Purpose Purple Super Tea. . .

Who doesn’t love the idea of fresh brewed tea in a convenient bottle-ready to go whenever you need it? And to boot being purple tea. . . I was all in.

Purpose Tea has created ready to go Purple Tea to enjoy any time. . .the first of its kind actually.  When the tea arrived at my doorstep, I quickly put the tea in my fridge to cool to enjoy on one of my commutes taking the kiddos to school.   The next day, I took the tea along with my hot tea to enjoy during the 50 minute or so drive.

My first instinct was that this had sugar in it and the thought of I wish this tea didn’t have that added sweetness.  Thank goodness the sugar is cane sugar and not added stevia so the sweetness didn’t have that odd after taste.  For a ready to go tea drink, the tea is really good but not one that I would drink everyday-which I will explain in a bit. All in all, this tea is refreshing and the taste is quite nice and light. I do drink purple tea and you can definitely get that remarkable flavor that only purple tea can deliver.

I will say that for me personally, the sugar is a bit overwhelming but I don’t drink a lot of sugar in my tea or really in any kind of beverage so my taste buds find that taste sharper than my husband did who drinks full leaded soda.  My husband absolutely adored this tea and ended up finishing the rest of it off.

If this tea was offered in a non sweetened version, I think I would have been head over heels.  But because of the sugar, it just wasn’t for me.  A wonderful idea and I hope to try more of their varieties soon and to learn more about the company.   Even though the first variety wasn’t a complete win for me, with how much my husband enjoyed this tea, I know its a winner for others!

Here’s the scoop!

Leaf Type:  Purple
Where to Buy: Purpose Tea

Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!

Super Starling’s Festive Favorites!

Hello, TEA-ple! Hanukkah is here, and I’m ready to make demands!
You might be thinking “but Super Starling… the holidays are underway.” Don’t fret. I accept holiday gifts all year round.
Here are some tea-related festive favorites:
Watercolor Art Print. I love the style on this: part papercut and part watercolor. Plus, plenty of pink and purple. I’m not usually girly, but tea brings it out in me.
A Cup With Feet. Admit it. You’re wondering if this is dishwasher-safe. Strap in, folks: it is. The artist makes all kinds of mugs with — and a few without — feet. I can’t get enough of this.
Vintage Fortune Telling Set. I’m not sure if this would make tea-leaf-reading easier or harder, but I’m ready to try.
Tea & Tarot Bangle. I have a huge collection of those trendy bangle bracelets. You know the ones I mean. But none of them QUITE nail down my tea-witch nature like this.
Fabric Teapot. I just like the vibe of this. I could put it on a little shelf and incorporate it into one of the gallery walls of my house. Maybe put some emergency candy in there. NOT THAT I HAVE STASHES OF CANDY HIDDEN AROUND MY HOME.
Which reminds me: I’m also, obviously, accepting both candy and tea.

Rose Chateau by The Love Tea Co

I steeped this tea at 200 degrees in about a cup of water for about four minutes.

This is another selection from the Love Tea Company, who donates a quarter of their proceeds to mental health causes. Their teas also come in cute little reusable canisters!

The dried leaf has rose petals and other flower petals too, it looks like. According to the ingredients list these could be hibiscus, calendula, or sunflower petals, which are all included in the blend! In addition, there’s green tea in here and some curled oolong bits and some pieces of dried fruit (which turn out to be rosehips based on the ingredients list). It smells mainly fruity, with some rose/floral scent.

The steeped liquid looks almost pinkish-peach and smells like strawberry with floral notes and some savory green tea flavor.
I steeped for four minutes because it didn’t seem very strong at three (and I prefer getting stronger flavor out of my tea when I can).

First sip: it tastes a little astringent and strawberryish; the rose flavor isn’t overpowering here (maybe I just didn’t get any rose petals in my scoop of leaf?). It’s delicate and reminds me the most of a strawberry-flavored green tea, which is quite nice and desserty. There’s a bit of seaweedy vegetalness in the back of the throat. A few particles of tea escaped the strainer so I’d recommend a fine mesh if you don’t like that sort of thing (although mostly they’re just sitting on the bottom of the cup not causing a problem).

Overall it’s light, floral/fruity, but with a hint of buttery aftertaste (from the oolong), so I’d say it’s great for afternoon or evening relaxation (unless you’re super-sensitive to caffeine; green tea generally has just a little).

Here’s the scoop!

Leaf Type:  Green/Black
Where to Buy: The Love Tea Company

This blend was created by a Canadian Master to evoke the character and spirit of France’s best rose vintages.  It’s combination of some of the most luxurious green and black teas available today.  Like wine, it goes perfectly with cured meats and fine cheeses.  Milk and sugar are NOT recommended with this one.

Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!

Polka Dot Bikini Organic Puerh from Fraser Tea. . .

The name alone had me with this tea. . .I mean being a lover of all things polka dot and all. . .

Polka Dot Bikini Organic Puerh is a wonderful blend of puerh tea, cocoa nibs, orange peel, fennel seeds and a few other ingredients.  A blend that I have had before but never with orange peels that large added in.  I ordered a box of sachets of this tea and a green tea sampler. I needed to know what this tea was all about.

Since Fraser Tea is a new tea company to me, I wasn’t sure what to expect. What I received, immediately impressed me. I have already placed and received a much larger order and have plans to place another order very soon.

Each box of sachets was lovely assembled and each sachet was individually wrapped. Making the tea easier to transport and keep for those times where you need a tea asap and don’t have time to steep loose leaf. This particular tea had a lovely earthy smell with a slight citrus aroma.  Really wonderful.

Brewed up my water 212F and allowed the tea to steep for about 4 minutes. Allowed the tea to cool for another 2-3 minutes and took my firsts sip. I was instantly in love. This tea has this wonderful silky smooth texture with notes of sweetness, earthiness, and herbaceous all in one tea sachet.

The puerh tea is solid-smooth, luxurious, and makes a wonderful base for the rest of the ingredients to play on. I don’t drink a lot of puerh, but from what I’ve had of the flavored variety, this is one of the best ones out there.  With the dark tea base, the cocoa nibs become even more decadent adding to that silky luxurious mouth feel.  Add in the citrus twist  and fennel finish (not a strong fennel flavor by any means) and you have a wonderfully well balanced sweet treat.

Rich, sweet, citrus, earthy with a hit of chocolate. . and a touch of an herbal finish. . .really couldn’t ask for a better way to get you going and ready to take the day on.

I actually loved this tea so much that I took down half a box in one day and ordered 4 oz in my last order.  I did notice that I was only able to get two steepings out of each sachet so I’m hoping I will be able to squeeze hopefully one more infusion out of the loose leaf.

For my first experience with Fraser Tea, I’m quite loving it and am excited to prep my tea kettle up to enjoy more teas from order!

Here’s the scoop!

Leaf Type: Puerh
Where to Buy:  Fraser Tea

Sweet chocolate and licorice flavor with earthy citrus aroma

Puerh Tea*, Cocoa Nibs*, Orange Peel*, Fennel Seeds*, Eleuthero Root*, Organic Flavor (*) = Organic Certified.

Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!

2017 Black Friday/Cyber Monday Tea Sales. . . .#BlackFridayTeaSale #TeaSale

It’s once again time for tea enthusiasts to enjoy amazing Black Friday/Small Business Saturday/Cyber Monday deals!

Check out some of the deals below that are sure to make any tea lover extremely happy!

52Teas Sale

52Teas is bringing us three unique sales on Thanksgiving, Black Friday, and Cyber Monday! Check back on Black Friday and Cyber Monday to see the details.

On Thanksgiving Day: 
Mystery Grab Bag of 3 taster size pouches of tea (15g each) will be gifted to every customer who purchases $25 or more – Our way of saying Thank YOU!
Black Friday: 
It will be Black TEA Friday – 40% off all black teas with minimum $20 purchase.
On Cyber Monday: 
On Cyber Monday: 
Purchase $50 or more, receive December’s Subscription Box as a bonus (Fine Print: order will not ship until December 1);
Purchase $75 or more, receive $25 gift code that can be gifted;
Purchase $100 or more, receive 3 month subscription as a bonus (Fine Print: Subscription will begin on January, this offer valid only for US Customers.)

Wild Leaf Active Tea

Buy three teas and get one free! Use B3G1 at checkout. Sale ends on 11/30.

Past Wild Leaf Tea SororiTea Sisters’ Reviews

American Gongfu

From Black Friday through Cyber Monday, we’ll be offering big discounts on everything we offer ( 20% off everything)


Past American Gongfu SororiTea Sisters’ Review

Simpson and Vail

Black Friday Deal going on now! Free Shipping on all orders over $25.00.  See website for details.

Past Simpson & Vail SororiTea Sisters’ Reviews

Beach House Teas

Click here to join their newsletter and receive a special code for newsletter subscribers for 40% off their handcrafted teas on Small Business Saturday!


Past Beach House Teas SororiTea Sisters’ Reviews

Fraser Teas

Enter cyber15 at checkout to receive 15% off Black Friday to Cyber Monday!


A Quarter to Tea

30% off all limited teas
30% off a limited selection of pre-bagged 1oz quantities of tea -Limited Tea Mystery Bags (3-0.5oz of tea for $6.00)

And a 15% off coupon that stacks on top of all of the above. Just use GIVETHANKS17 when checking out.

We will also have all seasonal and limited teas through November up by then!

Story of My Tea

– Pumpkin spice tea for only $5
-Special Prize on the subscription to Story of My Tea box
 1 mo:$25 reg $35
Use code: thanks1
3 mo:$81.99 reg $105
Use code thanks3
6 mo: $120 reg $210
Use code thanks6
(plus, each dollar spent gives  points that can use on the website)
Offer Valid from 11/24 to 11/27


The NecessiTeas

Enter GOBBLE25 to recieve 25% off at checkout.  Plus order over $50 receive free shipping.


Want your tea deal posted? Email us at sororiteasistersblog@gmail.com.