Banana Coconut Tisane from The Persimmon Tree

BananaCoconutTisane Information:

Leaf Type:  Rooibos & Herbal Tisane

Where To Buy:  The Persimmon Tree

Tisane Description:

Our Banana Coconut herbal tea is a smooth and scrumptious herbal blend of rooibos, chamomile and lemongrass with notes of ripe banana, sweet coconut, graham cracker and a hint of caramel. This caffeine-free tropical blend will put a smile on anyone’s face. Try it iced and lightly sweetened for an extra refreshing summer beverage.

Learn more about this blend here.

Taster’s Review:

I don’t always say “yummy” when I’m tasting a chamomile blend.  I don’t always say “yummy” when I’m tasting a blend made with rooibos.  So to have a blend with both these herbals in front of me and to have me say “yummy” after taking a sip seems pretty remarkable to me.  But this is indeed yummy!

And that yumminess factor has less to do with the rooibos and chamomile and more to do with the other flavors going on in this cup:  banana, coconut, caramel and even a little bit of graham cracker.

This is an interesting cup because there is a lot going on but it works.  When I read the description and saw the flavors of banana, coconut, graham cracker and caramel” I thought … oh, ok, that sounds like a yummy pie.  But then you see ingredients like lemongrass and chamomile and you think … what?  Why are those ingredients in there?

But somehow, it all works together in a very flavorful way, and without any one flavor or ingredient becoming overwhelmed by any of the others.  I taste each component of the tisane and it all tastes really good together.

The chamomile offers a very light apple-y flavor.  The chamomile works harmoniously with the honey notes of the rooibos, because I taste a hint of pollen-ish flavor from the chamomile and this melds with the rooibos to bring out the nutty, honey sweet flavor of the South African herb.  And the lemongrass is subtle here, offering a smooth, buttery note with a hint of citrus-y brightness.

Each component seems to unite with other components of the cup to bring out the best in each ingredient.  And really, that’s what you want from a tea blend – that’s the thing that makes blends so appealing is the way that each ingredient adds to the combination so that the sum is greater than the individual parts.  And this blend really succeeded in that quest!

This is a naturally caffeine-free (and guilt free!) treat that makes a perfect bedtime treat for those nights when you’re craving something sweet before you tuck in to bed.  Served warm, it’s so soothing, comforting and a delightful sweet-tooth indulgence.  It’s also tasty iced!

Chamomile from Ocean of Tea

chamomileTisane Information:

Leaf Type:  Herbal

Where to Buy:  Ocean of Tea

Tisane Description:

Hailing from the beautiful country of Egypt, chamomile tea is derived from the tiniest and prettiest chamomile flower. Delicate in nature, bright with yellow color and innocent as can be, these chamomile flowers make for a calming cup of tea. These blossoms are harvested and dried to make this delicious tea that comes to you complete with whole dried chamomile flowers. Golden in color and light in taste, this is a gentle tea for those looking for a caffeine free treat. Slightly sweet with apple undertones and floral scents, this could be the tea for someone looking for a light tea with a hint of honey. Forget the store-bought, pre-sealed packets that cannot possibly deliver the depth of flavor that this chamomile tea can. Try it for the first time, and it will be the only chamomile tea you will be hooked on. This is a caffeine free tea.

Learn more about this tisane here.

Taster’s Review:

Yeah, I’ve said it before.  I’ll probably say it again many times in the future, just as I’m saying it now:  I’m not a big fan of chamomile.  But I don’t hate it.  It’s just not my favorite of the different herbs used in herbal teas, even though it’s probably one of the most popular.

That said, I’m finding that I enjoy it the more that I drink it.  Especially when I encounter whole blossoms in loose leaf form like this Egyptian Chamomile from Ocean of Tea.  The dried chamomile flowers are large and whole, not crumbled into a powdery dust.  I find that with the whole flowers like this, the flavor is much better than the dust that you find in the tea bags on the local grocery store shelf.

This is light and sweet, with notes of crisp apple.  It’s soothing and very relaxing to sip.  And one thing I do like about chamomile is that after I’ve had a cup of chamomile tea, I feel very calm and relaxed.  I’m ready to start catching the Zzz after a warm cuppa chamomile and the best way to get that cuppa is in loose leaf like this!

To brew a cup of this Chamomile, I measured out a scoop and a half (using my bamboo scoop) into a basket infuser (like this one, also from Ocean of Tea).  I heat the water to 195°F and let the tea steep for 8 minutes.

For chamomile, I like a basket infuser like this because it fits right into my 12 ounce mug, and allows the water to filter through as if it were steeping loose, and then when it’s finished steeping, I just lift the basket out of my mug and the tea is ready to drink.  I don’t usually want a pot of tea this late in the evening because a) I probably won’t drink that much tea; and b) I’ve already cleaned the kitchen and I want to keep things as simple and I want minimal clean up for whatever it is that I’m making late at night.

This is a pretty decent cup of chamomile!  It’s simple, but when I’m looking for a bedtime drink, simple is often the best choice.

C of Tranquilitea Herbal Tisane from Good Life Tea

C_of_TranquilityTisane Information:

Leaf Type:  Fruit/Herbal Tisane

Where to Buy:  Good Life Tea

Tisane Description:

Luscious hibiscus flowers join with subtle citrus notes of lemongrass and tart rose hips. Add the superfruits and chamomile and you’ve got one bedtime immune system booster!

Learn more about this blend here.

Taster’s Review: 

If you’re a frequent reader of this blog, you’re probably well aware of my lack of enthusiasm for herbal tisanes that contain hibiscus and chamomile.  Well, this blend has both of them.  So as you can probably imagine, I wasn’t dancing the happy dance while I was brewing this.

But, it’s actually quite tasty!  A lot nicer than I expected it to be, for sure, and much tastier than I would have imagined.

This is the first tea that I’m trying from this “new-to-me” company, and along with the teas that they sent to me, they sent a letter.  In it, they described this blend this way:

This is a fruit and herbal blend.  It has a nice blueberry base with Chamomile and Lemon Grass.  The name is from a place on the moon where the Apollo landed – Sea of Tranquility.  The name is a play on words.  C is for the Vitamin C which the hibiscus and rosehips offer.  Tranquilitea is the chamomile.  It’s a great flower that promotes calmness and helps with sleep.  This is our second most popular tea.  The lemon grass is to give a nice, bright finish.  This mix contains a little bit of Amber sugar to mellow it out.

While I’m generally not crazy about teas that include sugar or sweetener, I have to admit that I’m kind of glad that the Amber sugar is there, because I think that this would be a bit too tart without it.  I’m not one who usually sweetens a tisane like this, and I know that if the sugar wasn’t there, I would have probably wanted to add a pinch of sugar to it to tame down the tartness.

That said, I do prefer to decide how much sugar I’m adding to my cup.  So, I’m kind of finding myself unsure of how I feel about this addition.  I’m glad that this wasn’t too tart when I took my first sip, but, at the same time, I’m not thrilled that sugar was added to the tisane.  But without dwelling on the subject too long, I’ll tell you about the rest of what I’m tasting…

This tisane is pleasantly sweet and fruity.  I’m liking the blueberry, and as much as I am not fond of hibiscus, I have to admit that hibiscus DOES enhance berry flavors.  And it does enhance the blueberry nicely.  I am getting the sweet blueberry flavor with a touch of berry tartness.  The lemongrass adds just a hint of citrus flavor and perks up the flavors.

I can barely taste the chamomile.  In fact, this would be the ideal blend for someone who doesn’t like chamomile but wants to drink chamomile teas for their restful/healthful properties, because like I said, the chamomile is barely noticeable as far as taste goes.

To brew this, I went with my go-to temperature of 195°F for herbals and steeped it for six minutes.  I find that six minutes was a good time – it delivered a really delicious blueberry flavor with light citrus-y notes without too much hibiscus-y taste or texture.

Overall, this is a pleasant cup of tea.  It’s soothing and sweet, with just the right level of tartness to it.   And to my surprise, as I’m typing this, I find myself becoming slightly drowsy from the tea!  That’s a big bonus in my book.

Chamomile Lemongrass Tisane from Tea of Life

chamomilelemongrassTisane Information:

Leaf Type:  Herbal

Tisane Description:

Chamomile flowers which are rich in aromatics and flavonoids blended with Lemongrass grown in the tropics to offer a drink as a carminative and to enhance appetite and help digestion.  

Enjoy this wonderful tea to a healthier life overall.

Learn more about Tea of Life and Amazon Teas here.

Taster’s Review:

As I’ve said before:  when it comes to chamomile teas and chamomile blends like this Chamomile Lemongrass Tisane from Tea of Life, I’m less than excited.  I’d just really rather drink REAL tea, you know?  Camellia Sinensis, please.  And chamomile has always held that position as one of my least favorite herbs, and every time I drink chamomile, I realize how unfair I’ve been to the herb known as chamomile.

I actually don’t hate chamomile, but, there’s just this automatic response that I seem to have that makes me think I do.  It’s kind of like that kid that thinks they don’t like broccoli, but when they actually try broccoli, it turns out that they like it.  But the next time you put broccoli on that kid’s dinner plate, chances are the kid is going to claim they don’t like it.

I guess you could say that chamomile is my broccoli.  I really do like it, but the kid in me thinks I don’t.

And this is actually really a tasty tisane.  The chamomile is the prominent flavor and it has a light, apple-like flavor that melds really nicely with the light, lemon-lime notes of the lemongrass.  I also taste a pollen-y/honey-esque note that I really am enjoying.

The lemongrass is not as discernible in this blend as I thought it would be, or as I think it should be.  I like lemongrass – I love that soft, citrus-y note.  With this tisane, though, the citrus notes seem to emerge primarily in the aftertaste.  They’re really quite soft during the sip, sitting off in the background, allowing the chamomile to come out strong.

I steeped this teabag for 10 minutes in 195°F water.  I find that with herbals, a slightly lower than boiling point is better.  The lower temperature and long steep time allows the flavors of the herbs to come forward without tasting really medicinal or coming off as bitter.  And while chamomile is often thought of as a functional herb for it’s calming properties, I still don’t want my chamomile to come off harsh tasting and medicinal.

And as I sip this, I feel myself beginning to relax, which is exactly what I want when I sip on a chamomile tisane.

Insomniac’s Dream Herbal Blend from Simple Loose Leaf

Insomniacs-DreamTea Information:

Leaf Type:  Herbal Tisane

Where to Buy:  Simple Loose Leaf

Tea Description:

This dreamy tisane blends five calming herbs into one delicious tea. Catnip and Chamomile Flowers lure the drinker into a mellow, relaxed mood, while the bright flavors of Peppermint, Lemon Balm and Lemongrass dance around their palate, resulting in a tea that is at once effective and unforgettable. But drinker beware- you may hit the pillow before finishing your cup!

Chamomile Flowers, Lemon Balm, Catnip, Lemongrass, Peppermint

Learn more about this tea here.

Learn more about Simple Loose Leaf’s Selection Club subscription program here.

Taster’s Review:

This is not necessarily a tisane I was overly excited to try as I don’t generally get all that excited about chamomile blends, but as far as chamomile blends go, this Insomniac’s Dream is enjoyable.

The light apple notes of the chamomile meld nicely with the bright lemon-y notes of the lemon balm and lemongrass and the crisp, cooling notes of peppermint to create a very palatable taste.  The catnip adds a little bit of sweetness to the cup and enhances the mint notes.

I like that the overall taste of this tisane is mellow.  Since it’s to be a blend that helps lull the drinker into a sense of peacefulness so that they can rest, the mellow flavors assist in that endeavor.  The minty notes are not too invigorating and the citrus-y notes are not overly zesty.  This cup is all about calm.

And it DOES help instill a sense of relaxation.  I feel myself starting to “chill out” from the inside out, like my muscles are starting to relax and I feel myself start to feel a little bit drowsy.  This may very well be an Insomniac’s Dream!

I like this best served hot.  I find that as it cools, the flavors seem to mute a little bit and because it’s a mellow tasting herbal tisane to begin with, you don’t want the flavors to get any more mild than they are.

This is another blend that I got with my June Sampler Box as part of the Selection Club subscription – I highly recommend subscribing to this service.  It’s a great way to get a lot of tea for a small price!  And if you want to save even more, use this code:  SISTERSELECTION25 and you’ll save 25% off when you sign up for the Selection Club.

This discount is not applicable on the retail selection of teas, and is only good for the selection club subscription.