It’s actually quite good! These are words I never thought I’d use to describe chamomile!
Oolong Flower of Asia Tea from ESP Emporium
I have to say that I was a little nervous with the Chamomile and Rose mentions in the product description but I am SO glad I open my mind when it comes to tea because if I didn’t I wouldn’t have found this Deeee-lish Oolong! This is truly wonderful!
Apricot with Apricot Pieces and Flowers from SpecialTeas
This tea reminds me of afternoons in the late summertime when the apricots were in season. The flavor is juicy-fresh and inviting.
White Coconut Creme Tea from Element Tea
This tea is wonderful. It’s VERY flavorful and much different than other tropical-type teas I have tried! This reached my 95 percentile of teas I have enjoyed!
Bengal Beauty from East Pacific Tea Co.
This is one of the finest Darjeeling teas that I’ve ever tried, and one I would recommend to all tea lovers, especially those who are curious about learning more about Darjeeling teas.