Continuing with all things Spooky. . . Black Shuck Earl Grey. . . .
I was a little afraid to try this tea, and not because of the legendary hell hound on the logo.
It was because of the bergamot.
Bergamot haters call it blergamot. I’m not a hater, but I am VERY particular about my Earls.
With a name like Black Shuck, I thought this one might run me over.
One of the worst combinations for me is bergamot on high elevation Ceylon tea, which already has loads of lemony notes. The result is SOUR. This tea promised natural bergamot orange zest on a delicate Indian black tea base. it delivered more than it promised.
I was expecting to be manhandled. It is called Black Shuck, after all. The aroma was rich and deep, and the bergamot was…mild? What’s this? Well-behaved bergamot? Not fake perfume to make my tongue curl up in despair?
It took me several minutes to figure out what the base is reminding me of. It smelled and tasted like a Yunnan Dian Hong Golden Tip tea, known for its baked sweet potato aromas. The bergamot is just perfect in this for me. I really don’t like it to be “in my face.”
While they call this a delicate Indian base, I am inclined to call it an elegant Indian base with exactly the right amount of the right kind of natural bergamot.
Now who’s afraid of the big Black Shuck? Not me. Bring it on.
Want to Know More About This Tea?
Leaf Type: Black
Where to Buy: Wendigo Tea Co.
am Black Shuck, and I haunt the graveyard of English Prime Minister Earl Grey. I am the bloodthirsty beast that dwells in the shadows. I am a legendary hell hound, and I’m ready to pounce.
Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!
King Dragon / Wendigo Tea
Big Red Robe. This tea is as unique as its name.
While some are closer to being a queen dragon with more floral notes this one deserves the title of King Dragon with hints of smoke and earthy notes like oak, cedar, and damp soil.
There is a surprising amount of mineral notes, especially in the aftertaste. Though it may be weird to say one tastes wet rocks, it really does have that flavor.
Perhaps with a bit of granite mixed in. The astringency is also unique. It doesn’t quite make you pucker your lips as some black teas do, however, it leaves a familiar texture in your mouth as often astringent teas do.
Here’s the scoop!
Leaf Type: Oolong
Where to Buy: Wendigo Tea
All arise for I am King Dragon, an ancient and illustrious oolong tea. I smell of exquisite honey, leather, orchids, and wet stone. My taste is of ripe peaches, earth, and smoke with a smooth lingering sweetness.
Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!
King Dragon from Wendigo Tea
With a name like King Dragon…this Oolong was set-up for GREATNESS!
Dry, this loose leaf oolong smells like a damp forest with wet wood and stone. After infusing this one it smells more like stone and a little less like wood. However, the aftertaste, especially when chilled, the tea-itself, is fairly woodsy! The aroma and flavors flap back and forth like a dragons MIGHTY WINGS!
This tea ‘brews up’ pretty dark for an Oolong and does well with multiple infusions. The darkness lightens up with each follow-up infusion but the woodsy/earthiness flavor is still present.
If you are a fan of Red Robes you will enjoy this one, as well!
I salute you – King Dragon from Wendigo Tea! You are a warrior!
Here’s the scoop!
Leaf Type: Oolong
Where to Buy: Wendigo Tea
All arise for I am King Dragon, an ancient and illustrious oolong tea. I smell of exquisite honey, leather, orchids, and wet stone. My taste is of ripe peaches, earth, and smoke with a smooth lingering sweetness.
Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!
A Gentle Hug from Nessie in Tea form! – Nessy Tea by Wendigo Tea Co.
Hello readers! I come with another review for a tea company that continues to impress me. As some of you may know that the tea blend named after the company has impressed me as far as green tea goes (the review is here). And like the tea that I had before named Wendigo, the Nessy blend also drew me in with its name. For the Loch Ness monster or Nessy has always piqued my interest for according to the legend Nessy is what you will call a gentle giant. Instead of the Chupacabras and the Nosferatus before her, she mainly keeps to herself with no intent to harm. With that being said, I believe this tea is a perfect representation of Nessy’s character.
At its base form this tea is referred to as Imperial Grade Jasmine Dragon Pearl tea and since I have not had much experience in the pearl tea family I can’t tell you much in comparison other than I enjoyed every cup I had of this tea. This tea was smooth and uplifting, it gave the feeling of the smell of clean linen. It was comforting and warm while giving your brain a nice clean jump start. This tea was also delightfully sweet, without one note of harshness. And this is without much sugar, for me personally on an average basis add 2-2 1/2 teaspoons of sugar depending on the beverage. So with this tea, I found 1 1/2 teaspoons of sugar was perfect.
Now onto the numbers. Nessy, like the legend itself, is a treasure and so this blend is not an average price that I would pay for a container of tea. This tea, in my opinion, is a splurge item and every sip should be treasured for the asking price is 12.99 for 2.2 oz and $25.99 for 5.5 oz. So the 2.2 oz is not terribly expensive but it exceeds my normal purchases two-fold but then again this is Jasmine tea pearls we are talking about. Unfortunately, I have failed to find any type of samples on the site but there is a space for a Wendigo tea club in the works so I will stay tuned for that.
With all being said, I would say that I would recommend this tea to anyone who wants to try out authentic jasmine tea pearls. For if there is one thing that this company does well that is to provide its customers with the most authentic and pure taste of tea without adding weird ingredients like rice crispies or sprinkles. This tea is definitely on my list of future wants and I hope for the day where I can have Nessy with my evergrowing tea collection.
See you for the next cuppa!
Here’s the scoop!
Leaf Type: Green
Where to Buy: Wendigo Tea Co
You may know me better as the Loch Ness Monster. I am a jasmine scented tea whose leaves have been rolled into tiny pearls to release my beautiful taste and smell as I uncurl for you in the hot water. There is nothing quite like me.
Sometimes people call me an Imperial Grade Jasmine Dragon Pearl from Fuding of the Fujiang province of China and scented five times by jasmine flower buds picked just after they had bloomed. You can just call me Nessy though. All you really need to know is that I make one damn good cup of tea that will make you feel refreshed and comfy.
You love me, but just don’t know it yet.
Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!
Bigfoot from Wendigo Tea. . . .
The leaves of this black tea are extremely dark. When I saw the tea, I immediately though “that needs to be for a rough morning,” as I was anticipating a very strong flavor. When I opened the tea, I noticed a few flavor scents including a floral scent. !hen I brewed this tea, there was a wonderful musky flavor. The flavor is prominent, but not overwhelming as I had anticipated. It reminds me of the smells from camping with my father when I was a kid. There’s this beautiful smoky aftertaste in this blend, and I love it!
I was able to get three quality brews out of one serving of tea leaves. I have a toddler, and I often end up having to walk away from my cup only to come back to a lukewarm morning cup. To my delight, this tea’s flavor and body were still present at room temperature and still made for a delightful flavor profile! I typically take sugar and cream in my tea, but for this one, I drank it straight. When I added tea, it did was still a good cup, but I preferred the flavors without the sweetener.
This is definitely a tea I would love having in my cabinet!
Here’s the scoop!
Leaf Type: Black
Where to Buy: Wendigo Tea
Hey I’m Bigfoot! I am a pure black tea whose leaves are naturally sweet.I am a shy yet powerful beast, with a musk full of fruits, nuts, and trees. What you imagine when someone says “black tea” is a pale imitation of my beastly quality.
Want to get personal with me? I am an Imperial Grade Golden Monkey from a tea workshop in Fuan county in the Fujiang province of China. I get my name from my leaves, which look like long brown curly monkey hair and are so powerful that you can repeatedly steep them up to 6 times for pot after pot of aromatic bold tea to share with family and friends. Or just keep me all to yourself.
Don’t bother tasting any other Sasquatch. You have found Bigfoot!