Leaf Type: Black
Where to Buy: 52Teas
Tea Description:
Our newest Tea of the Week is a Turtle Cheesecake flavored black tea. We combined premium black teas, organic roasted cacao nibs, pecans and organic flavors to create a cup of awesome. This tea is vegan-friendly! Our Cheesecake teas never last long, so get yours today.
Learn more about this blend here.
Learn more about Zoomdweebie’s fundraising campaign to reopen the Tea Bar here. (There are only a few days left to contribute!)
Taster’s Review:
OK … I was pretty much jumping for joy when the tea for the week of September 2nd from 52Teas was announced. Turtle Cheesecake Flavored Black Tea? Um … yes, please!
The aroma when I opened the package immediately enchanted this chocoholic. I could smell the notes of the roasted cacao nibs, and hints of nutty goodness from the pecans. It smelled sweet and my mouth started watering at that very moment.
Now that the tea is brewed, I can still smell the chocolate and the pecans, but, I also smell caramel! Mmm! There is also a note of earthiness from the black tea base.
The black tea is rich and substantial. It provides a nice, full taste on the tongue … a very satisfying flavor. It is a little bit sweet and a little bit earthy. There are notes of malt to the flavor as well, and these notes accentuate the caramel flavoring.
This is a really delicious tea … but, right now, it’s still quite hot, and I’m thinking it needs a couple of minutes to allow the flavors to develop. Right now as the tea is piping hot, it is almost as though there is just too much going on to be able to really focus on individual flavor profiles … so … I’ll allow it a few minutes to cool down just a bit.
After a few minutes cool time, the flavors really DO develop. Now I can taste not only the black tea notes, but, also the chocolate, the caramel and the pecan … as well as the tangy cheesecake!
The chocolate is delicious, but as a chocoholic, I find myself wanting a little bit more chocolate in this. It’s delicious as it is … but more chocolate is always better. Ha! I was just imagining myself as an assistant to Frank during the blending process of these teas. I’d be adding more cacao nibs when his back was turned.
When the tea cools to a point of still being warm but not what I’d call “hot” I notice more cheesecake flavor. It is tangy, smooth and rich. Sometimes, I swear I could even taste a hint of buttery pastry for the crust. The caramel has notes of “burnt sugar” to it and I like it, because it’s a slightly bitter intonation and it adds an interesting taste to the cup.
In one sip, I taste notes of toasted pecans, sweet caramel, rich cheesecake and decadent chocolate notes … as well as a solid background of black tea flavor. I like that I taste all of these things … and they are very harmonious. The key with this tea really is patience, because when sipped after it’s been poured from the teapot – when it’s at its hottest temperature – the flavors are a little bit muddy. But, allow the tea to cool to a drinkable temperature and the flavors really come out.
This is a very tasty tea!
Caramel Cocoa Loco Tea Blend from Kally Tea
Tea Information:
Leaf Type: Green Tea & Rooibos
Where to Buy: Kally Tea
Tea Description:
We’re loco for Caramel Cocoa Loco! Guess we couldn’t decide what direction to go to with this one! Japanese green tea, Chinese green tea, Organic Rooibos, all mixed with a little roasted cocoa beans, hand crafted chewy caramel, and to top it all off, a little toasted sweet brown rice. Woo-Hoo!
Learn more about this tea here.
Taster’s Review:
When I first read about this tea, I thought that this would be a tea that I’d prefer served hot … because usually I find that chocolate-y teas are tastier hot than chilled. However, I drank about a half a cup of this hot, and then it cooled off, and I’m finding that I like this one better when it’s cool! This Caramel Cocoa Loco Tea Blend from Kally Teas makes a really tasty and unique iced tea!
When the tea was hot, I didn’t get quite as much chocolate-y flavor as I would have liked (I rarely get as much chocolate flavor as I would like to … but that’s another issue all together!) but as the tea cooled, the chocolate-y tones really POP. As a cold drink, I can taste the chocolate very distinctly, and the caramel notes come through quite nicely as well.
I don’t taste a whole lot of green tea here, though. Oh, the green tea is there, certainly, and I do taste it. But I taste more of the nutty rooibos than I do the sweet, vegetative notes of green tea. The nutty tones of the rooibos seem a natural fit with the caramel and cocoa notes.
I also taste the “genmai” from the genmaicha, and I like the way the roasty-toasty taste enhances the chocolate and caramel notes, and it may be the toasted rice that highlights the natural nutty notes of the rooibos. Ordinarily, I’d be wanting less rooibos taste … but here it’s working for me. These components work very well together to create a very luscious taste.
Overall, a very enjoyable tea … but this is one that I prefer iced versus hot. A tasty, sweet refresher!
Caramel Vanilla Assam Tea from Butiki Teas
Tea Information:
Leaf Type: Black
Where to Buy: Butiki Teas
Tea Description:
Caramel Vanilla Assam pairs our Premium Taiwanese Assam with rich caramel and soft vanilla. The caramel and vanilla notes meld with the tea and almost taste as though they are naturally part of the Assam. Cacao, raisin, and citrus notes can also be detected in this smooth and malty tea. Add a little sugar for a decadent caramel vanilla dessert.
Learn more about this tea here.
Taster’s Review:
Mmm! Mmm! Mmm! This Caramel Vanilla Assam Tea from Butiki Teas is really YUMMY!
I am finding myself in full agreement with the above description … the caramel and vanilla notes DO meld with this tea in such a way that they taste as though they are naturally part of the Assam. Really, these flavors just add to the richness of the tea … giving it a more satisfying roundness, and accentuating the lovely natural sweetness of the Assam. Notes of raisin, freshly baked cookies (you know the caramelized edges of the cookie? Yeah, that part!), hints of chocolate and slight notes of earth are noted. Toward the finish, I pick up on a slight fruit note peeking though.
The Assam base here is Butiki Teas’ Taiwanese Assam which I have not yet tried “pure” or on its own but after tasting this tea, I realize that I need to add it to my next order with Butiki Teas so that I can try it, because I’m really enjoying this Assam. It is rich and smooth, malty and robust … and I taste less of that “hint” of bitterness that often comes through with an Assam. It is mildly astringent, but again, I am noticing less astringency here than I would normally notice with an Assam.
I like the way the Assam assimilates with the flavors of caramel and vanilla. It is sweet and comforting … it’s one of those “cozy” kind of tastes that you want to curl up to after a trying day … or if you just want to start off the day by assuaging your sweet tooth, this tea will get your blood pumping and satiate the sweet tooth too! It would make a great latte too, although I find it most satisfying as a straight up cuppa … it doesn’t need anything else!
And NOW through July 6th … this tea is on SALE at Butiki Teas! Caramel Vanilla Assam is now 24% off until July 6th, that’s just $6.25 an ounce!
PRODUCT REVIEW: Citrus Earl Grey Caramels from Bad Girl Chocolates
Learn about Bad Girl Chocolates on their Facebook Page.
Product Description:
These little beauties are our latest creation – Citrus Earl Grey Tea Caramels. We made them for our newest friend Amoda Tea.
Bad Girl won’t be selling these delicious caramels ourselves, so the only way to get them is to hop on over to Amoda Tea and subscribe to their subscription tea service this month.
(Note: these were in the May Tea Tasting Box from Amoda Tea)
Taster’s Review:
As I mentioned in my Rooibos Chocolate Tisane from Forsman Tea company review, May’s tea tasting box from Amoda Tea is my favorite box that I’ve received from them thus far. But really, I’ve enjoyed just about every box I’ve gotten from them. It’s a lot of fun to receive the subscription box, too! To learn more about subscribing, click here.
One of the reasons why I enjoyed this box so much is that in addition to three really great teas/tisanes, there were four tasty caramels from Bad Girl Chocolates. These caramels were infused with the Citrus Earl Grey tea from Naked Teas Galore – which was featured in Amoda’s April Tea Tasting Box. And I have a sweet tooth, so, one of the easiest ways for a tea company to make me happy is to add sweets to the box when they ship something to me.
These caramels are smooth and creamy and caramel-y delicious. The Citrus Earl Grey tea notes are subtle at first, but as I continue to allow the flavors of the chewy caramel to develop on my palate, I notice more of the citrus-y, bergamot-y flavor, with notes of black tea in the background. The tea adds a nice depth of flavor to the caramel.
Absolutely YUMMY! Thank you, Amoda Tea, for this lovely Mother’s Day “gift” inclusion in my May box! I wouldn’t be sad if there were more in my June box, because I want more!
Caramel Flavored Black Tea Matcha from Red Leaf Tea
Tea Information:
Leaf Type: Black Tea (Matcha)
Where to Buy: Red Leaf Tea
Tea Description:
For those with an unrepentant and unwavering sweet tooth, there is no better tea than sweet caramel matcha. This fine tea blends the eastern traditions of matcha with the modern caramel flavor to brew a delectable tea that is sweet to take as a mid-morning snack, before lunch aperitif or after dinner relaxing drink. The toned-down caramel matcha is ideal for those who need a sweet tea without adding any extra sugar.
Learn more about this flavored Matcha here.
Taster’s Review:
Do you ever have one of those kind of mornings where it feels like no matter what kind of tea you drink, you just aren’t going to be awake or alert enough to get going on the things you need to get done? I’m having one of those days, so I decided to take a break and have a Matcha latte … but not just any Matcha latte. I used this Caramel Flavored Black Tea Matcha from Red Leaf Tea. YUM!
The base of this Matcha uses a bold, rich, malty tasting black tea which is powdered in the same way that green tea Matcha is powdered. The result is a very ENERGIZING powdered tea leaf. This has the gusto I need today! I’ll be bouncing off the walls in NO time! haha!
I know I’ve said how much I love Red Leaf Tea’s flavored Matcha selections before … I love the versatility. This tea exemplifies that versatility. Instead of the green tea, I chose black tea, and instead of a moderate level of flavoring, I chose a robust flavoring because black tea tends to be stronger than green tea … and I wanted to taste the caramel! And for this flavored Matcha, my selections have proved to be right on target.
I am getting a delicious, creamy caramel flavor – sweet and decadent! And together with the black tea … the malty tones of the black tea meld beautifully with the caramel notes. I think I just may like this black tea Matcha flavored with the caramel better than the green tea Matcha flavored with the caramel! (But both are absolutely amazing!) I am loving how the black tea works so well with the caramel notes.
To make my Matcha latte, I used a 1:1 ratio of milk and water. I brought the water to a gentle boil, and poured the water over my pre-measured and sifted Matcha (Red Leaf Tea now pre-sifts the Matcha for you, saving you this step!) and then I whisk it until the tea is completely incorporated in the water (it’s rather thick at this point!) Then I add the steamed milk, and I use my hand-held frother to whisk the milk into the already whisked Matcha. (I don’t like to use my chasen to whisk milk into my Matcha as I fear that this can encourage bacteria.) Once the tea is fully incorporated into both the milk and the water, I enjoy! It is sweet, creamy and sinfully delicious! You don’t have to use milk, of course, you can just use this Caramel Flavored Black Tea Matcha to make Matcha in the traditional way … but I like the way the milk enhances the creamy notes of the caramel.
However you decide to serve it, this Matcha flavor is a winner! Definitely one of my favorites!