Big Easy from August Uncommon Tea. . . .

Big Easy by August Uncommon is a sweet sencha green tea with lemongrass, pineapple and barley. It is said to taste like pineapple cake, caramel beignets, and dried lemon peel. Well…here goes nothing…

I cold brewed this for almost 24 hours and since I had some left, I also steeped about 1.5 teaspoons in 12 oz of 175F water for 4 minutes.

Sipping on the hot tea, the first thing I notice is the sweetness. Yes, the pineapple is sweet but there is more to it than just pineapple. I was surprised that there is a caramel-like sweetness akin to what I remember a Werther’s Originals tasting like. Upon further investigation, it would seem there is caramel in the ingredient list so that caramel is meant to be there and not my mind playing tricks on me. Anyways, the two sweet elements combined manage to not be overwhelming while also capturing pineapple cake. I think it is the lemongrass that reigns in the sweetness and perhaps the tiny bit of rosehips. In addition to the gentle herb-citrus quality of the lemongrass, there is a brighter orange note that underlines the sip. All the while, I think the barley gives this body and helps capture a breadiness/cereal note that provides a solid foundation for the other flavors.

The cold brew is a little less complex than the hot tea. The pineapple really takes over with a sprinkling of citrus throughout. The caramel is more just sweet than distinctly caramel and the barley is gone entirely. It is not bad but can border on cloying and mostly just feels familiar and done before. As a hot tea, it feels more unique.

All in all, I enjoy this tea, though my preferred method of brewing it would be hot. It is an interesting tea but given it has a fairly distinct flavor, at least as a hot tea, it is one I can see enjoying for a while but growing tired of it overtime. That is the problem with something that is so different flavorwise…it is fun for a while but easy to grow bored of. Still worth trying and enjoying at least for a little while.

Here’s the scoop!

Leaf Type:  Green
Where to Buy:  August Uncommon Tea

This tea is not available but click below for teas that are.

Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!

Green Lemonade from Love Tea Co. . . .

I pulled out this sample in optimistic anticipation of warmer weather.

Steeped up hot, it tastes like green tea with lemon, but not lemonade. It’s lacking the sweetness of lemonade; the mild smokiness of the gunpowder green further undermines the promise of the name. But it is delicious! This blend is equal parts juicy lemon and gently smoky green tea. As it cools, the lemon flavor becomes more dominant and some sweetness does come out, which made me want to try a cold brew.

On the second steep, the lemon flavor takes on more of a candy note. That doesn’t necessarily sound like it would work but it does.

I also tried this as a cold brew. My first impression is that this turned out tart! Lemon juice tart! I can’t make out much sweetness except for a smidgen that lingers on the tongue. The lemon flavor overwhelms the tea but that’s ok. This tastes like lemon water. I’m actually fine with that. There is a place in my tea heart for refreshing caffeinated lemon water. I can see this being a great cold steep for summer. If I had more, I would experiment with doing a half-and-half cold steep of these leaves with some moderately roasted oolong. Basically a loose-leaf cold-steeped unsweetened Arnold Palmer.

Here’s the scoop!

Leaf Type:  Green
Where to Buy:  Love Tea Co. 

This Brilliant Blend is a fan favorite.  It combines the best of green tea with the best of a lemon, with lemon bits and wedges you’ll get the full “lemon-y” affect.  Low in caffeine and easy on the pallet, it goes down like a smooth summer day (without the humidity).  Brew a pot of this fine blend and serve hot or cold year ’round.   It never hurts to add a fresh lemon slice to anything!  Be sure to #sharethelove on this one.

Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!

Sweet Magnolia Green from The Tea Spot. . . .

Next for my Birthday-Review-A-Thon, I’d thought I would check out Sweet Magnolia Green, a tea sent to me when I was subscribing to The Tea Spot’s Monthly Subscription Plan.  I can’t recommend a better subscription plan to be honest. The only reason I had to stop was because I just found myself with way too many teas that needed my attention.  So when my debit card needed to be updated, I just realized I needed to pause the plan for a bit and get back to it in a few months once my tea stash has gone down a bit.

Each month, The Tea Spot would curate a package of teas for you to try- all different varieties for all different occasions.  I loved the fact that I wasn’t the one making the choice of what I was going to receive, getting me out of my comfort zone a bit.  I’m more of a green and white tea drinking gal, but every once in a while, I need to remember all the love black and herbal teas can give.

This particular tea that I received in one of my tea subscriptions- Sweet Magnolia Green is a tea that I’ve been wanting to try for some tea.  Green tea with jasmine flowers and throw in the magnolia scented piece . .be still my beating heart! I’ve been waiting for the right time to check this tea out and I feel like today is the day.

As soon as I open the package, I know I’m in for a treat.  This tea has all the floral love and then some.  The magnolia scent is for sure noticeable along with the familiar jasmine notes that I have grown to adore.  The green tea base is there with a subtle vegetal scent.

Brewed up with water prepped at 175F and allowed to steep for 3 minutes, this hot cuppa floral tea keeps giving and giving in its own beautiful way.  The first flavor that comes across is a strong jasmine note and I mean strong.  I love my jasmine teas so this didn’t turn me off but I could see this not being a tea for those who aren’t into floral teas.

Towards the end of the sip, you are greeted with this wonderfully silky green tea base that had me coming back for more.  Really lovely and one that I can’t get enough of.  Highly recommend this one for all my green tea fans as well as anyone that enjoys a floral tea.

This tea is soft and bold with an alluring feel that makes you want to gulp and I mean gulp the tea down.  I don’t think I’ll be sharing this tea with my hubby today. I think this gorgeous blend is all mine.

Here’s the scoop!

Leaf Type:  Green
Where to Buy:  The Tea Spot

Our award-winning magnolia green tea won the Gold Medal at the 2017 World Tea Championship. Your senses will be exhilarated and your spirits uplifted when you breathe in the sweet, fragrant aroma of our Sweet Magnolia Green. This delicate tea is naturally scented with beautiful white magnolia flowers, giving it a diverse array of aromas that range from deep plum fruit to light citrus. The magnolia scent is in perfect harmony with the buttery green tea, making an unforgettable cup of tea that will infuse peace into any occasion.

Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!

Banana Zomba from 52Teas. . . . .

Continuing on with my birthday reviews, I thought I’d finally sit down and write a review on this beauty-Banana Zomba from 52Teas.

It’s no secret.  We love our Anne and her masterfully crafted tea creations.  Not just because she is one of our co-founders, but because of the quality and passion she brings with each blend she creates.  Her and I have had some amazing tea chats regarding tea and you would be hard press to find anybody with more love for the tea community.

I have always loved 52Teas Blackberry Zomba and the tea is a staple in my tea stash.  Brewed hot or cold brewed, this tea never disappoints. I’ve served this tea at many a baby and bridal shower -more than any other blend I have and we always run out.  So whenever I see Zomba in the tea blend title, I know its going to be a winner.  Add in banana chips and flavoring. . . I’m all in.

This tea brewed up at 190F and brewed for 3 minutes yields an amazing rich brew.  Fresh crisp green sweet yet vegetal notes combine beautifully with the banana, almost to the point that I might have to say, this tea is heavenly.

Even though this tea has banana flavoring, the real star is the Zomba green tea base that I have grow to adore, love, and gobble.  Sweet, rich, silky, with a simple yet long serving flavor.

A perfect tea to cold brew or enjoy a few hot cuppas, this tea has my heart and even though it is sold out and we probably won’t see this blend again, I’m happy to say I was able to enjoy some soul soothing gorgeous cups while I had this tea.

Here’s the scoop!

Leaf Type:  Green
Where to Buy:  52Teas

This tea is no longer available but click below for teas that are.

Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!

Cucumber Melon from Culinary Teas. . . . . .

Today is my birthday so I’m taking over SororiTea Sisters with reviews today of some teas I’ve recently enjoyed and experienced.

First one up is Cucumber Melon from Culinary Teas.  This one had me at cucumber but the added touch of melon and the fact this tea has a green tea base. . .I’m all in!

Brewed up with water right around 190F and allowed to steep for 3 minutes, this tea blend had this wonderfully summery aroma that I couldn’t wait to dive in.  The dry leaf really displayed the name of the tea.  You could smell, cucumber . . .you could smell melon. . .and the green tea base had this vegetal aroma that made my tea drinking heart happy.

Once I took my first sip, I didn’t stop.  As simple as this tea is, the flavors are on point. Fresh crisp cucumbers, lush melon notes that do not come across as artificial all on a bed of this vegetal green base that compliments all the flavors wonderfully. I can’t get enough.  Even sitting here with my tea cup across the room, I can still smell this wonderful brew and I’m not going to lie, my mouth is starting to water.

With this combination of flavors, this tea does scream to be cold brewed. Can’t wait for that session tomorrow.

Sometimes the simplest of blends really are the best.  This one would be perfect to welcome in the spring or even enjoy on a dreary day when you are wanting some sunshine.  That may be what I rename this tea-Sunshine in a Cuppa!

Here’s the scoop!

Leaf Type:  Green
Where to Buy:  Culinary Tea
Smooth, sweet fresh watermelon notes fill the cup. Light cucumber finish. Very nice tea, not heavy.
Luxury Ingredients: Green tea, Cucumber slices, Natural flavors.

Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!