Tea Information:
Leaf Type: Black
Where to Buy: Sorry, this blend is no longer available.
Company Description:
As this blend has been discontinued by Adagio Teas, there is no description available.
Taster’s Review:
I know that this tea is no longer available, but I really like it so I want to share my thoughts about it with you.
Adagio Teas offers a rather unique and cool service to their customers. Customers can design their own “Signature Blends” using Adagio’s teas. I have tried several of these Signature Blends from various blenders, but my favorite blender thus far is Adagio customer Rachana Carter.
Now, I have to tell you, I am not a huge fan of Adagio’s black tea base. I find it to be rather harsh and astringent. That being said, I have found that when their flavored black teas are blended (like with the Signature Blends), the black tea doesn’t taste as harsh. I don’t know why that is, I mean, it’s still the same black tea base. So while I don’t really like many of Adagio Teas flavored teas, I have enjoyed quite a few of the Signature Blends.
This blend is very flavorful. The black tea base is not harsh at all, in fact, I have a hard time believing that it is made with the same black tea base as the Adagio Teas flavored black teas. It is very smooth tasting with barely a hint of astringency. Very pleasant.
The flavoring of this one doesn’t really remind me so much of “toasted almond” as much as it reminds me of almond extract. What it tastes like to me is a cookie that’s been flavored with almond extract… and that has been dunked in milk!
The combination of flavors is very nice. The tea is sweet and creamy, with a pleasingly robust black tea background. I am finding it to be exceptionally comforting on this chilly day. Thank you, Rachana Carter, for all of your fantastic blends!