Wedding Tea from Tay Tea is a Black Tea and White Tea Blended Base offering! I’m happy to see Black Tea and White Tea blended together but it can be tricky at times. Most of the time the Black Tea overpowers the White Tea but Tay Tea has done this quite successfully! On top of that Wedding Tea from Tay Tea adds pink rose buds and petals, cornflowers, vanilla and lemon verbena into this loose leaf mix. VERY Impressive!
The Black Tea stands up to the podium but doesn’t walk all over the other ingredients which I appreciate. The White Tea peaks out from under the vale and shows its sweet smile and contributes to the overall warm and fuzziness. The vanilla also contributes to the sweet but makes it creamy, too! The various petals and buds make it the perfect level of floral…like a beautiful wedding boutique. Then there is the lemon verbena that not only puts on a smile on my face and adds sunshine to my day but that boost of positive stays with me long after my cup has been emptied.
I LOVE everything about Wedding Day from Tay Teas! It’s delicious! It awakens all the senses! It contributes to a lovely day or perhaps can even start your day on a more positive note! It tends to bring sunshine to mine – I know that! Try it and see if it brightens your day as well!
Here’s the scoop!
Leaf Type: Black/White Tea Blend
Where to Buy: Tay Tea
A romantic union of white and black premium loose leaf teas, enhanced with pink rose buds and petals, cornflowers, vanilla and lemon verbena .
The taste of this tea is smooth sweet vanilla and bergamot punctuated by floral highlights .
Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!
Muse from Tay Tea
Muse. Say it with me…Mew-zzz! Muse from Tay Tea is an herbal tisane that I am rather smitten by. Muse from Tay Tea is blended with 100% organic botanicals: lemon verbena, peppermint, spearmint, lemongrass, lavender, rose petals and lemon balm
Upon opening the sample bag and again while infusing my surroundings were pepped up by the wonderful peppermint and spearmint that filled the air! Mint is one of my FAVORITE aromas! The more intense the better in my book. So I was completely THRILLED at the intensity of the minty-fresh-goodness in this blend of ingredients! Muse by Tay Tea was an eye opener that is for sure!
The lavender and rose made the dry blend look very pretty and gave it that floral nod in the aroma and flavor, too. The lemongrass and balm immediately brought me joy, too! Muse from Tay Tea was a smile in a cup! Sunshine in a cup! It seemed to change my whole outlook on the day, life me up and energize me and my senses, and awakened my creative thoughts while made me ponder life’s possibilities…okay, I know that is a little dramatic…but this has to be one of my favorite herbal tisanes I have experienced in a long while and I can’t wait for another cup!
Here’s the scoop!
Leaf Type: Herbal
Where to Buy: Tay Tea
A healing citrus infusion with a soft, floral bouquet. This tisane is blended with 100% organic botanicals: lemon verbena, peppermint, spearmint, lemongrass, lavender, rose petals and lemon balm. Perfect when you need a break from the stress of the world.