat I will tell you that I’m impressed with Just Peachy from Blend Bee for 2 reasons…one…the aroma…it’s wonderful and…two…because it’s a green tea and Honeybush blend that works really well!
The notable ingredients in Just Peachy from Blend Bee include not only green tea and honeybush but ginger and cinnamon which are both fairly strong – as well as – lemon peel and peach flavor. It’s flavor on the tongue is comparable to other Ginger Peach teas I have tried in the past but seemed a bit more refined in some way. Maybe it was the subtle addition of the lemon or maybe it was the sweet and green contrast of the green tea and honeybush. Whatever it was it worked!
If Just Peachy from Blend Bee is any indication of how awesome their other teas will be (or are) then I am sure to be hooked on them soon!
Here’s the Scoop
Leaf Type: Green Tea/Honeybush Blend
Where to Buy: Blend Bee
Honeybush and green tea infused with fresh peach is absolutely divine hot or iced. Sip and savor the delicate peach flavor with spices like ginger and peach. This blend will brighten any day!
- *Green tea
- *Honeybush
- *Ginger
- *Cinnamon
- *Lemon peel
- *Peach flavor extract
- Lightly Caffeinated – *organic
Learn more about this tea and tea company here.
Pumpkin Spice Chai from The Tea Spot
Tea Information:
Leaf Type: Black Tea (Chai Tea)
Where to Buy: The Tea Spot
Tea Description:
Our seasonal Pumpkin Spice Chai may soon become your favorite tea to look forward to each Fall and Winter! This chai blend boasts a perfectly-balanced full leaf Assam black tea base with cinnamon, clove, cardamom, allspice, and pumpkin flavor to get you warmed up for Fall. This tea makes an amazing pumpkin latte with the simple addition of steamed milk. This seasonal treat will have you jumping in piles of rainbow-colored leaves in no time!
- Premium pumpkin spice tea
- Black tea origins: Assam, India
- 1 LB Bulk = $0.16 / Serving
- Gluten-free & Sugar-free
Ingredients: black tea, ginger root, cardamom, cinnamon, allspice, cloves, black pepper, pumpkin flavoring
Learn more about this tea here.
Taster’s Review:
It’s been too long since my last REALLY GREAT Pumpkin Chai and this Pumpkin Spice Chai from The Tea Spot is just what I was looking for! Sure the ingredients include black tea, ginger root, cardamom, cinnamon, allspice, cloves, black pepper, pumpkin flavoring…but it’s much more than that. The flavors meshed well together. Everything was powerful but nothing overpowered anything else. The pumpkin flavoring was outstanding! I make special note of this because I have had some really questionable pumpkin flavors in tea over the years but this was among the best I have had!
Pumpkin Spice Chai from The Tea Spot provided me with a complete tea experience from beginning to end! From the moment I opened the bag until long after my last sip! It smelled wonderful, it tasted exceptional, the quality of everything was top notch, and when I was done with my last sip I craved more! Needless to say Pumpkin Spice Chai from The Tea Spot didn’t last long in my tea stash!
Citrus Spice Tea From Tea Is Chi
Tea Information:
Leaf Type: Green Tea
Where to Buy: Tea is Chi
Tea Description:
A lovely blend of gunpowder green, orange, and cinnamon.
Learn more about this tea here.
Taster’s Review:
Citrus Spice Tea from Tea Is Chi is a very nicely done flavored Gunpowder Green Tea. It features both orange and/or orange peel and cinnamon flavors in with the Gunpowder Green. I will say that the flavors that were combined with the green tea base wasn’t over the top but I think that they reached the level of flavor they were going for here because I believe sometimes it can be difficult to appropriately flavor a Gunpowder Green Tea. Sometimes the flavoring on Gunpowder Green Teas that I have tried in the past are either too intense or not intense enough. Others don’t seem to mesh well with the natural smokiness of the gunpowder or Earth-tones or veggie-like notes of the green tea base. Citrus Spice Tea from Tea Is Chi seems to bust through those barricades! The orange is citrusy and semi-puckery and the cinnamon gives it a terrific contrasting kick! I find this to be a good tea to give to people who are unsure about green teas or gunpowders more specifically. This is darn tasty ICED, too! Nice Job, Tea is Chi!
Cranberry Creme Black from 52Teas
Tea Information:
Leaf Type: Black
Where to Buy: 52Teas
Tea Description:
I wanted to create a cranberry flavored black tea – but I didn’t want to go for a straightforward cranberry black tea because that’s been done. At first, I was going to go with a cranberry custard pie flavor but my initial taste tests of that blend proved to be underwhelming. So instead, I went with a cranberry tea with a creamy custard-y flavor. It has a tangy cranberry note but the edgier, tartier flavors of the cranberry are softened by the sweet, vanilla creme notes. It’s tasty!
Learn more about this tea here.
Learn about subscribing to 52Teas’ Tea of the Week program here.
Taster’s Review:
This is one of Anne’s 52Teas creations, and one I was really excited about when I saw it because I absolutely ADORE cranberry tea! This is a pretty good, simpler cranberry black tea. I really, really get a good amount of natural semi-sweet cranberry notes and that flavour gets a bit more depth from the flavour of warming cinnamon and the brisk black base, which is also just slightly malty. It’s a good, medium body and well rounded flavour. However, I when I drank this I definitely did feel like the “creme” aspect of the tea was lacking. Sure, this was SUPER tasty as a simple cranberry black tea but nothing about it was necessarily soft or silky in the way that you’d expect cream/custard/vanilla to be – and that’s definitely what Anne seems to have been trying to achieve here.
To be perfectly honest though, as someone who really likes cranberry teas I’ve tried a lot of them so the range of blends I can compare this one too is pretty large. My personal favourite is Harney & Son’s Boston Blend which _really_ nails the creamy cranberry component. However, this one does a much better job conveying the natural, realistic flavour of cranberry.
Totally worth tasting, but for the cranberry notes over the ‘creme’.
Apple & Fig Crumble Tea from Tea Blendz
Tea Information:
Leaf Type: Black Tea
Where to Buy: Tea Blendz
Tea Description:
This tea is no longer available for purchase on their site.
Learn more about this company here.
Taster’s Review:
Apple & Fig Crumble Tea from Tea Blendz is no longer available for purchase on their site but I thought it was still worth a mention especially this time of year! Apples and Figs and Crumbles…oh my! I hope I am able to sample more teas from this company because they have some really interesting flavor combos and flavor names. Here at Sororitea Sisters we drink a LOT of tea and it’s always nice to come across a name and/or flavor combo we haven’t tried before. If you are from a company that has some interesting, different, or just plain crazy ones let us know!
As for this Apple & Fig Crumble Tea from Tea Blendz it’s pretty darn tasty! In the dry loose leaf itself I can SEE the black tea leaves, the dried apples, the dried figs, and perhaps some stray cinnamon and/or cacao nibs but I could be wrong. As I continued to taste the tea I can taste a bit of cinnamon so I’m thinking my assumption is correct there! The apple, fig, crumble, and spice ratios could not be more perfect! This Apple & Fig Crumble Tea from Tea Blendz is very well done!