Leaf Type: Herbal
Where to Buy: Sanctuary T
Tisane Description:
Life is crazy, so calm your nerves with this herbal blend. Take a moment just for yourself.
Learn more about this tisane here.
Taster’s Review:
Whenever I come across a tisane with chamomile, I sort of cringe. And that’s just what I did with this Serenity Herbal Tisane from Sanctuary T.
It’s not that I dislike chamomile, because, I’ve come across many a blend with chamomile in it that I’ve really enjoyed. I’ve even had pure chamomile and enjoyed it. I think the problem stems from encountering in my “pre-loose leaf” days too many chamomile tisanes that were stuffed into teabags, comprised of crushed chamomile that ended up tasting so … off. Those memories continue to plague me.
But that just isn’t fair to this tisane, because this is really so good. And the chamomile is really so … barely there. I taste it, of course, but the flavor melds with the crisp flavor of peppermint, the sweet notes of lavender, the exotic flavor of jasmine blossoms, and the buttery, citrus-y notes of lemongrass. I like how each of these flavors are represented in my cup, but, not one really emerges as an overpowering flavor. Everything is nicely balanced.
It tastes lightly minty … not mouthwash-y. The citrus tones are mostly present in the aftertaste. The jasmine and lavender taste sweet and floral without tasting perfume-ish. And the chamomile adds to that floral tone, and adds a light fruitiness to the cup that accents the citrus notes quite nicely. This is a tisane that I could drink again and again!
Lemon Dreams Tisane from 52Teas
Leaf Type: Honeybush & Herbal
Where to Buy: 52Teas
Tisane Description:
I have an odd relationship with chamomile. Chamomile is like the really cute girl that I WANT to like, but she’s so sweet and cloying that I just can’t take her seriously. You know they type: She gets you an anniversary gift for your one week anniversary; wears a t-shirt that professes her love for you and offers you the matching shirt…
I WANT to like chamomile, really I do, but it’s so sweet and heady and flowery; it’s just too much. BUT… a little bit of chamomile with a LOT of honeybush, some lemon myrtle and organic lemon flavors, THAT is a tea I can cozy up with. I hope you enjoy this blend as much as I do.
Learn more about this tisane here.
Taster’s Review:
I put off trying this Lemon Dreams Tisane from 52Teas for a while … why? Well, it’s the same ole reason … chamomile. I don’t hate chamomile. I have even been known … on occasion … to actually enjoy chamomile. But, every time I encounter a chamomile blend … there’s this little voice in my head that tells me “you won’t like it.”
Well, you know what, little voice in my head? You’re WRONG! I do like this. This is really tasty!
The honeybush offers a very pleasing sweetness to this cup, it tastes nutty and sweet with a touch of honey-like goodness. The chamomile is light and floral … and it hasn’t been overdone in this blend. There is just enough. And the lemon myrtle provides a delicious lemony note without tasting too tart. It tastes herbaceous without tasting medicinal … and it is very calming.
This is perfect for one of those nights when you’re feeling restless and something in you just isn’t ready to wind down and relax … and you’ve GOT to get some rest! After sipping on this for a little while, I feel much more relaxed … and I feel that restless spirit settling … getting ready to rest.
A really delightful, soothing blend.
Orange Blossom Chamomile from Petali Teas
Leaf Type: Herbal Tisane
Where to Buy: Amoda Tea
Tisane Description:
Ingredients: German chamomile, mint, orange peels and blossoms, malva and lemongrass.
Learn more about this tea here.
Taster’s Review:
This is the third tea that I received in my December Amoda Box (Yeah, I am behind, I
know) The other two teas that came in December’s Amoda Box were Black Tea Merlot from Vintage TeaWorks, which I did not review after receiving this box because I had reviewed it previously, and Minty Winter Wonderland from Tiesta Tea.
This Orange Blossom Chamomile from Petali Teas is a surprising blend. As I’ve mentioned before, I’m not a big fan of herbal blends, preferring teas with the leaves of the Camellia Sinensis plant, but, I must admit that I do find herbal tisanes to be a nice, caffeine free alternative for evenings. And this herbal from Petali Teas is really tasty.
When I opened the pouch, I was astonished at how good the dry leaf smelled. It smelled sweet and orange-y … reminding me a bit of orange slices (you know those jelly candies that are an orange gel that is covered in sugar? Yeah, those … that’s what this tisane smells like to me) and since I love orange slices, my mouth started watering when I first smelled this … and I started craving orange slices. Since I didn’t happen to have any in the house, I decided to brew a cup of this to see if it would help curb my craving.
Sadly, it did not curb the desire for candy, but, I will say that it is a tasty cuppa. Citrus notes are strong, and it’s not just orange that I taste. I taste hints of lemon and even a touch of lime. The orange is the strongest note, but, I like how this is almost like a citrus punch kind of flavor, rather than focusing just on the orange. I also taste a very light floral note to this.
The ingredients list peppermint, and while I don’t taste a distinct minty note that screams PEPPERMINT to me, there is a certain zesty … crisp, cool note to this that I attribute to the peppermint. That is to say … this doesn’t taste overwhelmingly minty … but there are qualities to this that are minty. Perhaps the strength of the citrus is such that it overpowers the peppermint … and for this particular tisane, that works for me, because it is … after all, called Orange Blossom Chamomile and not Peppermint Chamomile. It should be about the citrus. But I do like the minty characteristics in this blend.
Overall, I found this to be enjoyable … one I’d be happy to enjoy again.
Rest Well (Certified Organic) from Far Leaves
Leaf Type: Herbal
Where to Buy: Far Leaves
Tisane Description:
Pure herbal bliss; certified organic chamomile, peppermint, lavender, and valerian caress achy temperaments and sooth minor ailments – CAFFEINE FREE
Learn more about this tisane here.
Taster’s Review:
I always tend to be a little apprehensive when it comes to herbal infusions with chamomile, but I found the fact that this Certified Organic Rest Well infusion from Far Leaves also contains lavender and peppermint reassuring. I thought there was a good chance that I’d like this one.
And I am enjoying it. The ingredients come together in a very flavorful way. The peppermint is a strong flavor, but it is not presented in a way that tastes too minty or like someone squeezed a dab of toothpaste in my cup. It tastes smooth and comforting in the cup … it doesn’t have that typical zesty, cool peppermint taste to it here. Instead, it seems to meld with the other flavors to create a herbaceous flavor that is more soothing than medicinal.
In fact, I don’t find this to taste medicinal at all. Instead, I find it … relaxing. Everything is so nicely balanced. Floral tones are sweet without being sharp. It doesn’t taste strongly of any one ingredient. I taste notes of each without feeling overwhelmed by any of them.
This is a very nice cup to cozy up to on those nights that you find it difficult to calm down so that you can get a good night’s rest.
Xocolatl From Bird’s Eye Tea
Leaf Type: Herbal/Spice Melangé
Where to Buy: Bird’s Eye Tea
Tisane Description:
This lovely blend will get your day off to a great start or can be perfect for an afternoon pick-me-up. It satisfies a chocolate craving without overwhelming your body with processed sugars. All it takes is a little honey or agave added to the brewed tea to create a healthy treat for yourself. Calming chamomile and mints in the blend help relax and calm the nervous system while the chocolate gives its characteristic energy kick and mood boost. Rose petals were added to bring out the subtle floral character in chocolate. Chipotle powder increases circulation and adds a slight smokiness to the overall tea flavor. Cinnamon, ginger, and star anise add a dessert like quality, but also support healthy immune function.
To learn more about this tisane, click here.
To learn more about subscribing to Bird’s Eye Tea, click here.
Taster’s Review:
Recently, the SororiTea Sisters were introduced to a new tea company that is LOCAL for me – well, kind of local (the same state, anyway!) and I was so excited to learn about them! The company: Bird’s Eye Tea!
They are a subscription tea service – which means that for just $22. every month, they send a box with several different selections of teas in it. This Xocolatl is from the October box, and it is a yummy blend of raw cacao powder, chamomile, rose, mint, cinnamon, ginger, star anise, chipotle powder and roasted cacao nibs. I know, it sounds amazing, right?
Because the ingredients are so different from any other tisane that I can remember drinking, and because it LOOKS so different too, I followed the directions precisely … I even got out a measuring cup and spoon! I measured 3/4 cup of hot water to steep with 2 teaspoons of the tisane, and I steeped it for 10 minutes. Meanwhile, I heated 3/4 cup of milk, and I added the steeped liquid to the warm milk and I frothed it a bit with my handheld frothing tool. I did add a little bit of turbinado sugar to the cup just to enhance the spices, and it created the most delightful tasting cup of Xocolatl!
Oh, my… I have GOT to get some more of this! This is amazing. This tastes so much like the hot chocolate that my Latina friends would serve in their homes! Sweet and chocolate-y, but with just the right amount of warm spice. The rose offers hints of flavor and an interesting dimension to the overall cup. It isn’t too spicy, and it is a gently comforting heat rather than an invigorating spicy-hot taste. Every one of the ingredients is represented in the flavor, but at the same time, they all come together to form an amazing taste that is greater than the individual parts.
Like I said, I want more. MORE of this, please!!!