English Breakfast from Rishi Tea. . . .

There’s something about English Breakfast tea that’s like coming home to me. It hasn’t always been that way– in fact, let me take you on a brief history of Mary’s Experiences with English Breakfast Tea (abridged).

5th grade: to celebrate the end of a history unit on the Boston Tea Party, Mary’s teacher throws a traditional British cream tea party, whilst wearing a giant pink satin hoop-skirt-dress and powdered wig. Mary tries to sip black tea with milk and sugar and promptly gags. End of attempts at caffeinated black tea for many years to come.

(brief interlude, in which Mary begins to drinks herbals and green teas and becomes obsessed, but still won’t touch black tea with a ten foot pole. Ah, such wasted time!)

Junior year of college: Mary goes to England to study abroad. On first full night in town, students are treated to a traditional cream tea welcome party. Mary eats finger sandwiches. (Verdict: delicious.) Mary tentatively pours a cuppa. Mary adds milk and sugar because monkey see, monkey do. Mary takes a sip. Decides nope, still not a fan. Two days later, Mary starts her internship, and boss makes her a cup of tea during break because this is what all Brits do, right? And who is Mary to buck tradition? Sip. Sip sip. Siiiiip. WHOA. This is really good. PROMPTLY OBSESSED. Never goes back.

The end!

I know. Great story, yes? All of this to say, my past with English Breakfast tea is storied and vast. And every time I try a new good one, I’m brought right back to those formative moments. This one from Rishi is no exception– rich and malty, it takes milk and sweet perfectly, it’s well-balanced and rounded out, with no obvious acidity. Is it a life-changer? Probably not. But is it comforting, reminiscent of good things, warm and delicious and just what I hoped it’d be? Yup. Just like home.

Here’s the scoop!

Leaf Type:  Black
Where to Buy:  Rishi Tea

What makes a great breakfast tea? Our buyers have spent years studying tea bush cultivars that present the most robust character, bright red cup color and awakening aromatics. Through extensive travel and tasting, we have found some of the very best in the Assamica gardens in Thailand’s remote northern mountains. This unique origin yields an English Breakfast that is full-bodied, lively and brisk with accents of raspberry and lingonberry. Perfectly balanced on its own or gratifying when smoothed out to taste with milk and sugar.

Tasting Notes: Lively, robust red cup with a brisk flavor and sweet caramel undertones.

Ingredients: Organic black tea

Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!

Badger Breakfast from A Quarter To Tea. . . .

I purchased this tea for a gentleman named Badger (okay, okay, technically his NICKNAME is Badger) who goes to college with my daughter and is serving as a bit of a guardian angel for her, for which her father and I are grateful.

Not only was the tea named BADGER, but it had hops in it, and Badger likes beer. It was fated that I would run across this tea while reviewing an entirely different one.

When I placed the order, I let the proprietors of A Quarter To Tea know of my heartbreak that I would not get to taste Badger Breakfast since we were giving it away, and they were gracious enough to immediately offer to send a sample so that we could try it. I don’t know tons about beer but I do know it has hops in it and I know that of the few I have tried, I preferred the somewhat bitter ones to the ones that had mainly high notes, if one speaks of beer that way.

The ratio of hops to tea was darn near equal. We put the whole sample in a Kamjove pot and steeped at 200F for three and a half minutes.

The bitter hops combined with the Indian black teas to produce a bitter cup…and the taste that lingered for quite a while with me was very like the effect I remember lingering from beer, a sort of dry scraping on the tongue that stays there and tingles a bit. It is different from astringency, very different.

We made a second steep, this time letting the leaves steep for four minutes. We tried some of it hot and it was now milder and less bitter, an easy feat to achieve on the first steep by using less leaf than we used if that is your aim, but I think this is SUPPOSED to be bitter like beer. And we let most of this steep sit out and get cold and I do mean cold. I think we liked it that way best of all!

I looked up some information about hops and found that they have a strong sedative affect, and straight hops tea has been used as a folk remedy to treat insomnia, tension, anxiety, and headaches for a long time. We definitely felt mellow after drinking this tea.

I think Mr. Badger is going to love this tea.

Here’s the scoop!

Leaf Type:  Black
Where to Buy:  A Quarter To Tea

A surprising new spin on breakfast tea, straight from Wisconsin! A muscatel and rounded blend of black teas, with subtle fruit notes, with the effervescent quality of hopps.

On Wisconsin!

Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!

French Toast Oolong Tea from Steeped Tea. . . .

I’ve totally been into French Toast Flavored Teas lately and there are some really wonderful ones out there for a bunch of different reasons. Today I would like to share French Toast Oolong from Steeped Tea!

Of course it has Oolong Tea as the base – you can tell that by looking at the name – but to look at the Oolong used – dry and prior to infusing – it is one of the darkest dry Oolong I have seen so far!

After you move along to the other ingredients you will notice this tea has pineapple bits (that are coated in a little sugar), Coconut Chips, Lemon Wedges, Cranberries (that are coated in a little sugar and Sunflower Oil), Orange Peels, Rose Buds, Pomegranate Blossoms, Prickly Pear Blossoms, Vanilla, and flavors.

The blossoms are lovely and add a VERY little floral aftertaste to this. But the flavors that really shine are the Coconut Chips and various fruit ingredients. The fruits that have just that spec of sugar coating add a nice touch. And that’s just what it is – a nice touch – it’s not overly sugared. I was actually surprised with all the fruity ingredients that it wasn’t overly fruity to the tongue. But it was surprisingly buttery-sweet, nutty, savory, and creamy! Not any of the individual ingredients are overdone. EVERYTHING and I mean EVERYTHING has just enough flavor to all mesh well with the other ingredients, too! YUM! This was a special treat!

I’ve tried other French Toast Flavored Teas that were more French Toasty but this one was a winner on it’s own. Not so much for the toastiness – not so much for the cinnamon – not so much for the buttered-bread-likeness of others – but for the ratios used and flavor combo that turned out to be something completely of its own.

I wouldn’t mind if this had a sprinkle of cinnamon in it but it’s completely fine without it, too! Well done!

Here’s the scoop!

Leaf Type:  Oolong
Where to Buy:  Steeped Tea
Breakfast in bed is served in this buttery mouth-watering tea.
Ingredients: Oolong tea, pineapple bits (pineapple, sugar, citric acid [acidifier]), coconut chips, lemon wedges, cranberries (cranberries, sugar, sunflower oil [anti-caking agent]), orange peels, rose buds, pomegranate blossoms, vanilla bits, prickly pear blossoms, natural flavors.

Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!

Mayfair by Bruu Tea. . .A Monthly Tea Subscription Box

This tea came from the February 2017 Tea Club box from Bruu Tea. Unfortunately I got a little backlogged due to a hellish couple of months. While this tea is not for sale on the website, it may be in the near future.

Thanks to the card I have a little more information on this blend:

A careful blend of Assam and Kenyan black teas are mixed with a sprinkle of calming Safflower petals to produce a wonderful, full bodied tasting tea with a slight mellow astringency. It’s a high-class breakfast tea that should be savoured and enjoyed. Origin: Assam, India (2016 2nd flush) and Kericho, Kenya (2016) grown 6500ft above sea level.

Opening the packet I see the leaves are small and loosely chopped with bright red safflower petals scattered throughout. It bares a strong, sour wood scent.

Brewing Instructions: 1tsp – 100C – 3 minutes

Once steeped the tea is burnt red/orange in colour and bares a sour wood scent, similar to it’s raw form.

The first few sips reveal a rich body with some sourness and a dry finish. Pleasant enough without milk nor sweetener.

The dry aftertaste increases to become moderate, which is perhaps the most negative aspect of the tea. The sour wood is nice though and has some natural sweetness.

It’s a nice, strong tea but I think a splash of milk is probably for the best. It’s too dry for me but the strength is desirable so it just needs a little help to be a great tea. This would be perfect for a breakfast tea.

Here’s the scoop!

Leaf Type: Black
Where to Buy: Bruu Tea (Mayfair is not currently for sale)

A high-class breakfast tea that should be savoured. A luxury blend of Assam and Kenyan black tea that is produced at over 6500ft above sea level.

Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!

My New Morning Cuppa #Slim from Wild Leaf Active Teas. . . .

Weight loss teas or diet teas are something that I typically stay away from. Every once in a while, one will jump out at me and I’ll try it, but end up usually giving the tea away because of the way too herbaceous flavor or overly spiced ginger notes.

So when Slim from Wild Leaf arrived at my door, I was skeptical on whether or not I would like the tea.  This tea has a different flavor profile compared to those other weight loss teas I’ve tried in the past. Slim consists of puerh, Siberian gingseng, cranberry, cocoa nibs, and fennel. A unique combination for sure. The dry leaf had a sweet and savory aroma that I couldn’t get enough of.  I quickly set my tea pot up to prep water so I could check this tea out.   A quick note about this tea, this is a bagged tea but this isn’t your typically bagged tea. You can see gorgeous whole pieced inclusions and tea leaves in each pyramid or sachet.

With water prepped, I sat down to enjoying this tea, allowing the tea to steep for 4 minutes and cool for another moment or two.  Took my first sip and I instantly wanted a blanket and a good book to snuggle up with. This tea has a lovely slightly chocolate malty undertone with a sweet (slightly tart)  berry jam and slight herbal finish.  The flavor that really stands out is this berry jam like tone that creates this wonderfully rich and robust cuppa that makes you want to gulp and devour this tea with abandonment.

The deep jammy richness this tea provides makes this tea a wonderful way to wake up in the morning, which I now do.  I signed up for a monthly subscription plan ($8.99 for 15 sachets plus shipping) and have enjoyed this tea every morning for the last week or so.  I will say that I have noticed a quicker pep in my step in the mornings but I can’t say it is because of this tea.  It could just be the fact I have completely cut coffee out of my diet (besides the occasional iced coffee) or the fact that I’ve started a healthier diet and exercise routine. I haven’t noticed any weight loss but that isn’t why I love this tea anyway.

Regardless, I can’t get enough of this tea. This tea loves and gives such an amazing flavor that I’ve shared this tea with a friend who in turned bought a few tins of this tea for herself.   Fresh, delicious, and one that completely took me by surprise by how much I adore the combo of flavors this tea delivers.   To be completely honest, this tea is a bit hard to describe taste wise, but one that I’ve quickly become addicted to. My morning cuppa for now on for sure!

Slim is part of a line of teas to enjoy for those with an active life style.  That is me for sure.

Check out Wild Leaf Tea at this year’s  Summer Fancy Food Show in NYC this June.  I won’t be able to attend, but I’ll be jealous of those who can!

Here’s the scoop!

Leaf Type:  Puerh
Where to Buy:  Wild Leaf Tea

Goodbye yo-yo. Hello cocoa. Rev up your metabolism and curb cravings naturally with this full flavored blend of pu-erh and Siberian ginseng deliciously flavored with cocoa nibs, cranberry, and fennel. Dieting has never been our thing, but we love any reason to use the word svelte more.

Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!