It is smooth, rich, buttery and delicious. It has a pleasant chestnut-ish flavor, slightly roasty, slightly nutty, slightly sweet – that melds together well with the vegetative quality.
Chocolate Flake Tea from TeaPigs
I’m always looking for that special chocolate tea. With this one…I can smell a bit of chocolate and it ‘brews’ into a nice dark brown liquid. It isn’t overly chocolaty-sweet or “Sickly Sweet” like they mentioned in the description. It’s a bit sweet but it’s also a little bitter – but in a good way – maybe to tone done the overall sweetness…It’s like a Sweet Chocolate paired with the natural bitterness of Cocoa…they seem to meet in the middle. The flavor isn’t very intense – I think it’s pretty good – but if you are looking for that super sweet intense chocolaty taste it might not be what you are specifically looking for.
White Monkey Paw from Utopian Tea
I would recommend this tea to those tea drinkers who find green teas a little too grassy – this green will change their mind!
Orchid Tea from Lahloo
I didn’t really pick up on the apricot notes hinted at in the description but I did the grapefruit and it was an awesome natural flavor. I also picked up on the honey hints, too, and they were lovely!
Kitchen Sink Green Tea from 52Teas & A NEW CONTEST!
Tea Information: Leaf Type: Green Where to Buy: 52Teas Company Description: I know many of you think I am crazy; I’m confirming your suspicions with this week’s blend, which is TRULY and completely one-of-a-kind and definitely a limited edition blend. I could not recreate this if I tried. In varying and unknown proportions, this tea…