Chocolate Chai from California Tea House. . . . .

This herbal blend is a lovely cross between chai and hot chocolate.

The chai is a non-aggressive but still flavorful blend of spices, including chicory root pieces, cardamom blooms, fresh-cut ginger root, whole cloves and peppercorns.

The chocolate side of the blend is cocoa nibs, white chocolate pieces, and orange peels.

I drank this straight (no milk/sugar/honey) and found it to be totally sweet. Both literally and figuratively (“sweet, maaaaaaaaaaaan”).

It’s also, because it’s decaf, a great drink to give to a kid. My best friend’s daughter is always floating around, asking to have my tea, but the last thing a 3-year-old needs is more caffeine. I could make her a cup of this, and she’d be in love.

And I’d be a responsible adult, for once. Who knew hot chocolate would be the thing to do it?

Here’s the scoop!

Leaf Type:  Herbal
Where to Buy:  California Tea House

Do you like Chocolate Tea? This is hot, spicy Chocolate Chai herbal tea… need we say more? Here’s the more: We used USDA Organic cocoa nibs, white chocolate pieces, orange peels, chicory root pieces, cardamom blooms, fresh-cut ginger root, whole cloves and peppercorns. Perfect as is or if you’re really getting frisky, add some milk and sugar. Buy Chocolate Tea with our 100% satisfaction guarantee

Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!