Taste buds are a super funny thing. Over the last few months, my taste buds have been all over the place. There was even a time frame where I couldn’t even drink tea. Everything tasted off and not even my favorite teas tasted right. Right around the same time when I noticed my taste buds going wonky, I was starting to notice other health issues so I decided just to take a break from tea all together, hoping that eventually my taste buds would right themselves again.
Recently I felt the urge to have a cuppa tea and I was delighted when not only did the tea taste amazing but my taste seemed to be sharper. Like I was able to pick up flavors I wasn’t able to before. Which was so exciting! I quickly shuffled through my tea stash and got to work enjoying cuppa after cuppa of teas that had not had a lot of attention for a while. After making some headway in my stash. . I decided it was time to check out my friends at Evil Tea once again. I had tried their teas before and enjoyed them but never reordered or nabbed any of their latest blends. After seeing a Halloween promo of theirs, I decided to indulge and pick up a few of their blends. And then a few days later, picked up a few more. . .because. .I was a bit hooked.
I couldn’t wait to try this blend again. I had tried this blend a bit ago and while it was good and I enjoyed the cuppa, with having so much tea in my tea stash- I was trying to still sip a few more down before I ordered again. This morning I was super excited to get home, get the kettle prepped and get this tea a brewing. I was a bit leery about the 5 minute steep time- so I went with a 3 min steep time with freshly prepped 212F water.
First sip in and straight away you are hit with a delicious dessert like note of vanilla that doesn’t really scream straight out vanilla but almost like that soft vanilla like note you would get from a really upscaled cookie or cupcake. The aroma hits you in the same fashion. Just a solid lovely not overdone sweetness that keeps you grabbing for you cuppa and enjoying every sip. This is a Ceylon based blend and there is a slight briskness or astringent note towards the end of each sip that rounds out the sweetness perfectly. There are also adorable sugar coated fennel seeds that I’m not really picking up but that is probably because I didn’t stick with the 5 minute steep. I’m a big fennel fan so I will have to try for that 5 min steep to see if the fennel notes come across stronger.
All in all, just a perfect lovely cuppa that I can only imagine would make an insanely good latte with a spiced oat cream or even a lovely adult beverage with a touch of bourbon cream, which I will be trying later this evening. I’ve always been a fan of my friends over at Evil Tea since they combine two of my favorite loves- all things dark and spooky and tea. Can’t wait to steep up the other blends to see if they hit the spot like Creepy Cake does.
Want to Know More About This Tea?
Leaf Type: Black
Where to Buy: Evil Tea
Ingredients: A blend of Ceylon Teas with Creme Brulee Flavoring and Sugar Coated Fennel Seeds
Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!
Downton Abbey® Mrs. Patmore’s Pudding Tea by Republic of Tea
- Unbleached
- Minimalistic (don’t use much material)
- Biodegradable (well, it’s just a thin piece of paper, and tea leaves are compostable)
- Chemical-free
- Glue-free
- Gluten-free
- Without extra packaging like staples, strings, or tags
It’s a very clever design and I really appreciate the effort they put into making eco-friendly tea so accessible.
So anyway. I steeped this tea for four minutes. I enjoyed the steeping process as well as the tasting process, because this tea gives off a wonderful aroma as it brews. It’s actually so good that you might end up worrying that the tea won’t live up to its fragrance when you actually taste it. It smells like an excellent dessert, which of course it should since it’s dessert-flavored, and creates the impression that you’re baking something custardy in your kitchen.
After steeping, it’s become a nice medium-dark color; it’s reddish/orange/brown, and the smell has strong notes of vanilla and cream. The first sip definitely has more black tea flavor than you’d expect from the fragrance. There’s lots of pudding flavor too, especially in the aftertaste. A bit sweet on its own (without sugar), and it’s very, very buttery.
With milk, it tastes like a custardy dessert in liquid form– it doesn’t taste eggy, though (which is probably a good thing, because who would want to drink eggy tea? Although eggnog chai is definitely a thing I drink sometimes, but it tastes more of spices than of egg fortunately).
Four minutes is just the right steeping time. If you wanted it more dessert-like, you could add sugar to boost the sweetness. But I’m having it for breakfast, not dessert, so I’m not doing that because it seems plenty sweet enough the way it is. Milk goes very well with this (and adds a slightly sweet dimension while also boosting the creaminess). Especially whole milk. I don’t vouch for creamless milk though. Anyway, the creaminess plays into the pudding illusion, so that’s another positive.
Here’s the scoop!
Leaf Type: Black
Where to Buy: Republic of Tea
This decadent dessert tea has the homemade flavors of vanilla sponge cake drizzled with rich caramel sauce. The full-bodied base of premium black tea lends itself well to a splash of milk, making it a perfect afternoon tea to partner with puddings, scones and shortbread.
Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!
Chocolate Mint by The Love Tea Company. . . .
Today we have a wonderfully minty black tea up for review!
This company’s website states that they donate 25% of their net profits to the Flagg Foundation for Mental Wellness, so buying this tea supports a great cause!
Another great thing about this company (in addition to offering great tea) is that their tea comes in cute little plastic canisters that you can either reuse or recycle. This is great if, like me, you’re getting tired of having to throw all those loose leaf tea bags in the trash because they’re made of paper (or plastic) fused with foil so you can’t recycle them or wash them out–or even if they’re just simple plastic bags, your city won’t accept them and you have to somehow recycle them separately (biggest inconvenience ever!). So this company is socially responsible and their tea packaging is eco-friendly (or at least convenient to be eco-friendly with . . . )!
For this tea session, I steeped 1.5 teaspoons of this chocolate mint tea in about 8oz of water (at just under boiling) for about 4 minutes. It smells nice and minty even before steeping, with a smooth creamy undertone from the chocolate.
While steeping, a reddish-brown cloud settles to the bottom of the cup. It starts to smell warmer and chocolatier. By the end of the steeping process, it’s reddish cedar-y in color, darkish but still see-through.
First sip: Very minty–like actual mint tea. There’s a distinct difference between a mint flavor from mint extract/flavoring and the actual flavor of actual mint leaves (mint leaves have some vegetal undertones and the possibility of bitterness if you oversteep, which the “extracts” don’t have). And sure enough, the ingredients list specifies that there are mint leaves in this, so kudos for that–we have actual mint here. And because the tea comes with bits of chocolate in it, this is a very naturally flavored chocolate mint tea.
With milk: it’s creamy, no surprises here. I use whole milk, which tames the mint quite a bit. It doesn’t bring out the chocolate as much as I was hoping, but it’s still quite yummy. I think next time I’ll need to be more careful to actually include chocolate bits in my spoonful of tea leaves.
In conclusion, I really enjoyed this tea and we’re basically friends now. And I really appreciate the Love Tea Company’s social efforts and recyclable tea packaging, not to mention that their branding is really cute–I love the colors!
Here’s the scoop!
Leaf Type: Black
Where to Buy: The Love Tea Company
Did you know that February 19th is chocolate mint day? The combination of chocolate and mint is one of the most delectable pairings known to human kind. Its origins are unknown, but surely it was created a long, long, long time ago. This scrumptious Black Tea Blend is a real treat, just don’t steal all of the chocolate pieces before steeping! Brew up a nice hot pot and add a splash of milk and a dash of sugar and enjoy all of that chocolaty, minty goodness. Surely February 19th must be the tastiest day of the year!
Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!
Lemon Drop Tea from The Tea Can Company. . . . .
My Grandfather ADORED Lemon Drop Candy! When I first saw Lemon Drop Tea from The Tea Can Company I couldn’t wait to try it! It’s part of their Candy Shop Collection. The labels for their Candy Shop Collection are adorable and nostalgic.
High elevation Ceylon Black Tea, Lemon Peel and Australian Lemon Myrtle? I’m THERE! The company says this tea has the mouthwatering taste of Lemon and the classic taste of Black Tea come together to create this delightful, sweet, low-calorie treat. Again…I’m THERE!
Well it certainly smells like Lemon Drop Candy with a bit of black tea! The aroma is gentle and flowing. Lemony-sweet! I closed my eyes in slow-motion as I sniffed this flavored black steeping in my cup!
After my first sip I was pretty pleased with my first impression of this tea. It’s not a powerful black tea base by any means but that doesn’t mean that I didn’t LOVE it! Because I did! The lemon peel and lemon myrtle worked great together – of course! I’m surprised at the candy-sweet yet citrus flavor this has only having 3 ingredients in it! The perfect case of ‘less is more’.
The lemon flavors aren’t puckery – per say – but more of a sugary-sweet and creamier lemon flavor. If you are familiar with Meyer Lemons that may just be what this is reminding me of! Meyer Lemons. Thus far…my favorite LEMON.
Regardless…Lemon Drop Tea from The Tea Can Company is absolutely wonderful! It reminds me of my grandfather and takes me back in time! A time when things were more simple and everyone appreciated the little things! YUM!
Here’s the scoop!
Leaf Type: Black Tea
Where to Buy: The Tea Can Company
Description: The mouthwatering taste of Lemon and the classic taste of Black Tea come together to create this delightful, sweet, low-calorie treat.
Ingredients: High elevation Ceylon Black Tea, Lemon Peel and Australian Lemon Myrtle, Contains Caffeine
Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!
Chocolate Mint Black Tea from 3 Teas
During today’s tea samples I have been sipping on some pretty odd flavors and needed to cleanse my palate a bit this Chocolate Mint Black Tea from 3 Teas seemed to do the trick!
Chocolate Mint Black Tea from 3 Teas smells amazing! Just what you think it would smell like…chocolate, mint, and black tea. The flavor is incredible! Again, it tastes like a perfect combo of chocolate, mint, and black tea! The ratios are done nicely. One ingredient doesn’t seem to overpower the other ingredients. It tastes like a Girl Scout Cookie THIN MINT. There doesn’t seem to be any dairy in this which is great for those of us who don’t consume it but still want to be spoiled by that chocolate flavor! Ironically, THIN MINTS are also vegan so that’s awesome! Just a little hint for you!
If you are looking for something minty-fresh, mint chocolate, or just to fill that void of chocolate in your life and want it in the form of a cup of tea – give Chocolate Mint Black Tea from 3 Teas a try! It’s pretty darned tasty!
Here’s the scoop!
Leaf Type: Black
Where to Buy: 3 teas
Luscious chocolate and refreshing peppermint. Taste like your favourite after dinner mint!
Black tea, Blackberry and Peppermint leaves, Natural flavors