I am a fan of dessert blends, regardless of what the tea base is. Whether it’s caffeinated or not, I always tend to prefer something sweet & unique. 52 Teas definitely has some unique blends so they are usually my go-to. This particular tea, Snickerdoodle, is a Honeybush/Rooibos blend which means that it is caffeine free and perfect for a guilt-free after-dinner treat to warm you up on a cold rainy evening!
Smelling the dry leaf on this one, the cinnamon and cookies really shines through. Even more so once the tea has been steeped. Snickerdoodles are not my favorite cookie, i’m more into hot chocolate chip cookies fresh out of the over with a cold glass of milk! However, the flavors involved in a Snickerdoodle (cinnamon & sugar) make for an excellent cup of tea. Not only is this warm, cinnamon-sugary, and comforting but there is an actual “cookie” flavor to the cup. The Honeybush/Rooibos blend is subtle and smooth so if you tend to dislike rooibos you should still give this one a try!
Here’s the scoop!
Leaf Type: Honeybush/Rooibos
Where to Buy: 52Teas
This tea is no longer available. Click below for teas that are.
Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!
Cherry Almond Gunpowder from 52Teas. . . .
Cherries typically are paired with chocolate which is delicious but I have to say I’m more of a nut kind of gal. So when 52Teas released this Cherry Almond Gunpowder Tea, I was like- take my money now!
Cherry Almond Gunwpoder from 52Teas is a handblended tea with a green tea (gunpowder) base with dried cherries and sunflower seeds added in along with natural flavors. First whiff of this, you definitely come away with this nutty robust aroma.
Brewed with water prepped right under boiling and allowed to brew for 3 minutes, this tea just kept giving off these nutty notes that kept me standing attention by the kitchen timer. I eagerly awaited that beeping noise telling me my tea was ready to go.
After the tea cooled for a few moments, I took my first sip. I have to say this tea is quite dynamic.
Rich strong smoky flavors came across while being entangled with this sweetness from the cherries while the sunflower seeds marvelously round out the nutty tones. I can’t say that I’m getting almond but I’m extremely happy with the flavors I am getting. With the gunpowder tea being the base, this tea has this robustness that brilliantly works against the sweeter tones.
Being the fan of gunpowder teas that I am, I will say I was a bit hesitant about this blend. I wasn’t sure how the cherries would play along side the richness of the green tea, but wow is the flavor profile for this tea just magnificent. . So much so I even emailed 52Teas and asked how much of this tea was in stock because I wanted to purchase whatever they had left.
Sorry to all that didn’t get to try this tea because I bought the rest of what 52Teas had to offer. It was a beauty!
Here’s the scoop!
Leaf Type: Green
Where to Buy: 52Teas
This tea is no longer available but click below for teas that are.
Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!
Winter Treat from 52Teas. . . .
I told my husband I’ve been borrowing his t-shirts sometimes, and he said that was “sneaky.” Later in the day, I told him I’m drinking a “Winter Treat” tea in August, and he said that too, was “sneaky.”
I don’t think drinking a winter tea in September is sneaky; it’s more “ANTI-ESTABLISHMENT, MAAAAAAN.” I won’t let the seasons dictate what I drink, maaaaaan. I’ll wear white after labor day AT A WEDDING, maaaaan. Like a teenager who skims Marx after their history homework and uses that shaky grasp to buy a Rage Against The Machine album, maaaaan. BERNIE 2020.
I don’t know if you can tell, but I went through an ill-informed “rebellious” phase I’m slightly ashamed of.
Unfortunately, my reviewing Winter’s Treat in September means it’s not currently available, but you need to listen up: 52 TEAS KNOWS WHAT IS GOING ON WITH OOLONGS. I’m not sure I have literally ever been disappointed by one of their oolongs. I am not owned by them; I have no financial stake in any tea company whatsoever. I am saying this FOR FREE. Keep an eye on those new releases as they come out. When an oolong that speaks to you emerges, BUY. IT.
This tea is a marshmallow, banana, cinnamon mix. I’m not sure what bananas have to do with winter, but NO MATTER. It’s very sweet. It’s like a chai that someone in the tropics might make. They’re like “it’s 100 degrees out here, but we’re on a banana plantation, and it’s technically ‘winter,’ so… let’s do the thing.”
The oolong makes a rich background, a perfect canvas for the other colors to shine. But I doubted nothing less from 52Teas, the Oolong Queen of Tea.
Here’s the scoop!
Leaf Type: Oolong
Where to Buy: 52Teas
This tea is currently not available but click below for teas that are.
Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!
Cotton Candy Genmaicha from 52Teas. . . .
I am a sucker for 52 Teas flavored genmaichas. Their Marshmallow Treat stole my heart long ago and I have yet to turn back. Not to mention, some flavors just call to me when I am ordering teas. Things that scream “sweet” and “dessert” almost always catch my attention and Cotton Candy is at the top of that list. That is why the minute I opened the email advertising this Cotton Candy Genmaicha tea, I started building a cart. I was quick but not quick enough because the large packs of this tea were gone before I even opened the site.
Looking at the tea, I can see the immediate appeal. Besides the mouthwatering name, this tea is lovely, with its amaranth petals and adorable purple heart-shaped sprinkles atop the typical genmaicha base loaded with popped rice. Before even trying the tea, I am won over. Thank goodness too because I might have stocked up without even giving this a taste.
Alright…the moment of truth…how does this lovely tea taste? Well, like genmaicha. A little vegetal from the green tea base and the matcha and a lot roasty from the popped rice. How does the cotton candy play into this than? This is sweeter than the typical genmaicha, and I suppose that makes sense because at the end of the day cotton candy is just sugar. It is not overly sweet though which is both good and bad. Good because it means one can drink this more often without feeling like they are developing cavities. And bad because when you think cotton candy you think over-the-top sugar and I am just not getting that here.
Here’s the scoop!
Leaf Type: Green
Where to Buy: 52Teas
This tea is no longer available but click below for teas that are.
Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!
Casey’s .45 Gunpowder Blast from 52Teas. . .
We review a lot of 52Teas here on The SororiTea Sisters but there is a good reason for that. A good chunk of us are big fans of the blends that Anne and company creates and we just can’t get enough. I personally have over 50 different blends from 52Teas in my own tea stash.
There is just something so incredibly intimate with each of the blends that 52Teas creates. Since each blend is hand blended with love and passion, you know you are in for a treat when you take your first sip of any 52Teas blends.
This particular blend is a combination of gunpowder green tea, lemons, and raspberries-basically a play on a raspberry lemonade with a slight smoky taste. Steeped up per the parameters on the pkg- water prepped at 170F and allowed to steep for 2 1/2 minutes and cooled for 5, this tea was an incredible treat.
First you are greeted with this amazing green tea background that has a slight smoky finish. The lemon notes come next and lay the ground work for the raspberries to come into play to create this wonderful lemon berry twist of a finish. With the gunpowder tea that was used as the base, that lemon berry twist was the perfect way to finish each sip. Fresh crisp and on point with each sip as satisfying as the last.
Unfortunately for me, I only picked up a taster of this tea so when I was out of this tea, that was a sad sip down for sure. I didn’t get a chance to check this tea out cold brewed because I just loved the flavors so much brewed hot. I can only imagine how fabulous this tea would be iced with a lemon wedge and possibly even a sprig or two of fresh mint. Fortunately for me, this blend is still available. Looks like I need to make another 52Teas order soon!
Here’s the scoop!
Leaf Type: Green
Where to Buy: 52Teas
This tea was crafted for one of our VIPs who requested a VIT for a friend’s birthday. She wanted to start with a base of organic gunpowder green tea – check! Then she wanted to add the flavors of raspberry and lemon – check and check!
A fairly straightforward recipe with delightful results! The flavor is a fruity: tart, a little sweet and very bright and refreshing – perfect for summer!
A very limited edition!
taster size is approximately 15g
organic ingredients: green tea, raspberries, lemons and natural flavors