Earl Grey Black Tea from Zest Tea

Earl_GreyTea Information:

Leaf Type:  Black

Where to Buy:  Zest Tea

Tea Description:

Earl grey has been a popular blend since it was introduced to the British Earl, Charles “Chaz” Grey, in the 1830’s. Most Earl Greys are made with low-quality base teas, but not ours (remember the whole not compromising thing?). Zest’s Earl is made with premium Nilgiri Indian black tea blended with a delicious bergamot essential oil. Don’t thank us. Thank Chaz.

Learn more about this tea here.

Learn more about Zest High-Octane Tea here.

Taster’s Review:

With this cup of Earl Grey Black Tea from Zest Tea, I have now tried all four teas offered by Zest Tea.  And if you are familiar with me as a tea drinker, you might notice that I’ve saved what I thought would be the best tea for last.  Earl Grey?  Um … yes, please!  It’s a rare occasion – very rare! – when I’ll turn down a cup of my beloved, the suave and charming Mr. Grey.

And this Earl Grey is quite charming, indeed!

The aroma of bergamot filled the room when I opened the pouch.  If a nose could actually smile from what it was smelling, my nose would have been grinning from ear to ear.  Which is kind of weird if you think about it.  So, it’s probably best not to think about it.

Anyway, the bergamot fragrance here is absolutely delightful.  It’s a strong scent, and that’s just the way I like my bergamot!  Good and strong!

And I’m also appreciating that even though there is a strong essence of bergamot to this tea, I’m not being overwhelmed by bergamot flavor.  I taste the Nilgiri black tea base, and it tastes smooth and rich and it has just a hint of malt.  I like the way the sweet notes of malt mingle with the tangy citrus notes of bergamot.  It’s lovely.

I know I’ve said this before, but it’s something that bears repeating.  Bergamot is one of those things that when done right, it’s a beautiful thing.  But, bergamot can be done wrong.  The first way it can be done wrong is that a cheap bergamot oil can be used, and this results in a really icky tasting tea.  Fortunately, Zest Tea doesn’t compromise and they’ve used a top quality oil here, and therefore, the result is YUM.

Another way bergamot can be done wrong is that it can be overdone, producing a very strong bergamot aroma but it also ends up creating an overwhelming bergamot flavor that ends up tasting more like your grandfather’s cologne than tea.  I don’t know about you, but I don’t fancy drinking a cup of my grandfather’s cologne.

But I do fancy drinking another cup of this tea!  That’s because while the minds behind this Zest Tea product decided to go big with the bergamot essence, they didn’t go overboard.  They did bergamot just right.

After trying all four teas that Zest Tea currently offers, I like to think that I have a little bit of experience with this High-Octane tea thing.  And I’m a fan!  I know that there has been some thoughts and tea chatter about this, and I welcome your thoughts on it if you care to comment.  I personally like having a product like this, where I can start my day with an extra boost of caffeine because some days I really need that extra boost, and I like that I can get that extra boost without the jitters of coffee.  Coffee affects me adversely, so I like that I can get this extra caffeine in a drink that I can enjoy and not feel sick afterwards.

And of the four teas that Zest Tea currently offers, I have to say that this one is my favorite.  I enjoyed the others, too, but, this is Earl Grey, after all.  And yes, I’m happy to say that I did save the best for last!

Earl Grey Heaven Black Tea from The Persimmon Tree

EarlGreyHeavenTea Information:

Leaf Type:  Black

Where To Buy:  The Persimmon Tree

Tea Description:

A delicious fusion of organic black loose-leaf tea leaves, fragrant oil of bergamot and a touch of French vanilla, this divine black tea will fill your room with an aroma most heavenly! This creamy Earl Grey tea is rich and robust with refreshing citrus notes that will awaken your senses and put a spring in your step.

Learn more about this blend here.

Taster’s Review:

I brewed this tea before reading the above description, and as I was brewing it, I could tell it was an Earl Grey creme type tea.  I could smell the vanilla with the bergamot as it was brewing – and it smelled so good!

And while it’s true that I do prefer a well-crafted Earl Grey over the creamy varieties of the bergamot infused tea, I do appreciate a really good Earl Grey creme now and then too.  And this Earl Grey Heaven from The Persimmon Tree is a really good Earl Grey creme!

The strong bergamot notes are softened by sweet, creamy vanilla notes.  The combination of the Italian orange and the French vanilla together create an almost “caramel-y” taste that is quite delectable.

The black tea base is a little on the mellow side, but, that’s alright.  It provides a smooth, flavorful backdrop for the flavors of bergamot and vanilla but it’s not so mild that it becomes lost.  It holds its own, but without being overly aggressive.  It’s not bitter nor is it overly astringent, there’s nothing there that really detracts from the softly tangy-sweet combination of bergamot and vanilla cream.

A really nice Earl Grey creme – this Earl Grey Heaven from The Persimmon Tree.  It makes a nice afternoon tea, or perhaps an indulgent morning cuppa!

Organic Earl Grey Tea from Delicious Sip

Org Earl GreyTea Information:

Leaf Type:  Black

Where to Buy:  Delicious Sip

Tea Description:

One of our most popular teas and for good reason, it’s the go to classic that is always in style. Our bergamot infused Organic Earl Grey has a unique aroma that beckons for just one more sip.

This heavenly black tea is a treat that can be enjoyed anytime of the day and has been hailed by many as the “best they’ve ever had.” We invite you to treat yourself to a cup or two and decide for yourself. We think you’re going to be pleasantly surprised.

Learn more about this tea here.

Taster’s Review:

Well, I don’t know that I’ll hail this Organic Earl Grey Tea from Delicious Sip as the best I’ve ever had.  Then again, I’ve had a LOT of different Earl Grey teas and so there’s quite a bit of competition for that number 1 spot.  But I will say this:  It IS a really wonderful Earl Grey!

Whenever I’m about to brew a new-to-me Earl Grey tea, the first thing I’ve got to do is smell the dry leaf.  Do I smell that bergamot?  Yep!  I can smell that distinctive bergamot essence, and it’s strong with this blend without being an overwhelming scent.  It smells lovely, it smells like bergamot, and it’s a powerful aroma without smelling so strong that I’m worried that it’s been overdone.  The brewed tea has a much softer fragrance.  The bergamot is still distinctive and I can smell notes of the rich black tea base as well.

The flavor is is divine!  The black tea base is a rich, full-flavored black tea.  There is a fair amount of astringency to the cup.  It’s earthy, strong and has a light undertone of sweetness that complements the tangy bergamot flavor.  The bergamot has a tart, citrus-y note to it, with whispers of floral notes that weave their way in and out of the sip.

The sip starts out with a sweet note.  As the sip progresses, the rich, robust black tea flavor washes over the palate.  Shortly thereafter, I start to pick up on that unmistakable bergamot flavor:  exotic and citrus-y, tangy, and just a hint of sweetness.  The bergamot lingers into the finish.  The finish is dry and I can feel a slight puckering on the inside of my cheeks from the astringency.  The aftertaste sort of tingles on the tongue the same way as a tart, citrus drink might tingle.

A very enjoyable Earl Grey.  I’m very happy that I got to try it, and if you’re a fan of Earl Grey teas like I am, I’d recommend you trying it as well, you might just find a new favorite to add to your tea collection!

Just Epic Earl Grey from Just.Organic.Tea.

JustEpicEarlGreyTea Information:

Leaf Type:  Black

Where to Buy:  Just.Organic.Tea

Tea Description:

We’ve blended our premium black teas with a generous amount of oil of bergamot for a rich sensory experience. If you like Earl Grey, you’ll love Earl Greyest. Fair trade & organic certified.

Learn more about this tea here.

Taster’s Review:

Yay!  Earl Grey!  Since Earl Grey is a beloved favorite of mine, I decided to schedule this review for my birthday.  A good way to celebrate the day, right?  With a cup of Earl Grey!

The bergamot notes are a bit softer than I would like them to be – both in aroma and taste.  That said, I do like this blend quite a bit.  The tea base is a rich, robust, full-flavored black tea, and it is nicely complemented by the tangy-sweet notes of bergamot.

The black tea base starts off strong.  As I continue sipping, the flavor of the bergamot develops on the palate.  The bergamot never becomes incredibly strong, and even though I usually prefer a stronger bergamot presence in an Earl Grey tea, I am liking this the more I sip it.

I like how the bergamot builds.  I also like that the bergamot tastes like something more true to the fruit, although, I’ve never actually eaten a bergamot orange.  So I guess it would be more accurate for me to say that it tastes more like something that I think is more true to fruit.  It doesn’t taste fake, chemical-y, or perfume-ish.  It has a tangy overtone with sweet undertones, and it tastes like a citrus fruit.  It doesn’t taste artificial at all.

A pleasant Earl Grey. This is the Earl Grey I’d recommend to those who want a subtle bergamot note to their Earl Grey tea.

Princess Grey Tea from MarketSpice

princessgreyTea Information:

Leaf Type:  Black

Where to Buy:  MarketSpice

Product Description:

An original blend of our Earl Grey Tea with Rose Petals and Lavender flowers. An excellent after dinner tea!

Learn more about this tea here.

Taster’s Review:

I know, I know … I’ve said it at least a hundred times before, and I’ll probably say it another hundred (or more) times.  I love Earl Grey teas.  Well, most of them, anyway.  I have actually come across a few – maybe a handful or more – of Earl Grey teas that weren’t worthy of the praise I usually lavish on the bergamot tea.  And I also adore most of the variations on the Earl Grey concept:  bergamot teas that are just a little different from the classic Earl Grey.

This is another twist on that classic favorite:  Princess Grey Tea from MarketSpice.  This tea took the bergamot black tea and added rose petals and lavender buds.

I like it!  This Princess Grey offers a softer bergamot flavor, reminding me just a bit of the softer flavor you might experience with an Earl Grey creme but without the vanilla overtones.  The bergamot here isn’t edgy or bold or in your face, it’s a gentle citrus-y presence that mingles well with a subtle lavender undertone and hints of rose in the distance.

Normally, I prefer a stronger bergamot flavor, but, I like this softer presentation.  I think that a softer bergamot flavor works best with teas where there is a lavender or other assertive floral flavor (the blue cornflowers are not included in this statement as these are added primarily for a touch of color to the blend, not because they offer a strong flavor profile to the cup).

I believe that a stronger bergamot note might have made this come off as perfume-ish and nobody (at least, nobody that I know of!) wants to drink a cup full of perfume!  This tea offers a nice balance between bergamot and floral notes:  there is contrast between the flavors without too much competition.

As it is, the floral notes are pleasant and accent the bergamot well.  The black tea is a what I’d call a moderately mild tea, it doesn’t become too assertive in this blend, but it is strong enough to stand up and be tasted behind the flavors of citrus and flower.

A really enjoyable cuppa – I’m glad I had this opportunity to try yet another Earl Grey variation!  It’s one of the joys of this “job” … and one I can’t imagine of which I’ll ever tire!