Coconut Matcha from 3 Leaf Tea #VeganMoFo2016

I figured Coconut Matcha from 3 Leaf Tea was not only due for a review here at Sororitea Sisters but it would make a great tie-in for today’s Vegan MoFo Prompt which is “Late Night Snack”.  I maybe a little different than most but I really LOVE a good, flavored matcha in the evening or even late at night.  Although – I never think it’s a BAD time for a good matcha!

For a late night snack one evening I had some of this matcha and it was glorious!  Coconut Matcha from 3 Leaf Tea is SO very creamy, SO very sweet, and SO very tasty!  It’s the closest I have tasted to natural, shredded coconut in liquid form.  I’m pretty sure I haven’t tasted a coconut matcha that I like better than this one from 3 Leaf Tea.

Below you can see some drink ideas using Coconut Matcha from 3 Leaf Tea but I enjoy it straight-up with hot water.  Eventho I think this is great anytime of day I think this makes a great late night snack since it’s creamy, comforting, sweet, and dessert-like.


Here’s the scoop!

Leaf Type: Matcha (Green Tea Base)
Where to Buy: 3 Leaf Tea
Get a taste of the tropics with our all natural coconut flavored matcha. One sip and you’ll see why this is our number one seller. Smooth and creamy with a well balanced coconut taste.
Preparation & Recipes: 
Hot Latte: Whisk 1 tsp of matcha with 1 tsp of sugar in 2 oz of hot (170°F) water. Add 6 oz of hot milk and stir.
Iced Latte: Whisk 1 tsp of matcha with 1 tsp of sugar in 2 oz of hot (170°F) water. Add 6 oz of cold milk and stir. Pour over ice.
Traditional: Whisk 1/4-1/2 tsp of matcha in 6 oz of (170°F) water.
Smoothie: Add 1 tsp matcha, 1 banana, 1 cup milk, handful of ice, and 1 tsp sugar or honey into blender. Blend until smooth.
Orange Juice: Add 1/2 tsp of sifted matcha to 1 cup of orange juice in a shaker bottle. Shake well until matcha is fully blended.
Food: Sprinkle matcha on top of yogurt, cottage cheese, granola or add it into a recipe (check out our recipe page for ideas!)
  1. Traditionally, a bamboo whisk, also called a chasen, is the preferred tool to whisk matcha. A chawan, or matcha bowl is also used. If those items are not available, a small metal whisk and a wide bowl or mug to accommodate room for whisking can be used.
  2. Water temperature is important for the matcha to maintain it’s sweet flavor and avoid turning bitter. Water temperatures below 170° F are recommended.
  3. Matcha is stored best in an airtight, light proof container. To maintain maximum freshness, store in refrigerator.
  4. Sifting matcha through a fine mesh strainer before use helps remove clumps and creates a smoother consistency.

Ingredients: Matcha, natural flavor

Vegan, Gluten Free

Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!

Organic Japanese Boutique Crafted Matcha Green Tea from The Flavor Project

I know I SHOULD get CUTE with matcha more – you know – make recipes, post about natural body care using matcha, flavoring or making specialty drinks using matcha as the base but sometimes you just have to PAUSE and drink matcha straight-up and savor it for what it is and that is just what I did with this Organic Japanese Boutique Crafted Matcha Green Tea from The Flavor Project. I savored it for what it IS and that IS that it IS pretty awesome!

Organic Japanese Boutique Crafted Matcha Green Tea from The Flavor Project smells slightly sweet prior to adding and whisking! The aroma continues once I sip. There is a creaminess to it, too! This straight-up matcha is VERY SMOOTH.

I can see sharing this with friends! I can see endless possibilities with this Organic Japanese Boutique Crafted Matcha Green Tea from The Flavor Project but keep in mind this is also a matcha you can PAUSE and enjoy as-is, too!

Here’s the scoop!

Leaf Type: Matcha
Where to Buy: The Flavor Project 


This all-natural, crafted and stone-ground boutique matcha is all natural. Not only does it taste great as a traditional matcha, you can blend it for an amazing smoothie, froth it with milk for a latte, or add a spoonful to just about anything for a real health treat. Looks like you’ve got some serious taste testing to do.

Our organic tea fields are located 600 metres above sea level in the valleys between the mountains. The cooler climate and unique location helps produce outstanding organic matcha.

Matcha is rich in antioxidants, amino acids, chlorophyll and fibre, and each serving is nutritionally equivalent to 10 cups of regular green tea.

Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!

Coconut Matcha from 3 Leaf

I am a fan of Matcha. I love the earthy, green flavor, and I love that it’s also very good for you. This coconut matcha is for people who find the taste of matcha a little too grassy. As soon as I smelled it, I could smell the faint scent of coconut, and I knew this was going to be good.

I tried it first alone, and what I noticed right away is that it frothed up like a latte as I was adding the hot, not boiling water. I don’t have one of those whisks that I’ve seen used when making matcha, so I just stirred with a spoon as I was adding the water, and it was frothy with no clumping. I’ve had clumping issues in the past, and it isn’t pleasant. The smell is so inviting too. Just a subtle coconut-y fragrance to compliment the matcha. The taste is like the best matcha with a rich buttery hint of coconut. It’s like the coconut flavor adds a richness to this tea.

I had this a second way, in the form of a matcha latte. I made my tea, added some coconut milk and gave it a quick whiz in the blender to really make it extra frothy. This was seriously a treat. Creamy, coconut-y goodness.

The coconut flavor is subtle, but it’s there. It cuts a lot of the grassiness of the matcha. This is hands down the best matcha I’ve tried. And the fact that there are no clumps, even when you don’t have a whisk makes it even more amazing!

Here’s the scoop!

Leaf Type: Green/Matcha
Where to Buy: 3 Leaf


Get a taste of the tropics with our all natural coconut flavored matcha. One sip and you’ll see why this is our number one seller. Smooth and creamy with a well balanced coconut taste.

Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!

MatchaStick by Magus Brands

Hello Tea Friends,

I adore Matcha and was giddy to be sent this sample to try; I was even giddier to learn that this Matcha stick’s contents are organic. I haven’t tried anything from Magus Brands and I always enjoy drinking from a vendor that is new to me.

The MatchaStick is a handy pocked/bag size that contains “2g of matcha, which contains 70mg of caffeine (equal to a cup of light roast coffee) and 137 times the antioxidants of a cup of green tea.” They have a lovely guide for brewing on their home page for those that are new to Matcha. With two method examples given (Usucha and Koicha) I will be using the traditional Usucha method as I like my Matcha frothy and bubbly.

Opening the stick the Matcha appears a vivid green colour that bares a grassy, sweet pea scent.

Once prepared the Matcha has created a lot of lovely foam (with very little effort on my part) and is a bit lighter than the natural raw state.

Flavour wise the first few sips reveal sweet grass, seaweed and thick umami notes among the light and frothy foam. Slightly bitter but in a pleasant way. The after taste is clean and light which sweetens the grass and umami even further. Half way through the bowl/chawan the flavour remains consistent, also the foam still remains thick.

Overall: This Matcha was a handy packet size and was easy to prepare. It claimed to be of ceremonial grade and organic which from the foam proportion and colour I am inclined to agree with. You could certainly taste the quality and it made for a very nice Chawan of Matcha. The umami in this was strong and I savoured every sip with a smile. For new Matcha drinkers or seasoned fans that like to travel I recommend you consider these fantastic MatchaSticks, they are Matcha-tastic!


Here’s the scoop!

Leaf Type: Matcha Green Tea
Where to Buy: Magus Brands
magusbrandsDescription: Our MatchaSticks™ are made from the highest-grade, premium organic matcha. We’ve partnered with a network of centuries-old, small family-owned farms who cultivate the tea by hand on the island town of Kagoshima. The island soil creates a vibrant, refreshing strain of tencha, a shade-grown tea that is transformed into matcha.

Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!

Organic Matcha Green Tea Powder Culinary Grade from ZenTei Matcha

One thing I LOVE when I first smell Matcha powder is when it smells of a heavy green savory veggie. Organic Matcha Green Tea Powder Culinary Grade from ZenTei Matcha had just the first sniff I was craving!

Another thing I enjoy is when a Matcha froths up nicely – again – Organic Matcha Green Tea Powder Culinary Grade from ZenTei Matcha did just that!

Oh! But Wait! There’s More! Organic Matcha Green Tea Powder Culinary Grade from ZenTei Matcha was vegetal-tasting, yes, but it was also VERY naturally creamy!

So that means – if you are keeping score – this Matcha already has 3 UPs on some other Matchas I have tried recently!

I guess I will just have to come out and say it…Organic Matcha Green Tea Powder Culinary Grade from ZenTei Matcha…is one of my FAVORITE straight-up Matcha’s I have tasted this year! YUM! I really can’t get enough of this!


Here’s the scoop!

Leaf Type: Green Tea/Matcha
Where to Buy: ZenTei Matcha


Culinary-Grade Matcha has a stronger tea flavor than a traditional Ceremonial-Grade and allows the Matcha flavor to shine through even if mixed with other ingredients.  Traditionally whisked into a frothy beverage, Matcha can be blended into smoothies, green tea lattes or green tea lemonade.  Matcha is also perfect sprinkled over fruit or yogurt, added to salt to create a savory seasoning, mixed into baked goods recipes or added to ice cream.

Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!