Nature’s Candy – Coconut Chamomile from Petali Teas

Fruit is nature’s candy– a phrase I heard said by many health-nut, earth-loving parents.  But it might just be true in the case of Coconut Chamomile from Petali Teas.  I got a taste of this blend from my Amoda Tea subscription. With rainbow colors and fun shapes, this tea almost feels like a handful of candies.  It includes green kiwi pieces, pink hibiscus, red rose hips, yellow apple pieces, almost-purple cherry slices, and bright white coconut.

The fragrance of this tea blew me away as soon as I opened the bag, giving me a strong whiff of the fruity, sugary, pop of cherries and berries.  There are huge slices of dried cherries, bright curls of coconut, and the little round blossoms of chamomile.  This blend smells like sour cherry straw candy, or even a bit like traditional, pink bubblegum.  The fruit flavors are very forward, but the chamomile base and some creamy coconut help smooth out the tartness into something super sweet and relaxing.  The only downside is that this tea is best when brewed with lots of leaves, so I only got two cups out of my sample.
Part of me wants to make sure I always have this blend on hand, like the omnipresent dish of hard candies at grandma’s house.  Something simple and sweet to offer the occasional passerby that gets stuck for a while in my living room.

Here’s the scoop!

Leaf Type: Herbal
Where to Buy: Amoda Teas

A beautiful herbal tea with large pieces of fruit you almost want to eat! Floral flavours of chamomile, delightful fruit, hints of coconut and a perfectly sweet finish. Sip this in the evening and let the chamomile relax you.

Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!

Sunshine on the Shire from Living Books Nook. . . . .

There’s something about the whole “warm milk at bedtime” trope that has always appealed to me. I’m sure I read about it in my beloved Little House of the Prairie when I was a little girl, and ever since, this comforting nighttime ritual spoke the perfect amount of comfort meets romantic whimsy to my bookish heart. Nowadays, tea is most often my nighttime treat– but recently, I was inspired to combine the two (spoiler alert: with delicious results)! I received a sample of Living Book Nook’s Sunshine on the Shire recently– a tea as evocative in its name as its flavors– a simple, but well-balanced blend of chamomile and sunflower petals. I rarely reach for chamomile on its own, but paired with sweet, vanilla-honeyed coconut milk and lightly frothed (no gadgets required!), it takes the nightly cup of warm milk to a whole other level. I’ll be sleeping well tonight!

Honeyed Vanilla Sleepytime Latte: 1 c. steeped chamomile tea (I used Sunshine on the Shire) 1/4 c. milk (I used coconut for a dairy-free treats but feel free to use whatever you’d prefer) 1/4 t. vanilla extract 1/2 t. honey

Froth your milk, either using a handheld frother, or by pouring into a small mason jar, shaking until frothed, and then gently heating in the microwave. While your frothed milk settles, add your honey and vanilla to the steeped chamomile tea. Top your cup with frothed milk, curl up under a blanket with a good book, and enjoy while you settle in for a good sleep!

Here’s the scoop!

Leaf Type: Herbal
Where to Buy: Living Books Nook

This tea is  no longer available on their site but click below for what is.

Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!

Crimson the Dragon -A Great Book/Tea Duo

Today I thought I’d chat about a different product that I just love. Combining a book and tea duo in one package! What’s even better is this is a children’s book and herbal tea duo, lending me the chance to share this experience with my kids!

51ff5qbcgnl-_sx322_bo1204203200_Let’s start with the book-Crimson and the Battle of the Lonely Mountain.   I don’t want to give too much away but this book is perfect for any child whose imagination knows no limits. I would have adored this book when I was a child.   I have two boys that I thought might enjoy this book and after some bribing (they thought it was just a girl book) we sat down and read the book together. My 11 year old could have read the book on his own no problem but my 7 year old needed a bit of help.  (The book is more chapter book like without a lot of illustrations).

Overall they did enjoy the book, can’t say they would have read it on their own, but they enjoyed the story.  I loved spending and reading the book with them.  The book is well written and emits a wonderful vibe of teaching lessons through the story.  A wonderful way to talk to your kids about the importance of being kind to all.

Now to the tea. This tea is blended by one of my favorite tea companies-Mountain Witch Tea Company.  I’ve always loved their teas and was il_570xn-1032483832_e8t9super excited when I noticed this herbal tea was made by them. Crimson Tea is a lovely blend of pomegranate, hibiscus, lavender buds, rose petals, and lemon peel. The perfect way to end your day.

Brewed up at 212F and allowed to brew for about 5 minutes, this tea gives you that lovely chamomile flavor with hints of a sweet floral undertone. As the tea cools, the hibiscus does start to shine and creates a tartness that compliments the sweet floral notes nicely. If you aren’t a fan of hibiscus, you may want to drink this one down while its still warm to avoid becoming too tart.

All in all, a great herbal that will be enjoyed for many nights to come. Chamomile is a major component of the tea so if you aren’t a fan of heavy chamomile herbals, this may not be for you.

We loved enjoying the tea while we read the book. Such a great pairing! I’m excited to share this book and tea  with my fellow sisters  to see what their thoughts are!

Here’s the scoop!

Leaf Type: Children’s Book/Herbal Tea
Where to Buy: Amazon/Etsy 

Book:  The lonesome dragon, Crimson, is stranded in a cave with a wish-catching bat fairy, Flame Twig, and is determined to make the best of a bad situation. When he sheds his scales, they turn into rubies. The spirited dragon does not fit in with the other greedy dragons and misses his family. Crimson soars out into the unknown lands surrounding his cave. During his adventure, he meets other dragons, including Sparks Snorter, a clever and sly warrior dragon who lives in a cave at the bottom of the ocean, Green Smasher the Gold Hoarder, who lives in a lair near an inactive volcano, and Green Smasher’s two-headed daughter, Amethyst, who embodies the best and worst of dragon character. Unfortunately, friendship is not what Crimson finds. Soon a Princess Penelope who lives at the base of Lonely Mountain in the Castle of Contentment ventures to his lair in search of love. They become friends and get into various adventures together. Crimson gives Penelope a magical ruby necklace. Readers will delight in the adventures of Crimson and Penelope as they encounter fairies and get caught up in an epic dragon battle of greed and revenge that threatens to destroy Penelope’s Kingdom. Will Crimson win at the end and restore harmony to the townspeople? Will Crimson overcome his loneliness and find a kind soul to be a friend?

Tea:  This delicious herbal tea is the perfect way to unwind and relax. A trio of floral notes and a dash of pomegranate creates an enchanting brew. Ingredients: Chamomile, hibiscus, lavender buds, rose petals, lemon peel, natural pomegranate flavor. Sweet Treat.

A flavorful tea that has a sweet aroma, juicy, tart and bursting with flavor. A delicious option for your morning brew. Enjoy hot or iced. Wonderful alternative for your morning mug.

The Lavender is a sweet floral harmony. This tea is perfect for feeling cozy & warm any time of day.

Tea time with memory enhancing pomegranate and tart lemon. Refreshing lift to carry you through your busy afternoon. Tangy fragrant blend & delicious served over ice. Ultra calming cozy chamomile blend. Herbal blend is the perfect soothing note for weekends & rainy days. Enjoy a cup before shooting off. Nighty Night relax and go to sleep easily. Soothing Bedtime Tea feeling calm never tasted so good! Tranquility and sweet dreams!

Pomegranate adds antioxidants to a cup of tea. The Pomegranate helps aid memory retention so it’s also a great tool for those studying or who need to remember lots of facts! Soothing to calm your mind & relax your body so you can get a great night’s sleep.

Liquid Luck from Friday Tea

liquidluckTea Information:

Leaf Type:  Herbal

Where to Buy: Friday Tea

Tea Description:

This golden brew is one of Tea Girl’s finest! A magical tisane that reminds us of a peach orchard at the height of summer. Warm, fruity, herby, and slightly spiced. Definitely a favorite hot or iced!

Ingredients: Peach, apple, orange, cinnamon, chamomile, blue cornflower

Learn more about this tea here.

Taster’s Review:

I have been wanting to try Friday Tea’s offerings for a while. And to my delight the other day I received a box from them thru a gift exchange I recently participated in.

This tea was the first one I had to try.  A lovely herbal blend of peaches, apple, orange cinnamon, chamomile, and blue cornflower. The tea itself was gorgeous to look at and smelled amazingly fruity .  I couldn’t wait to brew the tea up.

Steeped in water that was fresh boiled and allowed to sit for a few minutes, this tea was amazingly fruity, vibrant and delicious.  You first get a lovely base of the peaches with notes of cinnamon giving the tea a bit of a spiced kick, but a gentle kick.  The chamomile comes in next providing the blend with an almost baked dessert feeling and taste.  Each sip finishes off with a lush citrus note that lovingly completes the tea.

What I am trying to say, is this tea is dynamite! One of the better herbal teas I’ve had in a while and one that is impressive from the first sip. I’m on my second infusion and this tea is continuing to give this really bright and vibrant peachy flavor.   I can just imagine making this into a cold brew or as an iced tea.  This is one of those teas that will be amazing (I bet) anyway you prep it.

I’m excited to dig into the rest of the box to see what other lovely teas I have from them. I see a possible order in my future! Friday Tea offers quite a few unique teas that I can’t wait to check out.

Dark Forest from The Jasmine Pearl Tea

DarkForestTea Information:

Leaf Type:  Herbal

Where to Buy: The Jasmine Pearl Tea Company

Tea Description:

A great coffee alternative! Smooth dark and rich this blend of chicory, cacao, cinnamon and many other delicious herbs create a satisfying brew for morning or afternoon. Due to the presence of cacao nibs, which contain caffeine, don’t drink Dark Forest near bedtime.

Learn more about this tea here.

Taster’s Review:

I have loved every tea that I have tried from The Jasmine Pearl Tea Company.  Their teas are delicious and just knock your socks off sort of fantastic. This particular blend I am trying is their Dark Forest Herbal Tea. Now the description from what the tea consists of online and what I have in hand is different so I think they may have changed up the formula. The blend I have consists of chamomile, ginger, eucalyptus, lemon myrtle, and peppermint.

To begin with, I am not a huge ginger fan. I do like it on occasion but it isn’t my favorite. I know ginger is great for the body so I will drink ginger teas and even enjoy it in food every once in a while, but I do not go searching for it.

So let’s talk about the journey it was to actually drink this tea. First off, I dropped the bag and half of the contents fell out. Ugh.  I boiled the water and forgot about it. Boo. And I measured way too water for my new Doctor Who mug and I had tea all over my desk (I used a gravitea steeper).  Yep.  It seemed like this tea was doomed from the start. By the time I was able to take a drink of this tea I was ready!

The dry leaf reminded me of a sweet pumpkin spice bar.  The mixture just smelled heavenly. I prepped my water and allowed the tea to steep for about 5 minutes.  And I would recommend that being the time you allow the tea to steep if aren’t a fan of ginger like me. I have a feeling any long than that and the ginger would overtake the tea.

My first sip of this tea and I was surprised and how lovely it was.  I was afraid the ginger would overpower and leave the rest of the flavors behind but that wasn’t the case at all.  Each flavor was noticeable at different times and mingled together so nicely.  The ginger was light but there to spice the tea up, the lemon myrtle provided a bit of that citrus undertone, the chamomile was giving the tea a familiar herbal feel to it and the peppermint gave the tea a fresh flavor.  Really well done. Who would have thought those ingredients would make such a lovely herbal?

As delicious as this was, the new upgraded blend sounds just as good! I’m going  to have to try that one soon!

Another impressive tea from The Jasmine Pearl!