I don’t know why, but the smell and taste of this blend reminds me of flavored coffee. Maybe that’s because back when I was a coffee drinker I used to drink this blend that was called “maple sleigh” so now I just associate maple with coffee. I’m not sure, either way this blend definitely has a strong maple scent. I steeped this one and it is actually very dark for a green tea, and that is because it is a houjicha blend! I have tried one other maple houjicha blend, and both were delicious but I feel like this one has a much stronger maple flavor. This one also includes almond slices in addition to maple flavor and I really enjoyed that aspect!
This blend is really smooth and creamy maple, kind of like maple walnut. The almonds give a nutty component and the houjicha gives a nutty and toasty component, and of course the maple adds that sweetness. All in all, these components are in perfect harmony with one another. This is another one of those blends that are absolutely perfect for a cold winter day, curled up by the fire eating sugar cookies and listening to Christmas music. Why, oh why, is it spring?! I know that most of the readers here are probably psyched for spring/summer, and I am too, except for the fact that I keep drinking all these fall/winter teas and its making me want the Holiday season instead.
Anyways, I will always highly recommend Tea Source because I have not tried a blend I disliked and I will definitely recommend Toasted Maple Green because it really is delicious!
Here’s the scoop!
Leaf Type: Green Tea
Where to Buy: TeaSource
Full-bodied (especially for a green tea), very aromatic, very maple-y, naturally toasty, and slightly sweet.
Contains: Japanese hojicha green tea, almond slices, flavor, calendula petals
Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!
Chestnut Fans. . .Check This Blend Out! #TeaSource
I really love chestnuts. They are truly my favorite nut. I love roasting them at home or even eating them out of a bag pre-cooked. (yes they sell them that way in health food stores) The best, though, is going into the city and getting them freshly roasted from a cart. That is totally a Christmas-time activity and it makes me want to skip summer and go right to the Holidays. Alas, here we are. Its springtime and i’m about to drink Roasted Chestnut tea from Tea Source.
Lucky for me, this tea is very true to its name. Im actually sitting here breathing it in, drinking it in, and pretending that i’m on a snowy street walking up to the roasted nuts cart about to order and then go sit and listen to Christmas carolers while I eat my chestnuts! I added agave to the cup so there is an underlying sweetness that is definitely reminding me of those sugared roasted nuts. The black tea part of this blend is smooth and calm. It goes really well with the chestnut flavor. But there really is something to this blend that reminds me almost of cookies, or sugared nuts. It is so comforting and so delicious. This would be a great wintertime tea and it went through my head to turn it into a hot latte with maybe a dash of hazelnut creamer. That would be such a treat!
I have really been liking Tea Source, lately. They really have some great blends. Thus far I haven’t run into one that I dislike. Gosh I really wish it was wintertime! I love Christmas. But, hot-tea season is almost over so i’ll be cranking my AC and turning my apartment into my own winter wonderland and drinking my Roasted Chestnut tea!
Here’s the scoop!
Leaf Type: Black Tea
Where to Buy: Tea Source
This is a deep, dark, rich black tea blend with a delicious aroma. It has a roasty nut flavor with a little sweet silkiness. This is a perfect cooler weather black tea blend. Contains: China black tea, roasted mate, Houjicha, flavor, and sliced almonds.
Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!
A Dessert Tea from Tea Source. . .Pistachio Shortbread Style!
Wow. Just wow.
This is another one of the teas I received during my first ever tea-swap. I absolutely love pistachio and I know I have said this in my reviews before. I also really like anything nutty and dessert teas. So, pistachio shortbread was kind of a no brainer choice for me. I can honestly say that this is one of my all-time favorites, hands down, no questions asked. It is definitely my favorite pistachio flavored teas. After my second sip I searched out this company, Tea Source, and tried to see if I could buy more (it is available on their website!!!).
Pistachio Shortbread is a flavored black tea blend. It contains black tea, pistachios, flavor, rose petals, marzipan drops, and almonds. What an amazing list of ingredients, right? Rose petals are often paired with pistachio which I find very interesting, but it is most likely because the floral flavor of the rose really compliments the creamy and nutty flavor of pistachios and even almonds. The addition of marzipan drops is what I think brings this tea to the next level.
The smell of the steeped liquid is definitely marzipan. I can smell the sweet almond and just a slight hint of rose, but mostly just sweet almond and black tea. The first flavor that registered for me was marzipan/sweet almond and the black tea. The almond and marzipan was not overpowering or artificial, though. It was lightly sweet and nutty and reminds me of almond cookies. I can tell that this is where “shortbread” comes in and I do detect a hint of vanilla, which really goes well with sweet almond and rose. The rose follows very quickly. Its not in-your-face with the floral it is just a very small hint. The aftertaste is totally pistachio nut. You can really taste the pistachio upon the finish and it definitely seals the deal for me.
This blend really was done so well. I cant say enough good things about it! If you like biscottis, pistachio ice cream, shortbread, or marzipan you will definitely be into this blend. And if you are unsure whether you like those things or not, you should still try this blend and I guarantee you will be won over. That’s how good it is!
Here’s the scoop!
Leaf Type: Black Tea
Where to Buy: Tea Source
This black tea blend is smooth, rich, sweet, and silky, with notes of pistachio coming through.
Contains: black tea, pistachios, flavor, rose petals, Marzipan drops, almonds.
Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!
Berried Treasure from Tea Source
Leaf Type: Black
Where to Buy: Tea Source
Product Description:
This unique blend is sweet, smooth, and spicy with a kick. Contains: black tea, flavor, red peppercorns, and strawberry pieces.
Taster’s Review:
This is pretty tasty. I am really liking how the hint of pepper accents the strawberry flavor.
It’s not a particularly strong flavored tea. The black tea base is the strongest note of the cup, and that’s not a bad thing. The black tea tastes brisk and strong, although I wouldn’t categorize it as an aggressive tea. It has a smoothness to it and a nice undertone of sweetness that melds well with the sweetness of the berry.

The strawberry note is light here – and I think I would like it to be just a little stronger. I would say that the strawberry flavor here is delicate yet piquant, as it does keep my taste buds enchanted as I sip. It has a sweetness as well as a hint of berry tartness.
Since these peppercorns aren’t cracked, I find that they don’t offer a whole lot of flavor to the cup. But again, that is not necessarily a bad thing, because if the pepper notes were stronger here, they could very well overwhelm the delicate strawberry flavor. As it is, this is a well-balanced set of flavors, even though they are on the softer side, they work well as they are.
A decent cup of tea that I’d recommend to strawberry tea lovers out there who are looking for something just a little different.