I LOVE jasmine green teas when they are done well. Some are not. A lot of jasmine tea is actually pouchong and can have a bit more bite than I care for. Lots of people like those teas, especially with food. But since jasmine tea is my special “take me away” tea, it has to be just so.
The instructions on this one scared me. Boiling water? For green tea? In a teabag? Are you kidding me? I know a few types of green tea thrive on it, but I was afraid this was going to be the train to heartburn city.
I dialed it back to 200F and let it steep right in the middle of the recommended one to two minutes.
Wow. I expected a harsh green base, lots of astringency, and artificial jasmine flavor, but this is infused with real jasmine flowers and it is GOOD. As in, actual tasty jasmine tea with all its calming capabilities in a teabag!
The jasmine is natural and sweet tasting, the tea has minimal briskness that does build a little now that I am on my second cup, and there is a creamy texture to the liquor. The Chinese green base starts to come through more on the aftertaste.
I think this would be a great, affordable tea to serve with food, and now I want spring rolls. Really, really badly. I guess I know what I am having for supper tomorrow night.
Here’s the scoop!
Leaf Type: Green
Where to Buy: Zesta Tea
This delicately fragrant green tea adds a touch of beauty to your day with its imprint of natural Jasmine petals. Zesta’s Jasmine green tea is an exotic tea that can be enjoyed any time of day and is great as an accompaniment to food.
Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!
Green Tea With Jasmine from Taylors of Harrogate. . . .
My daughter has recently gone mad for Taylor’s of Harrogate Green Tea with Jasmine. When an opportunity came up to review it, how could I pass it up? I don’t do many tea bag teas, but I love jasmine and I want to see what all the fuss is about.
These bags are individually wrapped – a MUST for freshness, in my opinion – and when I turned the wrapper over to tear it, I saw prominently printed on the back, “We are a member of Ethical Tea Partnership.” Okay, points from the start!
The instructions say that for a perfect cup I should boil fresh water and let cool for one minute, then infuse for one to two minutes. Since I have a variable temp kettle, I heated the water to 175F and infused for two minutes because I am a brave soul.
Steeped in my biggest, fanciest mug, I am not disappointed. I am being treated to an event of spa-like proportions. This is not green tea scented with artificial jasmine flavor, but rather green tea leaves that have been mixed with jasmine flowers and left to infuse with the flavor overnight.
I understand why my daughter loves this one and buys it in bulk now. It is easy to make at work, eco-friendly packaging, and it is a really decent cup of tea. It has just enough of the green tea flavor to make it a nice pairing with lunch, and enough sweetness and smoothness to make it very drinkable on its own. It lacks the sour taste that so many bagged jasmine greens have. This is a great choice for easy to make, easy to drink tea. No sweeteners needed, and doesn’t need milk to soften any astringency.
Here’s the scoop!
Leaf Type: Green
Where to Buy: Taylors of Harrogate
Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!
Zesta Connoisseur Collection Jasmine Green Bags. . . .
Let’s face it, pre-bagged teas have a bad rap in our circles. I saw some broken leaves, similar to Cut-Tear-Curl but not as uniformly cut.
Although Zesta recommends boiling water for this Jasmine Green, I’m much too impatient for all that waiting to heat up then waiting to be drinkable. I brewed at 160F and discovered a sunny, pollen-yellow liquor, with a strong jasmine scent.
Half the amount of sweetener I usually use brought out the green tea flavors considerably. I can taste the quality in the perfume of the Jasmine flowers, even though they’ve been removed from the pyramid. Jasmine really is the star of the show here.
All in all, Zesta offers a strong floral, yet inexpensive Jasmine tea bag.
Here’s the scoop!
Leaf Type: Green Tea
Where to Buy: Zesta
This delicately fragrant green tea adds a touch of beauty to your day with its imprint of natural Jasmine petals. Zesta’s Jasmine green tea is an exotic tea that can be enjoyed any time of day and is great as an accompaniment to food.
Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!
Jasmine Green Tea from Zesta Tea. . . . .
With how my life is structure, having a tea that I can pop in a bottle of iced water or freshly prepped water is key. I sometimes need a quicker route to tea than the traditional loose leaf variety. It sounds silly, but being a mom of 4 with all of the other work and home tasks that need to get done on a daily basis, I find that sometimes time just doesn’t always allow for the prep needed for my beloved loose leaf. Yes, I know. Prepping loose leaf tea takes a mere minutes, but sometimes I really do find myself up against the clock to grab shoes and get out the door with kids in two. This is where Jasmine Green Tea from Zesta Tea has been my hero.
Jasmine Green Tea is a bagged tea variety of one of my beloved teas. With a gorgeous elephant as their logo, Zesta Tea knows how to do give you a lot of flavor in a tea bag. Freshly prepped with hot water, this tea gives that familiar and soul loving floral flavor mixed with that brilliant green tea base. The jasmine flavor really is the star here and the green tea is a bit more gentle. . . quite a romantic combination in my opinion. The tea is smooth and really hits the spot when you need something quick. I do still enjoy my loose leaf version of jasmine green tea better, but this tea is perfect for those instances where I need to really get a moving.
What I found that I really adore about this tea is how marvelous you can brew up an iced tea. I fill my water bottle up with ice, water, and a few of Zesta’s Jasmine Green Tea bags. Stick it in the fridge and in an hour or so, I have wonderful iced tea. Perfect for those on the go moments that fill up my day everyday. And this iced tea always compliments whatever lunch I’ve scrounged up for myself.
For a bagged tea, this Jasmine Green Tea has really caught my attention. I’m excited now to jump into the loose leaf teas that Zesta Tea sent us to review along with the other bagged tea varieties. I see lots of tea tasting sessions in my future this weekend!
I’ve had other bagged tea varieties of this tea blend before and for the most part, have walked away disappointed. Not the case here. This may be a tea I need to pick up more of for those busy summer days that are quickly approaching.
Here’s the scoop!
Leaf Type: Green
Where to Buy: Zesta Tea
Chinese green tea delicately flavoured by imprinting the leaves with natural Jasmine flowers and allowing the tea to absorb its fragrance. The flowers are then carefully removed by hand leaving behind this exotic tea that can be drunk any time of the day and particularly makes a great accompaniment to food.