Earl Grey Tea-Infused Chocolate Truffle from Arbor Teas

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Where to Buy:  Arbor Teas

Company Description:

A milk chocolate shell filled with dark chocolate ganache infused with the citrusy tang of our Earl Grey Black Tea.

Taster’s Review:

Editor’s Note:  This review represents part 6 of 6 reviews, one review for each of the six flavors in the truffle collection available from Arbor Teas

I realize that I’ve probably said this about each and every truffle in this collection – but this one is the best!

The creamy milk chocolate is a perfect match with the Earl Grey tea – and while the chocolate IS the dominate flavor (it is a chocolate truffle, after all), the flavor of the black tea and bergamot do come through.

The flavor is very satisfying.  The chocolate is rich and sweet and absolutely delicious.  The bergamot has a clean, citrus-y note that lends a lightness to the taste.  The black tea notes are very soft in this, but not completely overwhelmed by the chocolate.

These chocolates are available during the months of November through February, so there’s no time to waste!   I think I discovered them on the Arbor Teas website back in March of this year, and it’s seemed like it took forever for November to finally get here so that I could try them!  I’ve been so looking forward to them, and they have EXCEEDED my high expectations.  They are really fantastic!

Bergamot Sage from Rishi Tea

Tea Information:

Leaf Type:  Herbal

Where to Buy:  Rishi Tea

Company Description:

The sublime character of sage is wonderfully balanced and masterfully combined with the citrus notes of lemon thyme and bergamot, which play beautifully with overtones of fresh pine, wintergreen and peppermint. Bergamot Sage is an original mood boosting and mentally clarifying blend, fit for anytime of day.

Taster’s Review:

This is surprisingly good.  It’s definitely the best caffeine-free bergamot tisane that I’ve come across in a long time.

The dry leaf has an appealing bergamot and herb scent to it.  As it brews, I notice that the herbal notes intensify a little bit, but it still smells amazing.  If Glade sold this fragrance as a room freshener, I’d buy it!

The flavor reminds me a bit of a green tea Earl Grey.  The bergamot flavor is strong but does not taste soapy.  I think that the herbs in this tea tone the bergamot just enough so that it can be strong without tasting like Aunt Gertrude’s perfume.

I can taste the sage too, and it gives it an earthy quality and a well-rounded taste.  The sage gives this a more masculine taste, as much of the floral essence of the bergamot is offset by the herb.

I really like this one a lot, in fact, this is one I could see myself drinking regularly.  I like that it has a very calming, grounding effect, and it does help clear the mind (and tonight, with my daughter having a sleep-over, I definitely need some clarity!)

Bravo, Rishi Tea!

Yongchun Fo Shou (Bergamot) Oolong Superior Grade Tea from Life In Teacup

Tea Type: Oolong

Where To Buy: Life In Teacup

Product Description:

The origin of Fo Shou tea cultivar is a mystery. Many people say it was obtained by engrafting tea tree with Fo Shou (bergamot) tree. The engrafting theory of Fo Shou oolong has never been proved. But the characteristics of this tea do remind a drinker of fragrance of Fo Shou fruits.

Brew method:
1a. Oolong, ball-shaped dry tea leaves

  • Vessel: gaiwan or small teapot
  • Water temperature: newly boiled water (above 95 °C or 203 °F)
  • Amount of leaves: 5 gram for every 120ml total volume (Or reduce the amount to 3 gram for some heavy oxidation and/or heavy roast products)
  • Warm-up infusion: pour hot water in the vessel, and immediately drain it. Wait for about 1min. before starting the next infusion.
  • Time for each of the first 3 infusions (after warm-up): 20sec. (Or reduce the infusion time to 10-15sec. for some heavy oxidation and/or heavy roast products)
  • Extend infusion time based on taste for later infusions. Most oolong tea can well last for at least 5-7 infusions.


  • Vessel: mug
  • Water temperature: (same as “1a”) newly boiled water (around 95 °C or 203 °F)
  • Amount of leaves: 15-20 grains of dry tea leaves
  • Steep time: 1-2 minutes
  • Re-steep: when there is 1/3 liquor left in the vessel, add hot water to re-steep.

Tasters Review:

Plain and Simple…I LOVE THIS.  I would rate this above 95% any day of the week!

Yongchun Fo Shou (Bergamot) Oolong Superior Grade Tea from Life In Teacup smells like a sweet-floral and mellow yet juicy fruit of the citrus variety. The Infusion color is that of a light-oolong.  The taste is out of this world…a pure delight!  It’s very pure, crisp, and thirst quenching.  I could tell it was an Oolong by it’s taste but it’s so much more than that…it’s incredible!   I really, really like this! The flavor of the oolong is one thing but the Bergamot is another.  I’ve never tasted a bergamot flavor like this and I must say after tasting it – all Bergamot should taste like this!  The flavor doesn’t take over the natural goodness of the oolong and the bergamot doesn’t taste fake or chemically at all!

I have also tried the other two Bergamot Fo Shou Oolongs and I think the Superior really IS superior!  I like all 3 of the offerings but this one is my favorite one of the 3.  Down the road I plan on reviewing the other 2 as well.  BUT…in the meantime…I encourage all of your Oolong Lovers to try this one!  It’s worth it!!

Wild Grey Green Tea from ESP Emporium

Tea Type: Green Tea

Where To Buy: ESP Emporium

Product Description:

Earl Grey is the most popular flavored tea. This classic has been known for ages as a black tea, and green tea lovers have long waited for the Sencha variation. But now, your waiting has come to an end. We introduced this blend very successfully some years ago. Our exquisite Sencha base was flavored with high-quality bergamot flavor and richly decorated with lemon peel and orange blossoms. Earl Grey friends can now finally discover green tea – and vice versa.

Tasters Review:

Wild Grey Green Tea from ESP Emporium smells like a gentle lemon/orange green tea mix.  It’s a more gentle flavored green, too. I can taste the green tea first then the orange and then the lemon jumps thru and it’s followed by a floral taste and then manages it’s way back to green tea type taste.  Now that I have taken you on the taste journey of this tea – I would like to say that this is a very satisfying but not overly done (or loud) green!

I was very happy with this cup!  I have tried several ESP Teas and am very impressed with the offerings as well as their customer service!  They think outside of the bag and I really like that!

Beatles’ Blend Black Tea from Mighty Leaf

Tea Information:

Leaf Type:  Black & Green

Where to Buy:  Mighty Leaf

Company Description:

A classic twist on Earl Grey black tea, Beatles Blend black tea hearkens back to the roots of the Beatles’ homeland. We start with traditional Earl Grey, and then add in a rich, malty tea from China, reminiscent of an English Breakfast tea. We balance the blend with an Indian tea that speaks to the Beatles’ avid fascination with and travels to India. Finally, we top it off with a twist of jasmine culminating in a blend destined to become a star.

Taster’s Review:

I must say that when I read the company description of this tea, I was very intrigued.  Intrigued enough to order some!

I mean, I love Earl Grey, I love jasmine, and I love the idea of a “malty tea from India” being included this blend (Assam, perhaps?)  All of these qualities were what inspired me to place that order.

And I’m really glad I did.  Because it is REALLY good, once I managed to figure out the best way to brew it.  You see, I didn’t stop and read the ingredients completely before brewing it… and as it turns out this is a blend of black and green teas and it really shouldn’t be brewed with boiling water… it makes for a slightly bitter bite that hits on the back of the palate.

Instead, steep at about 175° – 185° F, and steep for about 4 minutes.  This will extract enough flavor out of the bold, brisk blend of black teas without causing the more delicate green tea leaves to scorch and release a bitter taste in the brew.

Once I figured this out (seriously, it took me a few times of brewing it, because I didn’t stop and read the ingredients!  Next time I’ll do this a little smarter!  haha!)  I really got to enjoy a delicious cup of tea.

The bergamot here is not overwhelming in the cup.  Instead, it is more of a back note to the malty, rich, baked flavor of the black tea. The blend of the black tea here is absolutely sumptuous.

The jasmine plays a very soft but essential note to the overall taste of this tea.  The light floral note adds a little bit of beauty to something that might otherwise be a little too course… and as I contemplate this cup of tea, I realize just how perfect a tribute to the Beatles music it is… their music was vibrant and alive and always beautiful in its own way.

And so it is with this tea.