Chocolate Chamomile Curiosity Brew Black Oolong from Verdant Tea

chocolate-chamomile-curiosity-1588-LARGETea Information:

Leaf Type:  Black/Oolong

Where to Buy:  Verdant Tea

Tea Description:

This blend is inspired by the connection we see between fine chocolate and fine tea. Our Laoshan Black and Wuyi Big Red Robe have strong natural notes of cacao that we wanted to bring out and play with. The end result is a rich, sweet and sparkling brew that brings out the best in both the tea, supported by the cacao nibs. Marigold provides a richness that complements the sweet flavors of chamomile, cinnamon and fennel, while the mint gives just enough of a clean sparkle to counterbalance the flavor of raw cacao. Enjoy this curious brew hot or cold and add a touch of buckwheat honey for a real treat.

Learn more about this tea here.

Taster’s Review:

Thanks to my SororiTea Sister TheLastDodo for the sample! I’ve actually been quite curious about this one for a while (pun not intended), but Verdant isn’t a company I’ve had much chance to explore and I’m wary of blends with chamomile so getting the chance to try a small quantity of this one was just perfect!

The dry leaf smells faintly of milk chocolate, and has even fainter fennel and mint notes as well. I know from the ingredients list that the mint in this blend is Spearmint; but based on scent I wouldn’t be able to differentiate.

Steeped this one up hot; it’s a lot softer than I expected and very, very smooth. The chocolate is the focus here and it’s accented quite nicely by the cinnamon and the fennel which are subtle but add a delicate, sweet spicyness. The natural malt from the Laoshan Black is delicious; and the spearmint creeps in right at the finish to add a lovely, refreshing coolness. Also, thankfully, I can’t taste the chamomile!

All in all, this was a great tea! It had a rich flavour, but not an in your face one and with the chocolate and mint pairing it made me think of a really fancy, well executed tea version of an After Eight chocolate. Mmm!

Green Nightly Calm® from Twinings Tea

GreenNightlyCalmTea Information:

Leaf Type:  Green

Where to Buy: Twinings Tea USA

Tea Description:

A comforting green tea perfectly balanced with soothing chamomile, cooling spearmint and the subtle flavor of lemongrass.

Learn more about this tea here

Taster’s Review:

Ever had that kind of day that you just couldn’t wait to get home to make yourself a cuppa and veg? That is the sort of day I have been having all week.  I am ready to pop my feet up and watch some Big Bang Theory, Elementary or Daredevil with my boyfriend.

One of my favorite rituals that my boyfriend and I do is that each night I make up a pot of tea for us to enjoy while we watch our shows.  He isn’t picky.  I always ask him what he wants and he always tells me to pick something good. So tonight, I went the easy way out and threw 3 teabags into my Breville and hit the green tea option.  About 3 minutes later I was filling our mugs.

I like this one for a bagged tea.  The green tea flavor is first and foremost. It isn’t the best green tea I’ve ever had but it is decent.   It seems to have a more grassy green tea flavor profile versus the rich buttery flavor I usually enjoy.  The chamomile and lemongrass are lightly there and the spearmint is the last flavor I’m coming across. All in all it is good.  I can’t say that I will always need to have this on hand but when I come across it at the store I will probably grab a box or two.

All my boyfriend said about this one was that it tasted like Wrigley gum.  I’m not sure if that is a good thing or bad.

This is just an easy tea to make after a rough day where you don’t have the energy to make a proper pot.   And now its time to relax and watch Elementary.

Summer Solstice Herbal Tea from Tealux

SummerSolsticeTea Information:

Leaf Type:  Fruit/Herbal Tisane

Where to Buy:  Tealux

Tea Description:

Summer solstice is the name for the mythical night of the 21st of June ‘ the shortest night of the year. Midsummer is often described as a pause in-between a change in nature and provides us with the opportunity to pause for a moment in order to align ourselves with the energy changes of the natural forces. We have united the taste of ripe sun fruits and fresh herbs with the Swedish midsummer tradition of blossoms, in order to keep the rays of sun a little while longer in your cup.

Learn more about this tea here.

Taster’s Review:

It’s not quite the Summer Solstice yet, but the weather is definitely getting warmer! Perhaps that’s why this particular blend really spoke to me today. It’s hard to tell from the description exactly what you’re going to get, so I jumped right in and brewed up a cup. The first thing of note is the size of the fruit pieces contained in this blend. There are whole raspberries, generous slices of freeze-dried strawberry, and large pieces of apple, pineapple and papaya (about 1 inch square.) There are smaller pieces of hibiscus, small flakes of nettle leaves, and a scattering of sunflower blossoms. The blend as a whole is bright and colourful – very summery-looking. It smells quite rich and fruity, rather in the manner of fruit cake.

I used approximately 2 tsp of leaf, and gave it 4 minutes in boiling water. It’s by no means easy to measure, due to the large leaf size, but I did my best! The resulting liquor is golden brown, and the scent is mildly fruity – I’m picking up blackberry and coconut primarily.

To taste, the raspberry and strawberry are a lot more prominent than I thought they might be. They’re juicy and natural-tasting, sweet initially and then a little tart. The more “tropical” flavours develop in the mid-sip; a lot of coconut, a hint of pineapple, and a slight pepperiness from the papaya. It’s a slightly odd combination, like two halves of two different teas have been unexpectedly brought together. It’s not unpleasant, but the transition from summer berries to tropical fruit is a little jarring. The fruit flavours linger well into the aftertaste, and I can detect a splash of blackberry at this point. It’s tart and a little sour, but again incredibly juicy, and I could see this working well with the initial strawberry/raspberry combination. Somehow, though, it’s not quite what I wanted after the tropical explosion that preceded it.

I quite like this one, purely for it’s accurate fruit flavours and sheer juciness. It’s a great thirst quencher on a warm day. I would have preferred it to be either berry or tropical, though, rather than both. The two flavour sets aren’t a brilliant match to begin with, and nothing is gained when they have to compete with each other for dominance. Still, it’s a pleasing cup on the whole, and I can imagine it working well iced in the warmer months to come.

DigestTea from Raizana Tea Company

DigestTeaTea Information:

Leaf Type:  Herbal

Where to Buy: Raizana Tea Company

Tea Description:

You shouldn’t have eaten that monster burrito or third slice of pizza, and you’re paying for it now. Get relief from gas, bloating and sensation of fullness with DigestTea, our natural remedy for digestive problems.
DigestTea is gentle enough to soothe stomach problems in children. Raizana uses natural herbs sourced in California to provide all-natural support for gas and other digestive problems.

Learn more about this tea here.

Taster’s Review:

I have issues with eating certain kinds of food and then feeling disgusting, heavy, and bloated.  This especially happens when I have any kind of carbs.  So lately I have been doing a lot of research to see if there was some herb or tea that I could drink that would help.  That is how  I stumbled upon this company, Raizana.  They have several different kinds of herbal remedies for what “ails you”.  I don’t necessarily believe that there is a skinny tea out there but I do believe that some herbs can make you feel better.  So I decided to take a chance and pick up their sampler.

Now to be honest, I am a huge fan of herbal teas.  I love chamomile and adore lemongrass in teas.  I’m also a huge mint fan and tend to like most mint teas I come across.  The biggest reason I picked this tea up was because it had cilantro in it.  I had never even heard of a cilantro tea before.  I have a love affair with cilantro and sneak it into as many foods as I can.  The ingredients also list dill weed and passionflower.  I just had to try it!

When I popped open the bag, holy sweetness is all I can say! This definitely has a very sweet bakery smell to it which I think comes from the papaya flavoring and stevia.  I steeped this one up per their parameters and was pleasantly surprised.  This is one of the sweetest herbal teas I have ever had.  And it isn’t that artificial sweet taste.  This has an almost dessert quality to it.  Like a freshly baked treat. I don’t taste the cilantro at all but definitely pick up the minty notes and chamomile.  The lemongrass is also prevalent and letting itself be known but not in an obnoxious way.  I even tried this one iced and still had the same outcome.  A lemony baked treat. Yum!

Now to whether or not it helps with my digestion, that I really can’t say.  I have completely overhauled my diet as of late and am cutting junk food out all together, which was a major cause for a lot of my discomfort.  All I can say that this is great for when I have that sweet tooth craving and am looking forward to having this one again.

Lavender Daze Herbal Tea from M&K’s Tea Company

LavenderDazeTea Information:

Leaf Type:  Herbal Tisane

Where to Buy:  M&K’s Tea Company on Etsy

Tea Description:

Soothing lavender, sweet cinnamon, adjective ingredient! You get the idea. But this herbal infusion is a special one, with a taste that is all its own. You’ll have to try it to describe it! But, as far as we can tell, it tastes something like lavender, chamomile, licorice, and a hint of cinnamon. This blend is part of the Original 20 M&K’s Blends. Additionally, this is the first M&K’s blend officially invented.

Learn more about this tea here.

Taster’s Review:

Usually when I find a lavender tisane like this Lavender Daze Herbal Tea from M&K’s Tea Company, I expect it to be a combination of lavender and chamomile – and this is such a blend.  But what makes it different from other blends is that M&K’s didn’t stop at just lavender and chamomile.  They added honey roasted licorice root, star anise, ginger, lemon verbena and cinnamon!  Most of these ingredients are not ones you’d find in the average “nighttime” lavender and chamomile blend.

So I didn’t know what to expect with this tea.  I brewed it in my Kati Tumbler, using 1 1/2 bamboo scoops of tisane and 12 ounces of near boiling (195°F) water and steeping for 8 minutes.

As I surmised based on the list of ingredients, this isn’t the typical nighttime lavender/chamomile blend, and it certainly doesn’t taste like it either.

The licorice is really strong with this blend.  Maybe too strong.  I love licorice, but the licorice notes here overpower the other flavors a bit too much because I’m tasting mostly just licorice.  The sip starts out with a soft cinnamon-y note, and then the licorice hits and it lingers throughout the rest of the sip and into the aftertaste.

Just after I notice the cinnamon, I pick up on the subtlest of hints of lavender, ginger and citrus.  But again, they are so faint because bam!  The licorice hits and overpowers the rest of the blend.  I do taste whispers of honey, but mostly, I taste licorice.

And as I’ve said, I LOVE licorice, but I think that with this combination of ingredients and what seemed to promise a really interesting fusion of flavors, I find myself just a wee bit disappointed because I would have liked to experience a more balanced cup.

It’s good, don’t get me wrong.  If you like licorice, you’re bound to enjoy this and I am enjoying the licorice notes here.  I just think it would have been more interesting to taste more of the other components to this blend.