Grey Black Tea from Labrang Tea Traders

Earl-GreyTea Information:

Leaf Type:  Black

Where to Buy:  Labrang Tea Traders (Although I bought my tin at Chuck’s Produce!)

Tea Description:

Our version of an old classic. Premium leaves infused with Bergamot essence to produce a dark brewing citrusy tea. Fair Trade and Organic.

Learn more about this tea here.

Taster’s Review:

I discovered this Grey Black Tea from Labrang Tea Traders the other day while shopping at my favorite produce store:  Chuck’s Produce.  I do not usually trust a grocery store when it comes to tea, but there are a couple of exceptions to that rule of mine, and one of them is Chuck’s.  This is a store that prides itself on having only the best and freshest foods and it’s a pride that shows itself every time I shop there.

But you didn’t tune in to our blog today to read about my love of Chuck’s Produce, did you?  You wanted to learn more about tea!

When I saw this tea on the shelves at Chucks, I recognized it as a brand of tea that I’ve not yet tried, and I’m always eager to try a tea that’s new to me.  And it’s an Earl Grey, so, you know I’m happy about that.  The tins are eye-catching, thin and cylindrical.  There is the familiar markings of a certified organic and fair trade product.  It’s a local company, and I like that.  So far, this tea is looking good.  I’m hopeful that it tastes as good as it looks.

The aroma is strong, just like I expect from an Earl Grey.  A robust bergamot fragrance – citrus and that familiar floral note of bergamot – together with notes of earthiness from the black tea.

The tea brews up fragrant with notes of bergamot goodness and the liquid is a dark coppery color.  Nice!  The flavor is bright and acidic with notes of tangy bergamot orange, but the flavor of the tea smooths out the more acidic notes.  The result is a tea that is rich, smooth, and flavorful.  This is more tart than it is sweet, but, even though my palate tends to be very sensitive to tart flavors, somehow, the tart and tangy flavor of bergamot never seems to disturb my palate – just the opposite.  I LOVE bergamot!

The black tea has a bold flavor with notes of malt.  I love the richness of this tea, it has a full-flavored, well-rounded taste, and it isn’t overly astringent.  The tea would stand up well to the additions of milk and honey, if you like to add those to your Earl Grey tea.  As for me, I like my bergamot served neat and clean with no additions.

I’m very happy with this Grey Black Tea from Labrang Tea Traders.  I might have to look into the other teas offered by this company!  This one is a winner.

Saint Isaac’s Blend Black Tea from Upton Tea Imports

St.IsaacsTea Information:

Leaf Type:  Black

Where to Buy:  Upton Tea Imports

Tea Description:

A premium blend of Ceylon and China teas, with the flavor of grapefruit, bergamot, and other citrus fruit. Popular in Europe, this Russian-style blend is recommended for an interesting departure from traditional Earl Grey. 

Learn more about this tea here.

Taster’s Review:

I am revisiting a tea that I’ve previously reviewed this evening, mostly because it’s been ages since that previous review published, and when I sat down with this Saint Isaac’s Blend Black Tea from Upton Tea Imports, I felt like writing about it.  It’s one of my favorites from Upton.

And really, there’s nothing wrong with revisiting a tea, is there?  One of the first lessons I learned when I began my tea journey many years ago (more years than you need to know!) I learned that every tea tastes different to every palate, and I think that it should follow that every tea would offer potential to be at least a little different each time you taste it.

This tea has a very pleasant black tea base that is strong and solid, like a robust drapery of flavor.  It is rich with hints of smoke – and I like that the smoke here is delicate.  I’ve tasted at least a couple of “smoky” Earl Grey blends, and of those that I’ve tried and come to memory, I will say that this one offers the softest smoky taste.  There is a slight “malty” note to this as well as a chocolate-y type of flavor from the black tea.   I notice less astringency with this cup than I seemed to indicate on my previous tasting note.

As the tea cools slightly, the citrus notes of the tea begin to POP.  The grapefruit, in particular, is noteworthy.  The bergamot seems a little less apparent than the grapefruit.  Imagine, if you would, two friends at the party:  one friend is sort of out there and really capturing everyone’s attention.  The other friend is right by the party animal’s side, not making as much noise but is still within the focus of everyone at the party.  With this tea, the grapefruit is the party animal, while the bergamot is the party animal’s best friend.

A really enjoyable tea – as I said before, it’s one of my favorites from Upton Tea Imports – because it’s an unusual tea with a captivating complexity.  Definitely one you should try!

Assam Earl Grey Black Tea from Tea People

assamearlgreyTea Information:

Leaf Type:  Black

Where to Buy:  Tea People

Tea Description:

In the early 1800s cheap tea was flavoured with bergamot by unscrupulous tea merchants and sold as expensive tea. Little did they know then that they were  giving birth to one of the most popular flavoured teas of Britain. Not to worry, there is nothing remotely cheap about our Earl grey. We bring you the finest blends of Assam tea with the best of Italian bergamot to transport you straight into your own little Earldom. Earl Grey with the Queen anyone? 

Learn more about this tea here.

Taster’s Review:

Yay!  Earl Grey!  I do a mental happy dance every time I encounter a new-to-me Earl Grey tea.  And given as happy as I have been with the teas that I’ve tried thus far from Tea People, I was very excited to try this Assam Earl Grey Black Tea from them.

When I opened the pouch, I could smell the strong, distinct aroma of bergamot.  The bergamot fragrance here is strong, but, not quite as strong as some other Earl Grey teas I’ve had … If I had a scale on which I judged the bergamot levels, with five being the strongest I’ve ever experienced and 1 being next to no noticeable bergamot scent, I’d rate this one a three.  A medium amount of bergamot bouquet.

And I think that is right about where the bergamot flavor rates here too.  Maybe a wee bit higher… closer to 3 1/2.  It’s not an overpowering bergamot essence.  It’s tangy and bright, with some hints of citrus-y sweetness.  I do like the way the bergamot melds with the notes of the Assam … I think that Assam is one of the best black tea base choices for bergamot because the two complement each other very well.

The real star here is the malty, rich Assam tea.  It is a bold, robust tasting tea with lots of pleasing malty notes.  I’m only guessing here, but, I think it’s a pretty safe guess that the people at the Tea People company used this Assam as the base for this tea.  This tastes as smooth and rounded as I remember that tea tasting, although I’m experiencing fewer of those “wine-like” qualities here, perhaps the presence of the bergamot melds with those wine-y fruit notes?  I don’t know.

What I do know is that this cup vanished before I knew it … which is a pretty good indicator that the tea is the good stuff.  If I finish a cup well before I finish writing the review – that tells me that I just had a really good cup of tea that I couldn’t put down long enough to type out a few words.  It also tells me that it’s time for another cup of tea!

And not only does Tea People offer some of the best teas I’ve tasted lately, but they also are currently hosting an indiegogo campaign to raise funds to assist the tea garden workers of Darjeeling and their families.  What a great cause!  Please consider contributing, time is running out!

Earl Grey Tea from Sarabeth’s

sarabethsTea Information:

Leaf Type:  Black

Where to Buy:  Sarabeth’s

Tea Description:

Earl Grey is one of the most famous black teas in the world. This light tea was made fashionable by Earl Grey, the British Prime Minister after a visit to China in 1830.

Learn more about Sarabeth’s teas here.

Taster’s Review:

As TeaEqualsBliss mentioned in her review of this tea, this Earl Grey Tea from Sarabeth’s is a more softly flavored Earl Grey tea.  In fact, had I not known I was opening a tin of Earl Grey Tea this morning, I would not have guessed – at least, not from the aroma! – that I was about to brew a cup of bergamot flavored tea.  The fragrance is very indistinct.  It smells nice … but when I smell an Earl Grey tea, I want that powerful bouquet, and I just didn’t get that when I opened this tin.

The tea brews to a coppery color, lighter than I’d expect from a black tea, and the aroma wafting up out of my teacup is that of black tea and bergamot:  gentle earthiness with whispers of citrus-y fruit and perhaps even a hint of flower.  Just as the dry tea didn’t offer a strong fragrance, neither does the brewed liquid.

The flavor, however, is enjoyable.  It is a very softly flavored Earl Grey tea.  The bergamot is very subtle.  It tastes citrus-y.  Whereas most Earl Grey teas have a powerful punch of flavor, this tastes like someone might have slipped a drop of bergamot juice into my black tea.  They might have squeezed the fruit over my cup, allowing only a drop of the juice to splash into my tea.

While I personally prefer a stronger bergamot note to a cup of Earl Grey tea, what I appreciate about this particular variety of Earl Grey is that the bergamot doesn’t taste “off” like bergamot can sometimes taste.  Yes, it is a delicate note here, but, it doesn’t have that weird perfume-y or soapy taste.  It’s just a delicately flavored tea … and I guess what I’m trying to say is that I prefer a delicate, good tasting bergamot to a strongly flavored bad tasting bergamot.

Not my favorite Earl Grey tea – but not bad either.  I found that doubling up on the tea bags does enhance the flavor a little.  I also found that I prefer this one iced.  It makes a very refreshing iced tea.

Organic Earl Grey Tea from Spicely Organics

EarlGreyTea Information:

Leaf Type:  Black

Where to Buy:  Spicely Organics

Tea Description:

Our Organic Earl Grey tea is organic Black tea blended with bergamot. One of our employee favorites, Organic Earl Grey makes a great breakfast tea or can be enjoyed all day long. This loose tea is ideal for friends who are new to tea.

Learn more about this tea here.

Learn more about the Spicely Organics Monthly Tea Membership here.

Taster’s Review:

I love bergamot.  I know, I know … I’ve said that many times before.  But really, there is something MAGICAL about opening a container of Earl Grey tea that has been properly blended with a high quality bergamot oil and taking a whiff of the aroma.  It smells so amazing.

And that’s just what I experienced when I opened this canister of Organic Earl Grey Tea from Spicely Organics.  The fragrant bouquet of beautiful, amazing, magical bergamot!  I fall in love with Mr. Earl Grey all over again … every time I experience that magical moment.

This is a really good Earl Grey.  The bergamot flavor is strong without tasting soapy or perfume-ish.  It’s got a bright, tangy citrus note with a harmonious floral tone that weaves in and out.  The black tea base is not overpowered by the bergamot, and I like that.  I taste the rich, earthy notes of the black tea, and I even tastes wisps of smoke in the distance with this tea.  It’s a good, solid black tea.  Full-bodied and flavorful.

I like that this is organic.  It’s a very satisfying Earl Grey tea, and the strength here is one that I would prefer to enjoy earlier in the day.  It’s invigorating like that.  This is the first tea that I’ve tried from Spicely Organics, and I’m happy to say that it isn’t going to be my last!