Yunnan Wild Black from Cultivate Tea

CultivateLogoTea Information:

Leaf Type:  Black

Where to Buy: Locally at Cultivate Tea

Tea Description:

An easy-drinking wild black tea from a family-owned tea garden that is unique, friendly and aromatic.

Learn more about this tea on Steepster.

Taster’s Review:

Went into this one without much of an idea what to expect; there’s very little information on the retailer’s website (it looks like they’re more set up for local in person shopping than online orders) and there aren’t any Steepster reviews yet other than my own. But this was really good!

In fact, it was actually so good I did two infusions of it which is something I hardly ever do for anything other than oolong when I’m steeping Western style. It’s really rare for me, personally, to want to drink the same tea multiple times in one day; I just want to experience as much as possible! So that definitely says something.

The dry leaves are really pretty; they’re long and twisty and have this rusty kind of tint to them that really popped as they were steeping; very tawny and autumn like! The steeped up brew was a really pretty amber colour. It kind of reminded me of the colour of a good beer, actually.

This was actually a lot less brisk and full bodied than I had expected it to be; there was some light astringency with the first steep but that went away with the second. Other than that bit of astringency both infusions were very similar though; they had a gentle sweetness to them with top notes of fragile honeycombs and really gentle undercurrents of malt and fresh baked French bread. The finish went back to sweeter honey with floral notes as well.

This is NOT a tea to drink with milk; you would absolutely drown out the subtler, delicate flavours that are present. It’s a shame it’s not really something I can get online and it’s not available to me locally because if it was available for a reasonable price I’d totally be interest in getting a bit more of this one.

Date Nut Bread Iced Honeybush Tea from Southern Boy Teas

SBT-HONEYBUSH-Date-Nut-BreadTea Information:

Leaf Type:  Honeybush

Where to Buy:  Zoomdweebies

Tea Description:

Organic honeybush is the perfect compliment to this melding of delicious and aromatic organic flavors, including date, orange, brown sugar, cinnamon, butter and pecan. This might seem like a strange thing to flavor an iced tea like, but just wait til you try it!

Learn more about this tea here.

Learn about SBT’s subscriptions here.

Taster’s Review:

I just ate some Spicy Sriracha Cosmos and let me tell you, my mouth is on fire!  Acha-cha!  Spicy!

So, I needed something cold and refreshing and easy to drink (read:  gulp!) to help cool my palate.  Since I brewed this Date Nut Bread Iced Honeybush Tea from Southern Boy Teas last night so it could chill in the fridge overnight, I figured it was the perfect thing to help me cool down my mouth.

And not only did it do just that, but I was happy to say that the flavors came through LOUD and CLEAR even though my palate might have been somewhat impaired after eating those spicy nuggets of fluffy goodness.  (It’s the very good kind of burn!)  After a tall glass of the tea, my mouth was feeling back to normal, but I wanted to wait a while before I finished the review so that my palate was back to a functioning level.

So now that my taste buds are refreshed and ready to taste things again – I’m really amazed at how much this actually tastes like date nut bread!  I taste the dates – this is a strong flavor.  The nutty flavor comes from a hint of pecan flavoring as well as the natural nutty flavor from the honeybush.  I taste notes of a cake-y/bread-y type flavor, as well as notes of brown sugar and butter and just a dash of cinnamon.

There is a bright note to this that didn’t taste immediately like “orange” to me until I got to the aftertaste.  The aftertaste has a sunny orange flavor.  I like that while I can taste the orange and cinnamon here, these flavors were added carefully and offer more of a gentle note rather than overpower the tea.

It’s a surprisingly refreshing iced tea.  Not flavors that I would normally think of when I think “Iced Tea” but it works and works very nicely!