After losing track of this tea in my stash for a while I finally found a bit of it again and it was due to an honest mistake on my part! I mislabeled it! Shame on me! I forgot to write down the full name of this tea company! I had it as “Tea In” but in fact that is only part of the website URL. This tea, Gokuzyo – First Crop Japanese Green Tea – Limited is from Japanese Green Tea Company, LLC!
This exact tea is no longer listed on their website but they do currently have a High Grade Crude Japanese Green – Gokuzyo Aracha.
As for this specific – Gokuzyo – First Crop Japanese Green Tea – here were my thoughts, feelings, and findings…
This loose leaf is very coarse, broken tea leaves with very fine powder. So fine, that I didn’t even know it was there until I infused it. The tea water infused to a grey-green liquor and offered a semi-mild aroma and flavor. The flavor was a tad grassy and I was careful to not over infuse because once I saw the color I knew it had the potential to turn a bit bitter if I wasn’t careful.
I have to admit that Gokuzyo is not one one the green teas I have had LOTS of.
Gokyuzyo translates literally to “The Highest Grade” in Japanese. Among all the green tea harvested, Gokuzyo is the section of the best tea leaves based on taste, water level, aroma and the quality of the leaf itself. Trained masters (called chya-shi in Japanese) pick the best tea leaves by hand, one leaf at a time.
As I sip, I give thanks and positive vibes to all of the tea masters who made this lovely cuppa possible!
Want to Know More About This Tea?
Leaf Type: Green
Where to Buy: Japanese Green Tea Company
Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!
Enjoying my weekend with Gokuzyo from Japanese Green Tea In
This weekend has been a bit hectic with the new addition of our newest furbaby.
Now-mind you we have 4 kids between my husband and myself ranging in ages from our twin 15 year olds to our 7 year old. Needless to say, we have a busy house. So when it was time for me to have a quiet cuppa before anybody else had risen for the day’s festivities, I grabbed this delight. Gokuzyo from Japanese Green Tea In.
I will be 100% honest here and say that I haven’t had a straight green tea in some time. It seems lately my tastebuds have been craving flavored teas. So this particular offering was a very welcomed change of pace.
As soon as I opened up the package, I was ecstatic. There was a definite vegetal vibe and I anxiously prepped up my water. Per the site’s recommendations, I used 2 tsp and water at 175F. Allowed the tea to steep for about 2 minutes and cool for an additional minute.
I was happily greeted with this amazing rich sweet flavor that had a slight vegetal aftertaste. Through each sip, I was greeted with this almost candy green tea flavor that I devoured greedily. This tea is described as having an elegant sweetness and I couldn’t agree more. I happily sipped on this tea for the afternoon while working on a few projects here and there. I was able to get several infusions out of the serving. Just fresh, delicious, sweet with a hint of that subtle vegetal taste that I’ve grown to love.
This tea would be amazing iced and I’m looking forward to those dog days of summer where a shared pitcher of iced tea with friends and family is exactly what is called for. This would be one of those teas that I can see a broad audience really enjoying.
I can also see this tea as being a great starter green tea for anybody that would like to dip their toe into more straight teas. Japanese Green Tea In even gives a great summary of this tea and its background. I’m quite happy with the first offering from this company and I’ll be checking out their other offering soon.
Here’s the scoop!
Leaf Type: Green
Where to Buy: Japanese Green Tea In
Gokyuzyo translates literally to “The Highest Grade” in Japanese. Among all the green tea harvested, Gokuzyo is the section of the best tea leaves based on taste, water level, aroma and the quality of the leaf itself. Trained masters (called chya-shi in Japanese) pick the best tea leaves by hand, one leaf at a time. Please enjoy the best of what we offer.