Tea Information:
Leaf Type: Black Tea
Where to Buy: Upton Tea
Tea Description:
A proprietary blend of Ceylon teas created to mimic the style of tea produced in Turkey, which is rarely, if ever, exported. The bold leaves have the faint aroma of vanilla which is also present in the creamy-smooth cup. Infuse for 4-5 minutes to drink straight, or longer if the addition of milk is preferred.
Sri LankaSteeping Suggestions:
Leaf Quantity: 2¼ g/cup
Water Temp: 212° (boiling)
Steep Time: 4-5 min.
Learn more about this tea here.
Taster’s Review:
Turkish Style Blend Tea from Upton Tea is a Ceylon Tea of a more gentle to medium strength black tea. I think it’s ideal to have on hand for black tea newbies. It could make a nice staple to your tea cabinet and/or gentle black tea base to other blends.
Turkish Style Blend Tea from Upton Tea has smaller to medium length leaves and has a subtle crusty aroma to it once infused. It’s medium dark in color once infused, too. The aftertaste is fairly smooth for an unflavored black tea.
This Ceylon Turkish Style Blend Tea from Upton Tea would please the masses!
Organic Ceylon from Utopia Tea

Tea Information:
Leaf Type: Black, Ceylon
Where to Buy: Utopia Tea
Tea Description:
Want a delightful afternoon treat? Try our USDA Certified Organic Ceylon! This aromatic tea with honey-chocolate notes has a medium body and a robust character. Black tea contains a large amount of antioxidant compounds called polyphenols that aid in fighting harmful diseases while protecting the body. Black tea is also known to strengthen the immune system, lower cholesterol, and protect teeth and bones. Small amounts of calcium, manganese, and potassium have also been found in black tea. Try this tea hot or over ice!
Learn more about this tea here.
Taster’s Review:
This is a nice basic Ceylon. I love that it’s organic!
It has some honey notes to it and a light cocoa flavor.
There is also little bit of a malty note.
Its nothing that will blow your mind with flavors but it is a rock solid morning or afternoon black tea that I appreciate greatly! It has just enough flavor to make it special, without being overdone.
I can see how this would make a stellar iced tea as well.
Usually in the morning I am reaching for something basic, something black, something with good flavor but not necessarily a flavored tea. I find Organic Ceylon from Utopia tea to be one of those teas I have been reaching for to fit the bill. It has nice characteristics that I look for in a black, is robust enough to start my day, and seems to awaken me nicely. On the other hand I feel it is a fitting afternoon tea as well because it keeps you alert without jitteriness, and also has some soothing flavor notes to curb any hunger pangs to help get you through to the evening. It is a smooth black with no bitterness or astringency.
The honey notes and cocoa notes are really quite perfect and I have not ever felt the need to add anything to this tea.
While I can’t say that it takes me away to some place in my mind or evokes any specific thought or feeling, which I do love in a tea, what this does instead is helps me stay focused on what I need to do in the now. Its straight forward and sometimes that helps a lot – especially for me in the morning.
Blue Unicorn from Shanti Tea
Where To Buy: Shanti Tea
Product Description:
A rare hand-crafted designer Ceylon tea, medium-bodied.
From the famous Biodynamic & Fair Trade Idulgashinna Tea Garden come these visually captivating spears of cassis, cinnamon, gold, and silver tips, resembling the mythical unicorn’s horn. This hand crafted tea is carefully hand-rolled and twisted into spears. Each finished cluster is slightly more than 1 inch in length. These partially fermented leaves produce a delicate, pale liquor that is exceptionally sweet and clean, with champagne undertones. The tea can be steeped multiple times, each revealing new complexities.
Tasters Review:
I’ve collected unicorns since I was 3. Anything from collectibles and figurines to logo-ed items and ANYTHING in between. So when I saw that Shanti Tea had an Oolong Tea named Blue Unicorn…I HAD TO HAVE IT! And I am so glad I chose it!! It’s truly amazing!
The first time I tried this – I infused 3 “horns” as suggested. The pre-infusion scent is completely different than the during and post-infusion scent! The Pre-Infusion is more of a Sweet/Floral, During Infusion it’s a Floral/Semi-Sugary type, and the Post is more of a Sweet Honey/Candied type aroma.
I also noticed this is a VERY hefty handcrafted leaf! Surely to live up to multiple infusions!
My first response to my first sip was…WOW. My 2nd response was…YAY!
Oh my! What a treat! This is VERY unique! VERY Sweet and Juicy! It’s Clean and Crisp! Very Champagne-Like! Almost fruity but I am not sure what kind of fruit to compare it to upon my first attempt and first infusion.
Like I said…these ‘horns’ or leaves were screaming multiple infusions, so I gladly obliged.
I used the same ‘horns’ in my 2nd infusion. I infused for 9 minutes (did 7 the first time).
The 2nd infusion smelled much more peachy! A VERY awesome scent! It was sweeter and juicier and more champagne-like! The color was pretty much the same…a lovely yellow-orange-light brown.
As for my 3rd infusion…I used the same 3 pieces and infused for approx 11 to 12 minutes. The color was a littler lighter. The scent was Peachy and Floral and Pleasant…not as Peachy as the 2nd infusion tho.
The ‘horns’ were continuing to morph but still played games with me – egging me on to continue to play with them! They look to still have more infusions left. NOW it’s become a challenge…a game…
The taste…Fruity (slightly peachy) – not as peachy as the 2nd infusion. Along with floral notes…blossoms, perhaps.
AND that was just my first attempt with multiple infusions. I have much more fun with this Blue Unicorn since opening the tin! Here is how other attempts have turned out…
I used 5 ‘horns’ and the first infusion at 4 Minutes turned out like this…
The color post-infusion is very honey-like. The horns haven’t really unfurled but that just means more infusions in my book so I am totally ok with that! It smells more like silver tips this time around…I’m not picking up on the peach like my last go-around…It has a refreshing aftertaste…juicy!
2nd Infusion – same 5 Horns – 7 minutes I found the same coloring and scent – scent a tad sweeter that first infusion. The taste changed to more of a sweet-floral with juicy fruity tones but not overly identifiable as to switch fruit(s). It’s VERY Smooth. It seems I get a new surprise with each cup!
I have successfully done 4 flavorful infusions of this and a VERY HAPPY with the outcome. Very few teas make it to my 100 percentile list but this one has! I can safely say this is one of my all-time-favorite teas!
Just goes to show you…UNICORNS…they really ARE magical!