Kumquat Cheesecake from 52Teas. . . . . .

One can always count on 52 teas for their unique blends.

This is a winner and needs to actually be made into cheesecake as it would be delicious. They did a wonderful job of capturing the kumquat flavor without any of the bitterness that can be found in the rind. Fruity with hints of citrus and cream.

The honey bush blends perfectly with the aforementioned flavors like a selfish ninja. You know it’s there but it won’t truly show. The liquid is a beautiful color.

When you brew be sure to use something clear. The rose color is quite a delight.

Here’s the scoop!

Leaf Type:  Honeybush
Where to Buy:  52Teas

This tea is no longer available but click below for teas that are.

Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!

Boo-Berry Cotton Candy Zomba Tea from 52Teas. . .

Who else but 52Teas would make this amazing breakfast treat into a Halloween inspired tea!?!?!

Boo-Berry Cotton Candy Zomba Tea is a blend of green tea, blueberries, and natural flavors and is a reblend from a few years ago.  When you first open this pouch of Halloween goodness, you are pleasantly greeted with this resounding blueberry sweet-almost vanilla – aroma.  Really lovely and one that just screams, brew me up!

I anxiously prepped up water per the parameters on the package and allowed the tea to cool for a few minutes. I was literally just starting at the timer willing the time to go faster.  When this tea was released a few years ago, I was crazy over it.  I loved the bright blueberry flavors that mingled with the green tea base perfectly with a touch of sweetness.  I haven’t had a blueberry tea that fit the bill exactly and I’ve tried a ton trying to find something similiar.

First sip in and I’m hooked.  The huge blueberries bring in this gorgeous bright and vibrant berry flavor where the natural flavors that have been added in almost bring a sweet yogurt quality.   Toss in the gorgeous contrast of the vegetal tea base-Zomba green tea and you have yourself a proper Halloween treat. I don’t pick up a huge cotton candy flavor but I’m curious if a cold brew wouldn’t yield that flavor profile.  Smooth, fruity, creamy with a slight vegetal twist-this tea has my name written all over it!

Cup after cup, this tea does not disappoint.  Sure this tea isn’t like the original blend but I actually think I enjoy this re-invented blend even more.  I’m extremely partial to 52Teas Zomba tea base and add in the hauntingly fun boo berry flavors, I’m sold.

Grab your pouch soon! This is an extremely limited tea  and even though this is a Halloween inspired treat, this tea would be amazing hot or cold any day of the week!

Well done 52Teas! Well done!

Here’s the scoop!

Leaf Type:  Green
Where to Buy:  52Teas

This tea is part reblend, part re-imagining. One tea that sold pretty well was the Boo-Berry Cotton Candy Green Tea that we reblended as part of a “You Choose the Reblend” incentive from our start-up Kickstarter campaign. I happened to have some Zomba Steamed green tea from the Satemwa Estate in Malawi on the shelf and I was trying to think of something to do with it – and since Halloween was approaching, I thought, “Ohh! How about the Boo-Berry Cotton Candy but with the Zomba steamed green tea base? That should be spook-tacular!”

And it is! This is hauntingly delicious! (OK, enough of the Halloween wordplay, already!)

An abundant blueberry AND cotton candy flavor to this – with a lovely sweet, creamy note that hints at vegetation from the Zomba base.

So tasty!

Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!

The Dragon! from 52Teas. . . . .

I have talked about Steepster before and I will probably mention it again as it is a large part of my tea-loving life. Recently it gave me the opportunity to not only enter but WIN a draw by 52 Teas for their monthly teabox. I lucked out even more by winning the box of their anniversary month so while they normally have 4 teas of the week in the box, my box had 5 teas to try.

This tea and another tea, The Unicorn!, were both the blends made for the first week of the month and they are both inspired by the Starbucks Frappuccinos of the same names. Unfortunately I didn’t get a chance to try The Dragon frappuccino but I can appreciate the idea and I am excited to give the 52 Teas interpretation a try

The Dragon! brings together limes, strawberries, blueberries, and marshmallow root, all on a green tea base.

I brewed this up hot per the recommended steeping parameters.The liquid is the color of a clear and light lemonade (this is how my sister described it when I asked). The taste is also light, though not without flavor. Lots of natural tasting, juicy berry flavor, effectively mimicking the berry ribbon in the namesake frappuccino. The lime contributes a bit of flavor but mostly adds a refreshing brightness to the tea. Finally, the marshmallow root keeps everything sweet and fluffy. Is this in-your-face like a frappuccino? No, this is lighter and easier to drink but still satisfies the sweet tooth and to me, that makes this a winner.

Here’s the scoop!

Leaf Type:  Green
Where to Buy:  52Teas

This tea is no longer available.  Click below for teas that are.

Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!

Pancake Breakfast from 52Teas. . . . .

I’m really excited to be reviewing a tea that is part of 52 Teas’ permanent collection! Its nice that they started this because I like having options that aren’t always Limited Edition. I never tried their Pancake Breakfast Black Tea before, but when I saw it I had to grab a sample pouch because anything that involves pancakes or waffles always peaks my curiosity.

Smelling the dry leaf of this smooth black tea blend I could definitely smell the maple syrup. Now- something that happens with a lot of teas that are created after a pancake or waffle usually end up tasting like maple. It’s hard to capture the taste of a pancake or waffle. I mean, it’s only tea after all and there are only so many options when it comes to flavoring them.

That said, if I did not know that this was called “Pancake Breakfast” I probably would have thought that it was a maple flavored black tea. However, when I think real hard while sipping I can almost taste the pancakes towards the end of the sip on the tip of my tongue. Is it really there or is it my imagination? You can decide that for yourself!

Either way, it is quite delicious and its the perfect tea for breakfast time…which as we all know, is any time you feel like it!

Here’s the scoop!

Leaf Type:  Black
Where to Buy:  52Teas

Because the love for this tea is so strong, we stuck closely to the original recipe.

One difference is that we’re utilizing different teas in our black tea base.  I think you’ll notice the difference and I’m confident you’ll feel this was a change for the better!  We’ve made a really yummy thing even better!

Ingredients:  Organic Black Teas, organic marigold petals and all-natural, organic flavors.

Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!

Earl Grey Cider from 52Teas. . . .

The Earl and I have been buddies for a long time. He’s begun, gradually, over time, to let his guard down. This weekend, in fact, he invited me out camping.

“There’s going to be cider,” he said. “I’m going full Johnny Appleseed on this.”

“That’s rustic!” I said.

“The castle’s a little stuffy. I’m branching out,” he said.

“BRANCHING?” I said.


After a long day of hiking around a charming English forest, we set up our tents for the night.

The following morning, he slow-simmered some tea over a small fire. He threw lemon peel into it, apple bits, and a tiny bit of bourbon extract (no alcohol!).

“What do you think?” he asked as I sipped. He was slouched forward, hands clasped. He looked nervous. I could see his knuckles standing out white against his clenched skin.

“I ADORE IT,” I said.

He settled back against a tree, smiling.

“The lemons! The bourbon! Who would have thought you could take your classic recipe and do something so new with it? This is rich, and sweet, but the original is still there, too. It’s like you dropped a sweet, sweet remix on that beat!” I cried.

He blushed.

“You took the tea less traveled — and that has made all the difference!” I said.

“Speaking of which, we are really lost,” he said. “And I hate the woods.”

“Don’t worry,” I said. “It’s 2017. We have GPS now.”

Here’s the scoop!

Leaf Type:  Black
Where to Buy:  52Teas

This tea is not currently available but click below for teas that are.

Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!