The Last Dodo’s Mega Matcha Comparison Showdown!



I think my arms are sore. I have been whisking away for two days, testing matcha for it’s various quality. Red leaf tea has graciously asked me to put their matcha to the test. So, how does their matcha compare to the rest? Let’s find out! To make things as fair as I can make it, I used a consistent 1/2tsp to 1/4 c of water. The water I used was filtered and heated up to 80C/175F. Whisk and repeat.

First off, when I was doing the testing, I was unaware of the brands and the prices. I was shipped 12 little sample bags labeled simply, Sample 1, Sample 2, and so forth. It was so much fun, even if it got to be a bit overwhelming at times. Needless to say I am writing this comparison totally wired.



Sample #1:

Organic Matcha Green Tea Powder

Price per bag: $24.95

Price per oz: $6.24

Color: 6

Flavor: 6

Sweetness: 5

Notes: Woah. I had to shorten the name for this one because it was about 15 keywords too long. But hey, first matcha out of the gate! This one had the exact appearance as a bag of steamed asparagus color to me and was bold and grassy.


Sample #2:

Tradition Pure Green Tea Powder

Price per bag: $10.75

Price per oz: $1.22

Color: 4

Flavor: 5

Sweetness: 5

Notes: Much clump I sense in you, matcha sample #2! This sample is a Taiwanese product, so can it be considered true matcha?  This one has much more umami going on. There was some graininess to this one, I was not very impressed.


Sample #3:

Doctor King

Price per bag: $24.00

Price per oz: $6.00

Color: 9

Flavor: 9

Sweetness: 10

Notes: This was quite good! I was glad to finally have hit a sweet spot with these matcha samples. The color was of an unripe pear, and the bright spring green was fresh and smooth in execution. The sweetness was much more prominent than the past two.


Sample #4:

One Organic Matcha

Price per bag: $19.99

Price per oz: $2.27

Color: 6

Flavor: 6

Sweetness: 6

Notes: this one was very fluffy! Too bad the green, vegetable broth-like brew was a yawn for me.


Sample #5:


Price per bag: $21.99

Price per oz: $5.50

Color: 6

Flavor: 6

Sweetness: 5

Notes: the ever so grainy army drab matcha was muted, like iceberg lettuce. Very forgettable, unfortunately. The 100 keyword Amazon listing is a bit of a turn off as well.


Sample #6:


Price per bag: $29.99

Price per oz: $8.52

Color: 9

Flavor: 10

Sweetness: 10

Notes: The pistachio colored powder was a bit harder to whisk than the last, it had mad clumps. But where it lacked in whiskablity, it made up in the sweet, fresh and bright brew.


Sample #7:


Price per bag: $16.99

Price per oz: $1.93

Color: 3

Flavor: 5

Sweetness: 5

Notes: Smooth, but bitter and much more gritty than the others. I almost felt bad for this matcha, considering how this one fell short when the previous one was quite good.


Sample #8:

Matcha DNA

Price per bag: $24.71

Price per oz: $2.47

Color: 5

Flavor: 6

Sweetness: 5

Notes: a bit astringent and rough to drink. Not my favorite.


Sample #9:

Kiss me Organic

Price per bag: $25.00

Price per oz: $6.25

Color: 9


Sweetness: 8

Notes: this one was not bad, but I did get a little fishy note in the body somewhere, albeit a fleeting one. This would have been great matcha if it wasn’t for that.


Sample #10:


Price per bag: $24.99

Price per oz: $6.25

Color: 6

Flavor: 6

Sweetness: 7

Notes: this was a mild one, it was not bitter, but the flavor fell a little flat.


Sample #11:

Starter Matcha from Red leaf Tea

Price per bag: $14.99

Price per oz: $0.94

Color: 5

Flavor: 7

Sweetness: 7

Notes: I think I was getting a little matcha high at this point but, I remember how smooth this one was, the flavor was nothing to write home about, but there was no harshness, nor muted flavor. Just fresh greens.


Sample #12:

Deluxe Matcha from Red Leaf Tea

Price per bag: $24.99

Price per oz: $1.56

Color: 10

Flavor: 10

Sweetness: 10

Notes: Hands down my favorite. I was surprised at how floral this one tasted, I remember writing in my notes that it tasted like one of my favorite things, my city’s Botanic Gardens. Which is high praise coming from me! There was not bitterness to this one, only sweet, smooth goodness!

So there you have it! To break it down, here are some charts to help break down the information into more chewable bites. And who doesn’t love charts?



By looking at this one, Sample 6 and 12 were all around favorites for me. The only one that got close was Sample 3. I may have had higher expectations of the samples that came after each matcha that I really liked, cause the rating dropped a bit!



This chart definitely tells a better story. Looks like I can usually tell a good matcha when I see it! The biggest difference is the last two, in price and quality. They were smooth and whipped up really smoothly. Both of which can be obtained from Red Leaf Tea. The ratio is great, comparably. I was blown out of the water by the contrast in price vs. how much I liked it. Wowza!

Matcha from Chiang Rai Tea House

ChiangMatcha1Tea Information:

Leaf Type:  Green (Matcha)

Where to Buy:  Chiang Rai Tea House

Tea Description:

Matcha -green tea powder- is an antioxidant powerhouse (ORAC rating of 1,300 units/gram compared to 105 units/gram for pomegranates) and its list of health benefits goes on and on -fights viruses and bacteria, lowers cholesterol and blood sugar, L-Theanine relaxes and supports concentration, boosts metabolism and burns calories, contains the unique and powerful antioxidant catechin EGCg.

Learn more about this tea here.

Taster’s Review:

It’s been a while since I’ve written about Matcha.  And even though it’s been a little while since I’ve written about Matcha, that doesn’t mean that it’s been a while since I’ve consumed it.  I try to drink a bowl of Matcha (or do a cold-water shake-up of Matcha in my water bottle) at least every other day.  Occasionally, I might skip a day or two, but, I do try to drink it regularly – the stuff is magical!  It’s not only tasty but it also makes me feel so good after I’ve had it.  It’s one of the most revitalizing, energizing and spiritually uplifting teas I know of.

So, I was really intrigued when Chiang Rai Tea House sent me some of their Matcha to try.  Traditionally, Matcha is a Japanese tea, but the tea that was ground into this powdered green tea is from Thailand.  So, I was interested to find out if it would be different from the traditional Matcha.

The color in this photo is brighter than the color of the tea in the package I received.

The dry powder is not the vivid Apple Green that you’d find with most top quality Matcha teas from Japan.  This tea was more like an Army Green color.  Kind of drab and dull.  This worried me because it’s been my experience that when it comes to Matcha, the color is very telling of what I’ll be tasting.

But, I’m going to try it and see how it goes.  I measured out some of the Matcha into my sifter and sifted into my Chawan and added hot water (160°F) and whisked the Matcha with my Chasen.  The Matcha incorporated quickly.  There was some froth to the prepared Matcha but it disappeared as quickly as it formed.

On their webpage, Chiang Rai Tea House says this about their Matcha:

We are particularly proud of our matcha, which we honestly believe can rival any Japanese matcha. This is a high-grade, 100% pure green tea powder made following strict guidelines. It has a smooth texture, a sweet aftertaste and an intense flavor, without the bitterness characteristic of lesser matchas.

I don’t know if this can rival any Japanese Matcha, but I will say that it’s better than some of the lower quality Japanese Matcha that I’ve tried.  It is smooth and sweet.  I’m not getting any of the bitterness or even the bitter-sweet notes that I’d taste from a lesser quality Matcha from Japan.  I’m actually quite surprised by that – because I expected this to taste a lot like that!  I expected this to taste like some of those average or even less-than-average Matcha teas that I’ve tried over the years.

This has a strong flavor that is a lightly buttery and there are pleasant notes of cacao.  It’s smooth and even though there were a couple of chalky moments, overall, I find this to be a very tasty Matcha.  The powder remained suspended in the liquid and didn’t settle to the bottom which was a big bonus as far as I’m concerned.  I liked that the consistency of the tea remained the same from the first sip to the last.

Overall, this was a pleasant Matcha experience.  This isn’t the best Matcha that I’ve ever tried, but it certainly wasn’t the worst.  If you’re someone who drinks Matcha daily and is looking for a good alternative to the average Matcha, try this.  This has a very pleasant flavor that I don’t always find in the average Matcha.

Coconut Matcha Green Tea from 3 Leaf Tea

coconutmatchaTea Information:

Leaf Type: Green.

Where to Buy: 3 Leaf Tea

Tea Description:

 We import our matcha directly from Shizuoka, Japan. Matcha is a high quality green tea with a unique taste. It is often described as a full bodied, vegetal sweetness. Unlike most tea where the leaves are discarded after use, matcha is the whole leaf ground into a fine powder.

Learn more about this tea here.

Taster’s Review:

3 Leaf Tea is a newer company to come on to the scene. They offer both flavored matcha, as well as raw cacao hot chocolate (with or without sweetener). They piqued my interest, and the first thing I just had to try out their coconut matcha flavor. I am a coconut fiend! I will put coconut in everything if I could. I cook with it, I flavor desserts with it, I will drink it in many of it’s forms, it’s my main source of beauty needs, hell, I even clean with it! Seriously, I could write sonnet after sonnet of praises for the humble coconut, but this just simply is not the blog for it.

I had this tea in the modern method because I was being lazy today and wanted matcha NOW. I used my blender bottle thingie to whip it up in a jiffy. (Protip: if you have one of these things and you do use it, make sure you close the latch TIGHTLY. I got bright green almond milk everywhere.) I was so excited to use my own homemade almond milk in tandem with the matcha, it seemed like the perfect combination. Luckily for me, the combination was pretty much magical. Who knew that forgoing the overpriced cartons of blue diamond with ten plus ingredients and making my own would make everything it comes in contact with just that much better? All it is two ingredients, almonds and water. Yes, it does take a few hours to soak the nuts, but when I blend and strain, it turns into a delicious, fresh almond milky heaven.

The base match 3 Leaf Tea uses is excellent. I have had my fair share of bad matcha in my day, and I can just tell that by looking at this lush, blue-green powder that this will be a very good experience. The base by itself is very nice, it is vegetal and fresh. It’s really got that umami thing down. If I am not careful, I do get some clumping, but it is an easy fix. The taste is smooth, no graininess, and although the flavor is light, it is a creamy hint at the end of each sip that just feels so right. I really enjoyed the flavor, the texture, and the latte I made was gone before I knew it. Looks like I will have to make some more almond milk soon!


Genmai Cha with Matcha from Sugimoto America

G500L-300Tea Information:

Leaf Type:  Green Tea (with Matcha)

Where to Buy: Sugimoto America

Tea Description:

Ingredients: Tea Leaves, Roasted Rice, Matcha

Special blend of Genmai Cha and stone-milled Matcha, the powdered green tea for traditional tea ceremony. The added Matcha gives Genmai Cha a smooth body and vivid emerald-green color. Genmai Cha is a toasty, nutty tea and is one of Japan’s most popular varieties.

Use 1 tablespoon (5g) for 12 oz of water. We recommend steeping with 175F water or above for 30 – 60 seconds. Yields approximately 100 servings/package.

Learn more about this tea here.

Taster’s Review:

Genmai Cha with Matcha from Sugimoto America is one of those green teas that I have tried a few times but place in a special section of my cupboard because I don’t want to drink it all at once and run out.

The green tea leaves start very flat and plump up a bit when you add the hot water.  The roasted brown rice looks just like popcorn as it stereo-typically would in a tea such as this.  The matcha looks and smells fresh and crisp and coat every spec of the tea/popped-rice combo.

After you infuse about a tablespoon of the mixture worth in hot water for about 30 to 60 seconds – the aroma is reminiscent of a nice warm spring day in Florida with nearby neighbors mowing their already well kept lawns.  I don’t know if this wicked weather we’ve been having has made me think this way – or if the aroma really DOES take me back to my childhood while visiting my grandparents.  Either way…the aroma is pleasant and warming with a bit of sweetness and fresh grass or greens!

Because of the matcha – you will notice the tea water is a cloudy green/gray – but – this just adds to the overall experience of it all!  The match flavor is great!  The taste and texture of the sip on the tongue is more like a brothy-soup than a tea and it’s more filling that just a regular tea or tisane…it’s more like a meal than a beverage.  It’s completely fulfilling and delicious!

This is a tea to savor, a tea to save for when you really NEED it, a tea to have on hand when you need an escape, and a tea to appreciate.  This is a pure delight!


Product Review: Yuzu MatchaBooster from Maeda-en

matchabooster-yuzuProduct Information:

MatchaBooster is a ready-to-use matcha-based powder. It mixes easily in your favorite drink and can used as a cooking ingredient.

Boost up your lifestyle with Maeda-en MatchaBooster♪

Where to Buy:  Maeda-en


Yuzu is a tart yellow citrus fruit that goes surprisingly well with matcha. Try the combination yourself and see!

Learn more about this MatchaBooster here.

Taster’s Review:

Mmm!  This is good.  Just as I enjoyed the other MatchaBooster varieties from Maeda-En, I find myself enjoying this Yuzu flavored MatchaBooster.

For the purposes of this review, I first prepared it using 8 ounces of cold water and adding 1 level tablespoon of MatchaBooster powder.  I poured the water into a glass and then added the MatchaBooster and gave it a vigorous stir.  (I seem to have lost my favorite water bottle and haven’t had a chance to replace it!)  There was no froth to speak of with this particular preparation.

While I do find this to be a tasty drink, it is quite sweet.  If I were to change one thing about that, that’s what I’d change, I’d either want it to go lighter on the sugar or to cut the sugar all together and just have the Matcha, Maltodextrin and Yuzu Citrus Powder.

That said and trying to allow myself to see past the sweetness of this, I find this to be very tasty.  The citrus flavor is strong, and it tastes a lot like orange to me.  Maybe a slightly tarter orange, perhaps orange with a hint of lemon.  The sugar does cut through some of the tarter notes, though, I’m sure!

Because it is very sweet, it’s difficult to taste much of the Matcha, and this tastes a lot to me like they’re trying to ‘mask’ the flavor of the Matcha for the people who don’t like Matcha but want the health benefits of it.

Personally, I like the flavor of Matcha and I find myself missing it.  So for my next preparation (read:  experiment), I used 16 ounces of water and used 1 tablespoon of this Yuzu MatchaBooster and 1/2 teaspoon of the Unflavored MatchaBooster.

Now, this is more my speed.  With the sugar cut in half, I can taste the Matcha.  The Yuzu is obviously a softer flavor too, but it still comes through nicely.  I really prefer this product prepared this way.

Another great way to prepare it would be with 16 ounces of coconut water, 1 tablespoon of Yuzu MatchaBooster and 1/2 teaspoon of Unflavored MatchaBooster.  The coconut and Yuzu taste so good together!