Tulsi Harmony from TeaFrog

Tea Information:

Leaf Type:  Herbal & Rooibos

Where to Buy:  TeaFrog

Company Description:

Tulsi Herb, Rooibos, Ginger Bits, Cinnamon, Lemon Verbena, Chamomile Blossoms, Lavender, Rose Petals

Taster’s Review:

Wow!  This is good!  Surprisingly good!

Why surprising?  Well, here’s the thing – I ordered this because it sounded different.  I liked the name.  Tulsi Harmony. But the truth of the matter is, I have only tried a couple of tulsi teas/tisanes, and while I enjoyed them quite a bit, tulsi still scares me just a little bit.

I don’t know why it scares me, it just does.

Well, hopefully this tisane will put my fears to rest and let me celebrate tulsi!  Because this is so good.

The tulsi is the strongest flavor here – and it lends a somewhat spicy character to the cup that is similar to cloves.  The ginger is very soft here, offering mere hints of its characteristic peppery nature.  The cinnamon is a little stronger, and it is a sweet yet spicy cinnamon.  These spicy notes are not over-the-top or in-your-face spicy, rather, they are quite … harmonious!

The rooibos is one flavor that is lacking in the cup.  I am not getting a lot of rooibos rather distinctive woodsy/nutty flavor.  But, as I’m not a huge fan of the woodsy flavor of rooibos, I am not missing it.

I can, however, distinguish the other flavors here – the chamomile, the lavender, the rose and the lemon verbena.  These aren’t strong contributions to the overall cup, but, I can taste subtle hints of each ingredient.  And I think that is what I like best about this tisane.  It has a complexity that is rather uncommon in tisanes.  It offers an interesting and delicious taste.  I’m very glad I decided to try this today!

Organic Better Rest Blend from Two Leaves and a Bud

Tea Information:

Leaf Type:  Herbal

Where to Buy:  Two Leaves and a Bud

Company Description:

If the sandman has passed you by, try this relaxing blend of chamomile, peppermint, hops and valerian. Lemon balm and rose hips make this herbal tea a soothing and healthy part of your bedtime ritual. Sip, sip, saw logs!

  • Finish: Slightly Sweet
  • Caffeine: NONE   Light   Moderate
  • Top note: Honey
  • Middle Note: Smooth
  • Taster’s Review:

    As I reviewed the ingredients for this tea (Lemongrass, peppermint, chamomile, orange peel, lemon balm, fennel, ginger, rose hips, anise, valerian, and hops), a couple of things stood out to me.

    First of all, this blend contains hops, and this is the first time that I’ve noticed hops being part of a tea blend – other than my own Meadow Nocturne blend (which is no longer available).   Hops is an herb that can be used to help one relax, and it is also useful in aiding digestion.  There are probably other teas out there that use hops, I just am not familiar with them.

    The second thing I noticed is that this is not only a blend that is useful in encouraging a good night’s rest, but can also be quite useful in helping soothe an upset stomach.  Not only are hops useful in this area, but peppermint and ginger are also good for digestive issues.  This would make an excellent bedtime tea for someone who might have acid reflux!

    Finally, I noticed that the blend contains fennel and anise – two of my favorite herbs.  I love the licorice-y taste of these herbs, and I like how the licorice flavor comes out in this blend.  It isn’t a strong, dominate presence, but, it is just enough to give this tea a deliciously different taste from the other “bedtime” herbal teas.

    And this IS a deliciously different bedtime herbal blend.  There is no one flavor or herb that seems to stand out above the others.  All seem to work in delightful synergy to create a very smooth, lightly sweet tasting cup that offers a sense of tranquility for not only the mind but also the body.

    I can taste gentle notes of peppermint, ginger, citrus, and licorice.  All of these flavors are tied together with a sweet, honey essence.  It is not an overly sweet flavor – it is itself rather calm and gentle, but because of the honey note, it doesn’t need sweetener – a nice bonus!  This is truly an EXCELLENT bedtime blend.

    Be sure to stop by the all-new website for Two Leaves and a Bud.  Just like this blend – it’s positively lovely!

    Eater’s Digest Tea from Karma Blends

    Tea Type: Herbal Tea

    Where To Buy: Karma Blends

    Product Description:

    Eaters Digest for Digestion


    Caffeine Free
    Contains Natural and Organic Ingredients
    Daily Use Recommended

    » When can I drink it/What is it for?

    – Anytime or For Digestion, Flatulence, Bloating, Indigestion, Constipation, Overeating, After meals daily, Early morning as a cleanser

    » What does the tea taste like?

    – Eaters digest is a mild, soothing tea with chamomile and fennel as the prominent flavors.

    » How do the ingredients work in my system?

    – The tea is a safe and thoughtful blend of carminative (herbs that expel stomach gas and relieve bloating) and digestive herbs.

    • Anise is very widely used as a stomachic and for relief of flatulence and colic.

    • Carom Seeds aid in digestion.

    • Cardamom is a tonic for the digestive system.

    • Chamomile is known to soothe digestion and relax the gastro intestinal tract.

    • Dill Seeds work well for the treatment of gas and nausea, especially from sudden changes in diet.

    • False Pepper is a stomachic and is used for flatulence, indigestion and bloating.

    • Fennel aids digestion, fights abdominal cramps and improves bad breath.

    » Are Accompaniments Recommended?

    – This tea can be sweetened using cane sugar. The taste can be enhanced with lemon and honey.

    » Is it safe for children?

    – Yes, Most ingredients in this tea are used in the preparation of gripe water for colic. This tea is safe and recommended for babies and children over 6 months.

    » Are there any warning/precautions?

    – Please consult your healthcare provider before using if you are hypersensitive to ragweed pollen. Do not use if you are pregnant or nursing.


    Tasters Review:

    I will try just about any tea or tisane at least once.  Eventho I might not usually ‘go for’ one or more of the ingredients in a tea/tisane – doesn’t mean all is lost.  I have had many wonderful teas that have included an ingredient that I thought I didn’t like (such as Chamomile or Hibiscus).  Many delightful teas and tisanes would have gone undiscovered to my palate had I not thought outside the cup and opened up my mind.  For this reason – I will usually try nearly any tea that I come across.  I’m a firm believer in “you never know unless you try”.

    At first glance, this was one of those tisanes.  I scrunched my nose and made a funny face while reading the ingredients but the first time I tried this – I was drinking it after eating some ‘heavy foods’ for lunch that day.  You know…the ones that taste really good while your eating and shortly after they hit the bottom of your stomach they just seem to sit there?  I figured it was the perfect time to try a herbal tea with the ingredients known for their digestive properties!

    I’ll be honest, at first, I was taken back by the scent!  It was Fennel, Fennel, and MORE Fennel.  And I mean REALLY Fennel to the nose!  I could also smell a good deal of Chamomile.  This was true to what the box claimed tho.

    This ‘steeps’ into a yellowish color – not too rare for an herbal, but I think the brightness of the yellow is what caught my eye.

    I’m not going to lie…at this point I was getting a little afraid about what this one was going to taste like based on the smell!  It ended up not being what I expected…but in a good way!  Much to my surprise the Fennel ‘hushed’ the Chamomile down to where it was tolerable.  After I gave it a few more sips I realized that the Fennel and Chamomile pairing joined forces to create a different sort of taste – one all of it’s own.  This impressed me!  The After taste was that of Fennel changing into the Dill.  The Dill is what seemed to linger for me.  This was very unusual but this too impressed me.

    I’m not saying that this is in my top 10 percent of all-time favorite teas but I very much appreciate the fact that it is different than any other herbal tea I have ever had before.  This is certainly worth a try.  Especially if you like Herbals or if you are looking for something with a different sort of a taste.  Another thing I would like to mention about my experience with this tisane is that I found letting it cool at room temperature for about 3 or 4 minutes made quite the difference.  The more I sipped on this the more I seemed to like it.  The more it cooled I also enjoyed it more.  I stress COOLED, tho, because I did try it cold and iced and I didn’t like it as much but cooled – just for even a few minutes – it was pretty good.

    I also like this tea because I have a lot to say about it…as you can see.  Those types always seem to interest me in one way or another.  A conversation-piece…if you will.

    I also have to point out I LOVE the name of this company and their logo!  They have a wonderful website, too!

    In closing, I just want to say that I found this tea interesting, pretty good, surprising, and impressive on many levels.  It’s different and good for you!  In my book…those components are always a plus!  If you come across this one…give it a whirl!

    Butterfly Tea from Design a Tea

    Tea Information:

    Leaf Type:  Herbal & Rooibos

    Where to Buy:  Design a Tea

    Company Description:

    A great bed time or “relaxing time” blend of herbal tea. Filled with the benefits of Chamomile and Lavender as well as that great tea Rooibos. Which we added for its antioxidant spin, not to mention the added red color it adds to the brew. Enjoy – but be prepared to be VERY relaxed and have a strong desire to cuddle after drinking it. 🙂

    Taster’s Review:

    This is a very nice, relaxing blend that is perfect to enjoy later in the evening – when you want something warm and comforting to drink but don’t want something with caffeine that might over-stimulate.

    The combination of lavender and chamomile is fast becoming a favorite of mine.  I like how these two really complement each other.  The sweet, somewhat fruity flavor of the chamomile softens the sometimes perfume-y lavender and brings out the lavender’s gentler side.  The result is a sweet, lightly floral, subtle fruit-like taste – I can taste a hint of juicy cherry as well as the natural apple-like flavor from the chamomile – that encourages a sense of tranquility.

    I was a bit hesitant with how the rooibos would behave in this blend.  Would its sometimes funky sweet flavor overwhelm the natural sweet taste from the lavender and chamomile?  Would the woodsy tone of the rooibos interfere with the lovely, peaceful flavor of the chamomile/lavender combination?

    Well, there was no need for hesitation, because the rooibos seems to be a natural companion to these two flowers.  The woodsy note of the rooibos is there, but, it doesn’t interfere, instead, what it does is add a pleasing depth of flavor to the cup.

    This is a blend that is sweet, but not too sweet.   Comforting and cozy.  Delightful!

    Chamomile from Enjoying Tea

    photo from Wikipedia

    Tea Information:

    Leaf Type:  Herbal

    Where to Buy:  Enjoying Tea

    Company Description:

    Chamomile is one of the oldest herbs still very popular around the world today. It was first used by the ancient Egyptian as medicine. Chamomile is often sipped for relief of ailments ranging from toothache to insomnia. Many people today use this herb as both a remedy to relieve anxiety and as a tisane herbal tea for enjoyment. The chamomile infusion has a floral aroma and fruity apple taste. Since it is caffeine free, it can be enjoy during any time of the day.

    Taster’s Review:

    OK, I am kind of iffy when it comes to chamomile.   I’ve liked many blends that I’ve tried that contain chamomile, but when it comes to chamomile on its own… well, I’m not usually a big fan.  Sometimes I do come across a chamomile that is pretty good – and yes, I’m saying that some chamomile is better than others.  Some tea companies seem to demolish their chamomile buds, turning the little golden blossoms into dust.  The resulting brew from the chamomile “dust” is not very good.  As a general rule:  the larger the chamomile flower, the better tasting the tisane it brews.

    I am usually very hesitant when it comes to trying plain chamomile (to the point of trying to find someone else to give it to!), and I generally cringe when I receive chamomile as a gift or a sample.  And when I received this sample from Enjoying Tea – I did cringe.  And I did hesitate when it came to trying it.

    When I opened the tin, the chamomile blossoms were fairly large and there was very little pollen-y dust.   Feeling slightly more confident, I measured out the chamomile and put it into my smart tea maker, and poured in the hot water and allowed it to steep for 6 minutes.  The liquor is a lovely golden color – and it possesses a beautiful, inviting fragrance.

    And you know what?  This isn’t bad – not at all!  The flavor is slightly fruity (similar to an apple taste) with very subtle floral notes.   It is a very serene flavor – and I do feel calmer and more relaxed as I sit here, sipping it.  It’s nice.

    As I continue on this journey as a tea drinker (which I hope will be a life-long passion!) I am discovering more and more about myself.  I am learning more about the proper way to brew teas, and in brewing teas properly, I am learning that teas that I may have thought at one time I did not like, I actually quite enjoy.  This Chamomile is an example.  I used to brew all my herbals using boiling water – only within the last two years have I discovered that most herbal teas are better when brewed at a slightly lower temperature (just below boiling).  Perhaps it was my brewing method that caused me to dislike chamomile so much.

    Because as I sit here, sipping this cup of Chamomile, I am thinking that I’m really enjoying it.  It’s actually quite good!  These are words I never thought I’d use to describe chamomile!  But there it is.  I like this Chamomile Tea!