Tea Information:
Leaf Type: Pu-erh
Where to Buy: Tao of Tea
Product Description:
The Tuocha refers to a family of bowl shaped teas, commonly available as Green tea Tuocha, Black tea Tuocha and Puer (aged) Tuocha. More recently, Tuochas have also become commonly available by compressing the tea leaves and flowers together, or by heat infusing them together. In making the Rose Tuocha, more mature leaves of the tea plant are selected in summer, sun-dried, steamed, oxidized to turn dark, then compressed along with rose petals into small bowls. Wrapped with paper, the Rose Tuocha are an ideal size (3 grams) for individual serving.
Flavor Profile: Sweet, smooth, very mild rose flavor with little astringency.
Taster’s Review:
This is certainly different … not at all what I expect when I taste a Pu-erh. Pu-erh tends to be quite a strong, assertive flavor, but with this Pu-erh, you need to throw everything you know about Pu-erh out the window, because it’s so unusual … but in the very best way possible.
When I steep Pu-erh Tuocha like this, I steep them in my gaiwan, using short steeps and multiple infusions. My first cup was the combination of the first two infusions (following a quick 10 second rinse). This cup is really quite light in flavor. A little woodsy with a mellow rose note that is pleasantly sweet. No sharpness, no strong earthy flavors. Smooth and only the faintest hint of astringency at the tail.
My second cup (the combination of the third and fourth infusions), brewed up darker and much bolder than the first cup. The color here is much more like what I’d expect from a Pu-erh, whereas the first cup was more like a black tea. The flavor is more assertive compared to the first, but, still, it is not that typical earthy flavor of Pu-erh. There are some earthy hints that seem to have paired up with the woodsy flavor that I mentioned with the first cup – creating more of a “damp wood” flavor than an earthy note. The floral notes are stronger here too. What this cup actually tastes like to me? Coffee … but without the bitterness and astringency. This tastes rather like a smooth cup of rich coffee.
My third and final cup (the combination of the fifth and sixth infusions) was slightly (only very slightly) lighter in color than the second cup, but the flavor has become much smoother than either the first or the second cup. The floral tone has emerged nicely, and I am still getting that coffee-like flavor that I had mentioned. Of the three cups, this one is definitely my favorite as it has become so unbelievably smooth.
This is an excellent Pu-erh. It would make a good starter Pu-erh for those who are new to the tea. And for those of you who really love rose teas, you should give this one a try … while the rose flavor here is a bit more mellow than a typical rose Congou, I like that this Rose Tuocha shows me a whole new set of flavors to the rose that I would have never experienced from other teas.
Ripened Chrysanthemum Pu-erh Mini Tuocha from Teavivre
Leaf Type: Pu-erh
Where to Buy: Teavivre
Product Description:
A Premium Pu-erh Mini Tea Cake infused with Chrysanthemum flowers
- Plucked and manufactured in June 2008 in Simao, Pu’er, Yunnan, China
- Premium Pu-erh tea leaves and Chrysanthemum flower individually wrapped and compressed into beautiful bird’s nest shaped tea cakes for convenient brewing and storage
- Brews a tea with a deep mahogany color
- Chrysanthemum lends a light sweet floral note to the rich complex flavor of the Pu-erh tea
Read more about this tea here.
Taster’s Review:
This mini tuocha cakes are neat! There is one chrysanthemum flower tucked inside each little nest, and as the Pu-erh steeps and begins to fall apart, the chrysanthemum flower is revealed. This isn’t like a blooming or flowering art tea, it is more like a buried treasure tea!
The aroma of the dry tuocha is what I’ve come to expect from Pu-erh – earthy. I don’t know if I’ve just become more acquainted with that scent from Pu-erh or if this is a lighter earthy scent in this Pu-erh, but I’m not finding this off-putting as I normally would. It doesn’t smell delicious or anything, but, it isn’t revolting either. I tried to see if I could smell the flower, but I did not, perhaps the delicate scent o f the chrysanthemum was overwhelmed by the earthy tones of the Pu-erh.
I used my gaiwan and infused using short steeps (a quick 10 second rinse, then a 30 second infusion for the first steep, and added 15 seconds with each subsequent infusion). The flavor is rich and deep. Earthy, yes, but, I find that the subtle sweet notes of flower from the chrysanthemum provide contrast to the earthy tones.
There is, of course, that amazing sweetness to this Pu-erh … a deep caramel-y flavor that is what finally won me over and helped me develop an appreciation for Pu-erh. The floral tones are very nice, and they develop as I continue to sip. The floral note has a slight sharpness to it which when juxtaposed to the strong sense of earth in the background tempers what would otherwise be quite a heavy flavor. A nice balance, and certainly an enjoyable Pu-erh experience.
Prosperity Cube Pu-erh Tea (Year 2003) from Red Leaf Tea
Leaf Type: Pu-erh
Where to Buy: Red Leaf Tea
Product Description:
From the ancient halls of Chinese herbal science comes a special tea that is designed to call out to the spiritual world; Prosperity Pu-Erh Tea! When civilization was born, Chinese healers developed the arts of Feng Shui, writing, and herbology, and the Prosperity Cube. The Cube is a compressed block of herbs that have been specially prepared with sticky syrup and a small square mold. A Chinese character is applied to the cube during the molding process, as a spiritual call for a certain quality. When shared with family, the Prosperity Cube can be amazingly effective in lifting the financial burdens of the participants. Packed with just as many health benefits as other tea varities, Pu-Erh tea such as the Prosperity Cube make excellent sipping teas for those looking for a traditional Chinese taste.
Taster’s Review:
I’ve come to realize that not all Pu-erh teas are the same. Just like with any tea type there are good Pu-erh teas and there are not-so-good Pu-erh. This Prosperity Cube from Red Leaf Tea happens to be one of the good ones!
This Pu-erh is incredibly flavorful – and very pleasantly sweet! The aroma of the dry leaf is a little earthy, but in comparison to some other Pu-erh teas I’ve encountered, I would say that the earthiness here is rather mild.
The steeped tea smells a bit more like damp wood than of earth, and there is a sweet kind of aroma to it too that reminds me a bit of caramelized sugar. That caramel essence translates into the flavor very well, in fact, this is one of the sweetest Pu-erh teas that I’ve yet to try. It isn’t the “deep undertone of caramel-y sweetness” that I often describe when reviewing Pu-erh, this is a sweet, caramel syrup overtone that is front and center.
It is incredibly smooth and there is no bitterness whatsoever. I am also having a hard time discerning any hint of astringency to this cup. It is just smooth and sweet from start to finish, with an oaken undertone and a hint of earth that hits just after the start.
If you’re like me and have had one or more unpleasant Pu-erh experiences in the past, don’t let that stop you from trying more. If you do, you are only depriving yourself of what is indeed a fascinating journey of discovery. On my journey, I am discovering so many wonderful Pu-erh teas there are out there to enjoy!
And if you’ve decided that maybe you should give Pu-erh one more try, I recommend starting with this Prosperity Cube from Red Leaf Tea. One taste of it and you’ll have a hard time remembering what “bad” Pu-erh is like … this one is THAT good!
Diyi Cornfields Shu from Verdant Tea
Leaf Type: Pu-erh
Where to Buy: Verdant Tea
Product Description:
Year: 2008
Workshop: Diyi Workshop
Region: Xishuangbanna
Flavor: True to the smell, this tea really does taste like corn, but with an impressive complexity. The spearmint comes through as a tingling sensation, more of a a minty texture than anything else. Despite the sweet corn flavor, the tea is weightless on the palate and almost refreshing like an iced drink.
Taster’s Review:
This month’s Steepster Select Package theme is “Migration.” My first thought when I saw the card insert in the package was “Migration? What an odd theme.” But I don’t mean odd in a bad way… I happen to think odd is a compliment. I mean, why settle for ordinary when you can have something a little odd?
The card insert explains the theme like this:
Autumn brings bodies in motion – animals and people alike – savoring the final wisps of warmth. Stroll through the park and you’ll find empty nests, scattered branches and crisp, fallen leaves, all proof of the impending frost.
Some take flight, migrating to warmer climates, but those more observant recognize Autumn is merely the beginning of many tea-soaked months.
Rather than fly away, we choose to nose-dive in wholeheartedly. We bring you 3 teas inspired by everything the migrating birds left behind.
I really like this explanation and how it fits with the three teas chosen for this month. This particular tea is the “empty nest”!
And I really am liking this tea!
If you are a frequent reader here, you may know that I am not as fond of pu-erh as I am other types of tea. But I am gaining an appreciation for it with each new tasting. This Shu (meaning “cooked” pu-erh) is full of surprises!
My first surprise was the aroma of the dry nest. It is earthy, yes, but, the earthy notes are not as strong as I usually find with a Shu. I can also smell notes of corn and even a hint of mint nestled in the mini tuo cha. The brewed liquor has a stronger corn scent. Earthy notes are still present, but, they are significantly softer than the dry leaf.
The second surprise is in my gaiwan. Usually, when I steep these little nests, the tea remains in a little mass at the bottom of the gaiwan… but this pu-erh seems to be very loosely packed into the nest, as it fell apart. And what it revealed to me was not only the deep brown and almost-black colored leaves, but also green leaves in there.
The flavor … is like WOW! Corn! I don’t think I’ve ever tasted a tea that has such a profound corn flavor as this. It tastes like roasted corn to me … like when you go out to the fair … the roasted corn on the cob? Yeah, that is what I’m tasting. I LOVE roasted corn on the cob, and I have tried my hand at roasting my own corn on the cob but with very little success. I can never seem to capture that same flavor of the fair. But… interestingly enough, this tea has!
The sweetness is a corn-like sweetness, reminding me a bit of sweet corn cakes. The mouthfeel is remarkably light and has a crispness to it. It feels cleaner on the palate than any other pu-erh I’ve ever tasted.
This is a remarkable pu-erh. I recommend this to all tea enthusiasts out there, especially to those who want to gain a stronger appreciation for pu-erh, and have had some unfortunate experiences with it in the past. This pu-erh is unlike any other I’ve ever tried, and certainly one that you should try!
Single Mountain: Yiwu Wild Arbor Sheng (2004) from Verdant Tea
Leaf Type: Pu-erh
Where to Buy: Verdant Tea
Product Description:
Mt. Banzhang is considered the absolute top of the line in pu’er leaf, but Mt. Yiwu is giving Banzhang a run for its money. The art of pu’er in Yiwu is thriving and threatening to take 1st place. Compare this to the American cheese and wine movement that is finally strong enough to hold its own against France. Because Yiwu is not yet as famous, the tea is much more affordable, even certified single origin bricks like this one. Buy a brick if you can and watch this tea age into some of the best. In ten years it may be much more difficult to even obtain Yiwu leaf for import.
To Learn More, click here.
Taster’s Review:
This is Pu-erh? I found myself questioning it the moment I opened the pouch and noted the aroma, which was not strong nor as earthy as a typical Pu-erh. The earthiness is very slight, smelling a bit more like mushrooms to me than earth. The brewed liquor takes on a slightly stronger earthy tone, but, still, not nearly what I’ve come to prepare myself for when I drink Pu-erh. There are lingering notes of wood, reminding me of a walk through the forest – again, not so much of the smell of the earth in that forest, but the trees and the surrounding air which is enhanced with a hint of smoke from a nearby cabin.
The complexity of the aroma translates into the flavor. I taste a fruit note in this cup – something I can’t ever recall noticing in another cup of Pu-erh. It is not a strong flavor, but more of a whisper of a flavor in the background, a mystery that is hidden behind the solid notes of wood and spice. The spice tones start out “almost” peppery – almost but not quite. As I continue to sip, I find that the peppery tones develop somewhat, but it remains a subtle spiced note.
The tasting notes on the Verdant Tea website suggest a hibiscus tone, but I have to say that I don’t really notice hibiscus. Perhaps a hint of tartness from the berry/fruit notes that I mentioned earlier, but as I don’t like hibiscus, and I am enjoying these fruit notes, I don’t taste hibiscus when I taste the berry-like flavor; but I can see where the comparison to hibiscus is made.
It is incredibly smooth with no astringency or bitterness. The body is lighter, delivering a taste that is not quite as heavy as a typical Pu-erh. It has a light sweetness that is not so much the caramel-like sweetness that I’ve come to appreciate in Pu-erh … it’s different, but no less enjoyable. In fact, that this IS different, it becomes even more enjoyable; intriguing me to continue to sip so that I may pinpoint what it is I taste.
Subsequent infusions seem to deliver more complexity. Just as the previously mentioned tasting notes from Verdant Tea suggests, the berry/hibiscus-y notes develop into more of a tart apple taste. I can really taste the cedar notes now. The spice has developed as well, a light peppery note without those high spice notes. A subtle, low pepper tone.
If you’re new to Pu-erh, I think that this would be an excellent Pu-erh with which to start. If you’re a seasoned Pu-erh veteran, I would still recommend trying this Pu-erh for its unique set of flavors, you may find it to be a deliciously different addition to your tea cupboard.
An exquisite Pu-erh (and I really don’t think I’ve used exquisite to describe a Pu-erh before!)