Wise Ape Tea company has some hella-cool branding.
Its logo is a three-eyed ape. The site says things like “Wise ape is more than just a tea; it’s a tribe of like-minded individuals who are focused on self-motivation and an altruistic attitude.” The pop up-ad asking you to subscribe to their newsletter says: “We welcome you to join our growing community of health hackers, zen warriors, and legendary tea drinkers. We require nothing but an open mind. Drink healthy and stay wise.”
I mean, like, HECK YES. Was that MADE FOR ME, or what?
When I spotted the samples the SororiTea Sisters received on Instagram , I begged for a few. (This is also a plug for our Instagram. We have one! Follow us!)
Here’s my first sample. . .
Coconut Warrior is a perfectly-balanced mix of sweet (coconut) and a little bit spicy (tumeric/bark). The flavor is a bit like a chai — one that doesn’t have that runaway spiciness that I find exhausting. It helps that the base is assam, not darjeeling, which is a bit spicier by its very nature. Assam is a good “straight man” companion to hold up a flavored black tea.
It’s good, y’all.
I can’t really tell you if it’s going to reduce your inflammation, “repair,” or “regenerate.” But it WILL “revitalize.” This sweet & lightly spicy little number will put a little pep in your step. It might even open your third eye to exciting new possibilities of the day.
Here’s the scoop!
Leaf Type: Black
Where to Buy: Wise Ape Tea Company
A revitalizing blend of assam black tea, coconut and turmeric, combined with wildcrafted pau d’ arco bark to heal your human temple. This legendary elixir is designed to mitigate inflammation and defend your body from the inside-out.
Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!
Coconut Cream Pie from 52Teas. . . . .
I met my now-husband almost half my life ago, when I was still in high school. (This is going somewhere, I promise). A fact about him is that he HATES COCONUT. Like, violently. It’s a “texture thing.” So, for the last 14 years, whenever we split dessert, it is not the coconut dessert. I have not had coconut in about a decade and a half.
And oh gosh, guys, I didn’t realize I liked coconut so much.
When I got this coconut sample to try, I was super-hype to try it. Coconut: THE FINAL FRONTIER.
And this sweet ‘zert tea delivers. It’s so sweet and rich. It’s like actually eating a honking piece of cake/pie, minus the thigh expansion. It’s the best of both worlds.
In summary: if you like coconut, you’ll like this tea. If you’re not sure if you like coconut, you probably do, and you’ll like this tea. If you don’t like coconut… I’m not sure why you read this review. But thanks for doing so. I appreciate your time. Enjoy your day.
Here’s the scoop!
Leaf Type: Black Tea
Where to Buy: 52Teas
I was pretty excited when people asked that this tea be included in the vote for the 2016 12 Teas of Christmas, and even happier when this tea turned out to be one of the top vote getters. This has been one of the more memorable 52Teas blends for me – I love coconut! – so I was really happy to have the opportunity to reblend it.
The original description of this tea said:
Our Coconut Cream Pie flavored black tea has been one of our bestsellers here at Zoomdweebie’s since we opened. In addition to the pouches of this tea that we’ve sold, we sell a LOT of beverages made from this tea, in particular, this is probably our all time bestselling iced tea latte, one sip of which has led people to exclaim, “That’s like coconut cream pie in a glass!” I’ve also been frequently challenged on our assertion that our tea lattes are all fat-free, particularly with this tea.
It is simply so decadent, so wonderfully sweet and satisfying, that people cannot believe that we didn’t just liquefy a slice of coconut cream pie and serve it to them in a glass.
For the 52teas version of this tea, we are adding some honking-big flakes of unsweetened coconut to our premium black tea blend along with coconut and vanilla flavors.
So, obviously, I needed to change up the recipe somewhat because the black tea that I use is different from the ones utilized by Frank. I started with my black tea base of organic Indian and Chinese teas. I did use some “honking-big flakes of unsweetened coconut” as well as some vanilla beans and calendula petals.
This is very coconut-y, very creamy and oh-so-yummy! It’s been a while since I’ve had some of Frank’s version of this tea, but I’d say that I did pretty well with this blend! If my review of this tea is any indication – I think my black tea might be a bit stronger than the original version – but the other flavors are on point!
Large size is approximately 50g
organic ingredients: black teas, coconut, calendula petals, vanilla beans and natural flavors