Tea Type: Black Tea & Rooibos Blend
Where To Buy: Tea Addiction
Product Description:
Ingredients: Black tea, rooibos, cacao nibs, coconut, apple, and vanilla flavoring. A unique blend of coconut scented black tea, smooth rooibos, cacao nibs, vanilla, and apple make Bountiful Black most pleasing to the palate.
The flavor is rich and sumptuous. Trust us when we say you’ll enjoy every delightful sip.
Tea Fact: Because Bountiful Black contains black tea, it also has caffeine. However, if you like the flavor of both black and rooibos tea you’re going to love these two blended together.
Tasters Review:
First I want to say that the name of this company is pure genius! With the 2nd most popular (only to water) beverage world-wide being tea – we all know there are TEA ADDICTS out there…and two of them are right here at SororiTEA Sisters!
Bountiful Black Tea from Tea Addiction is nice and sweet and smooth and dessert like! The Chocolate isn’t overly noticeable but this is darned tasty!
The Coconut and Vanilla as well as the apple bits seems to play more of a part here – but I think this tea is just DANDY!
Cacao Nibs from Supple Skin Boutique
Where To Buy: Supple Skin Boutique
Product Description:
Cacao Nibs organic and fair trade (1oz)
Large cut pieces are ideal for herbal tea. Steep 1 tsp in cup of hot water 2-5 minutes.
Add to your favorite tea or herb for a unique flavor. Couples well with teas, peppermint, lemongrass and spearmint. Preferred alternative to sugary children’s drinks. Add to spearmint and stevia for kids.
Cacao beans and nibs contain a number of components that have been proven beneficial in research. Many of these constituents are destroyed or lessened by processing (i.e. milk chocolate is not as healthy as dark chocolate which is not as healthy as unprocessed cacao). For this reason health practitioners recommend that anyone interested in eating cacao for its health benefits use raw, unprocessed cacao beans and nibs rather than processed chocolate.Warnings: Anyone with a sensitivity to chocolate should avoid eating cacao beans or nibs. The active polyphenols and other substances in cacao can trigger migraines and cause other allergic reactions in sensitive people.
This information is for educational purposes only and has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Tasters Review:
When I got these Cacao Nibs from Supple Skin Boutique I was a little puzzled. I have never drank them straight-up or stand alone before. I have been eye balling them tho because the aroma is heavenly! They smell like pure dark(er) chocolate! Marvelous!
I decided to try them stand alone at first just to see what they did taste like by themselves!
I was amazed at how light these infused…it’s a paler-light yellow color with a bit of texture to it. I went with the 4-5 minute infusion method that it suggested. After infusing it still smelled like chocolate – not nearly as intense as prior to steeping but still noticeably-so. There was a cookie-like hint of a smell underneath, too, and I like that!
If one was going to experiment and do their own blends this would be perfect to add in the mix! It’s so pure! It’s Raw! And in simple, organic form!
As for the taste…it’s more subtle than I thought it would be based on the aroma when I first opened the bag! It was a little brothy…which was a surprise…but it did taste delicious! There was a hint of sweetness trying to hide but there is a wonderful darker-cocoa taste that also seems to have a slight woodsiness to it, too, as well as creamy!
I’m eager to try other ingredients with this such as different kinds of tea or herbs – I think it would just be fun to experiment with!
This is a high quality product that is available for a nice price! I can think of several things to do with this beauties!
Cocoa Cardamom Seduction Tea from Talbott Teas
Where To Buy: Talbott Teas
Product Description:
Product Description: Real chocolate draws your eye. The scent of exotic spices pulls you closer. By the time you taste this rich and complex black tea, you’ve already fallen in love.
All natural premium ingredients: Full-leaf black tea, cacao nibs, cinnamon, cardamom, almonds, natural chocolate, almond and cinnamon flavors.
Tasters Review:
If any of you are Oprah Fans then you may have seen Talbott Teas featured on today’s Oprah Show. It was a Very Special SURPRISE Day Two of Oprah’s Favorite Things and our friends over at Talbott Teas were featured smack-dab in the middle of the show!
Here at SororiTEA Sisters we have posted many Talbott Tea Reviews and we have more on tap this week to celebrate their teas being featured on Oprah!
Today I would like to share one of my favorites from Talbott Teas called Cocoa Cardamom Seduction!
The name of this drives me wild! Mission Accomplished, I suppose!
I can clearly see ALL of the described ingredients! I can’t stop sniffing this! It’s AWESOME…It’s like a Chocolate Peanut Butter type smell. I have been smelling it over and over again.
The first sip I really did notice the cardamom but I think that was the idea of the whole thing, right!? I mean, hence – the name!? Anyhow…I continued to sip and certainly picked up on both the Almond and the Cocoa. The cinnamon and cardamom pair together as they should and the pairing jumps up in front of the line but the Chocolate/Almond taste isn’t too far behind. The color of the tea liquid is a light-medium brown.
I’ve had this tea several times and each cup is a tad different. I have tried picking out more almonds some times and less cardamom other times just to taste the difference. Each cup is a wonderful adventure, regardless!
If you are a new reader of our blog you may or may not know that I drink all of my teas plain with no additives. If you are the type of person who enjoys sweetener or cream in their tea I will have you know that a good online friend of mine who also happens to be a tea freak says that by adding cream and sugar to this it is much more dessert-like and is a “very rich, cocoa-flavored tea with a taste of cardamom and a light hint of cinnamon.”
So which ever way you enjoy your tea – make sure you make room for Cocoa Cardamom Seduction from Talbott Teas…as seen on Oprah’s Favorite Things earlier today!
Congrats to Talbott Teas for making it to Oprah’s Favorite Things! And two thumbs up to Oprah for highlighting TEA on her show!
Stay tuned for more Talbott Tea Reviews this week right here at SororiTEAsisters.com!
Achieve Mint Tea from Teaquilibrium
Where To Buy: Teaquilibrium
Product Description:
What do you seek to achieve? Better health? Deeper relaxation? Pure bliss? Or simply a cup of tea that delights your taste buds and makes you smile? This Teaquilibrium customer favorite combines antioxidant rich rooibos, refreshing peppermint and pure cacao reminiscent of a minty chocolate dessert.
Try Achieve Mint tea after a meal— it is very satisfying to your sweet tooth without the calories.
With raw cacao, one of the highest natural sources of antioxidants you can enjoy this tasty tea guilt-free!organically grown ingredients: rooibos, peppermint, cacao nibs, natural chocolate flavor
benefits: antioxidant rich, relaxing, promotes bliss
no caffeine
Tasters Review:
What an awesome aroma!!!! Mint, Chocolate, Rooibos to perfection! This is the very first time I have ever tried a tea/tisane from Teaquilibrium and I must say I am excited and impressed!
This infuses quite dark! By looking at the liquid it almost looks like a black tea but it’s actually a Rooibos/Herbal!
The taste is out of this world! There is a surprising smoothness – perhaps from the chocolate – but it’s very minty and chocolaty-sweet too! The Rooibos is a nice touch but the stereotypical Rooibos taste is NOT in the forefront! It’s everything else that makes this special! If you haven’t had much luck with flavored Rooibos and you like mint and chocolate – try this! This just may change the way you look at flavored Rooibos!
I’m totally loving this! Mission Accomplished…or should I say What An “AchieveMINT”!
Caramel Sundae Escape from Talbott Teas
Where To Buy: Talbott Teas
Product Description:
Product Description: You ease into the first sip. Real caramel. You slide into the second. Real cocoa. With the addition of milk and sugar, you instinctively reach for a spoon.
All natural premium ingredients: Full-leaf black tea, cacao nibs, caramel pieces & natural vanilla flavor.
Tasters Review:
Caramel. Let’s have a little chat about it, shall we!? I like caramel but I wouldn’t call myself a caramel Fanatic, you know!? BUT I have found that I am REALLY liking more and more teas with Caramel IN them! The Caramel is TOP NOTCH! It’s incredibly sweet and smooth and sugary! I think it really contributes to the overall dessert flavor of this tea! The vanilla is slight but also helps with the creaminess. The chocolate is yummy, semi-sweet, and is perfect with the other flavors in this tea!
I really LOVE this one! Another winner from Talbott Teas! They are quickly becoming one of my favorite overall Tea Companies!