Daily Support from Lipton . . . .

Dear Lipton, I’m sorry.

Wait, let me back up. I’m sorry that I mostly just kind of ignore you. I’m sorry that I have relegated you to the back of my brain where you barely register as tea (for the most part. DON’T HATE ME, sweet tea lovers!). Listen– it’s true that you’ve been pretty dusty and weak for most of my life. But I’m a woman who can admit when she’s been wrong: your new wellness teas are LEGIT.

I’ve tried a few of these bagged beauties before (I particularly like the green tea with grapefruit one), but the daily support tea was new to me. Supposedly a green tea base with turmeric, Echinacea, and ginger, this little blend has ALL of the things I love so much in a great herbal blend, with just a tiny kick of caffeination from the green tea.

Now, don’t get me wrong. I’m still not seeing ANY full leaves in this bag– it’s also kind of like tea dust. BUT– the flavors here are so on point. It’s got just a hint of earthy spice from the turmeric and ginger, but a lingering hint of something almost-lemony is just a delightful balance to the brew.

I’ve admitted before that I love to keep bagged tea at my desk at work just for ease of brew (I don’t always have the time or ability to pull out all the loose-leaf stops here), and this is yet another tea that perfectly fits into this category. A great mid-day pick-me-up with fantastic flavors, portable and surprisingly complex for a company I’d previously, um, well– ignored.

I’m sorry, Lipton. Let’s start again. Preferably with another cup of this tea.

Here’s the scoop!

Leaf Type:  Green
Where to Buy:  Lipton 

An excellent source of vitamin C, this herbal infusion helps support your body’s natural defenses*. Features turmeric, Echinacea and ginger.

Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!

English Rose Herb Tea from The Republic of Tea. . . . .

When I was a young, fancy single lady (okay, fine– I’ve never been fancy), my roomie and I used to love making a big event of bingeing new-to-us tv shows. We’d grab whatever treats looked good at the health food co-op (like the true early-20-somethings we were), and settle in for a long afternoon (usually into the evening) of hour after hour of tv. We’ve done this with countless shows (once, when we started our Game of Thrones binge, we thought our commentary was so hilarious that we even made a twitter account just for our jokes. AH, young adulthood.), but by far, my favorite memory is that of our inaugural-Downton Abbey-watching.

I’ve been given a few of the Republic of Tea’s Downtown Abbey themed teas to review in the past (and been surprisingly delighted by pretty much all of them), but this one may be my favorite, friends. It’s sweet and fresh (kind of what it was like to be a young, single, twentysomething, no?), and would be perfect to sip while you’re bingeing television with your girlfriends. I don’t really pick up on much rose in the blend (and with a name like English Rose, you think it’d be front and center), but there are these sweet raspberry notes tempered by a tiny hint of floral-herbiness in the background that I just can’t get enough of. I get the sense that this would be the perfect tea to brew up for someone who claims they’re not a tea drinker– it’s bright and flavorful, interestingly-flavored, but recognizable enough, and even just a touch sweet (is that you, stevia? Either way, it’s not offensive, so I’ll let it slide).

This one seems like it’d be as comfortable in Lady Edith’s hands in the garden as it would placed lovingly next to a pile of gluten-free egg rolls and organic milk froyo (what can I saw? We liked junk food.) to be consumed at your next girl’s night. Tasty!

Here’s the scoop!

Leaf Type:  Herbal
Where to Buy:  Republic of Tea

This vibrant, ruby-red infusion of rose, raspberry and hibiscus has fruity, floral notes and a touch of sweetness. Inspired by traditional British desserts, this caffeine-free, luscious tea is perfect as an afternoon treat. Enjoy hot or cooled over a tall glass of ice.

Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!

Oregon Breakfast from Plum Deluxe. . . .

There’s something about a hazelnut tea that just feels like the ultimate decadence– rich, creamy, nutty and dark, blends beautifully with a whole host of flavors. How can you go wrong? And for certain– Plum Deluxe has not got it wrong in this beautiful blend.

If this is what breakfast in Oregon is like– nutty, bright and citrus-y, a beautiful balance between caffeinated black tea and mellow honeybush– then let me hop a plane, because I am SO here for it. This tea makes for a spectacular latte, but is just as comforting and indulgent served black, as well. It reminds me just the tiniest bit of dessert, but this unique combination of flavors simultaneously tastes like nothing I’ve ever had before. Oregon, if the rest of you is as lovely as this breakfast tea, I think it’s time I make a trip!

Here’s the scoop!

Leaf Type:  Black
Where to Buy:  Plum Deluxe

This breakfast tea is how Plum Deluxe folk like to start their day. The earthy base of black tea and honeybush teahelps center you; the ping of orange helps wake you and get you excited about today’s possibilities. It’s a simple tea and yet it is rich with subtle flavors.

Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!

Strawberry Champagne Cupcake from A Quarter To Tea. . .

If you’ve been around here for a minute, you know that I have a pretty high bar for white teas (as in, I don’t really like most of them, I’M SORRY, please don’t hate me). But when this little beauty showed up in one of my AQTT monthly tea boxes, I couldn’t wait to dive in. Having just come out of my own wedding season, a strawberry champagne cupcake sounds just like the kind of treat I would’ve been enjoying over some sort of bridal celebration, but now that I don’t have the celebratory caloric excuse to eat whatever treats I want at these amazing parties thrown for my dude + me, it’s probably best drank rather than eaten.

The dry leaf on this one is unusual, but absolutely tantalizing. Not necessarily filled with the candy-sweet strawberry scent that other berry-flavored teas have, but this one is decidedly fruity, with wisps of vanilla marshmallowy notes not far behind. And while those traditional, floral white tea notes are certain present in the brewed cup, they’re balanced well by the fruitiness of the berry, and the pillow-y marshmallow root. If you’re a fence-sitting white tea drinker like I am, give this one a try– it might be just the thing to convince you! And bonus: you can drink as many cups as you’d like (whether it’s at a bridal shower or in your backyard), and all those cute clothes you bought for your honeymoon will still fit in the morning!

Here’s the scoop!

Leaf Type:  White Tea
Where to Buy:  A Quarter To Tea

This tea is not available bu click below for white teas that are.

Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!

Maple Raisin Oatmeal from A Quarter To Tea. . .

I’m sure you’re familiar by now with the cultural phenomena that is “pumpkin season”. I can’t judge– there certainly was a time in my life where the crack of September first heralded all sorts of pumpkin’ified lattes, baked goods, scented candles– the list goes on and on. But you guys. Does anyone else feel like we are missing out, collectively, on SO MANY other great fall flavors? Cinnamon, apples, oats and smoke and spice and stone fruits and and and– I want it all! Enter A Quarter to Tea’s seasonal blends.

This little beauty popped up in my most recent monthly box from AQTT, and I’ve been properly obsessed. AQTT does unusual flavors magically, and there’s something about her rolled black tea blends that I find myself sipping like a madwoman until my samples are cashed. This blend in particular harnesses all those “outlier” fall flavors, like oatmeal, cinnamon, dried fruits– and whips them all together into a delightful cuppa that is simply made for cool and rainy morning sipping.

Served as a latte, this one captures its namesake even better– the creamy, frothed milk in my mug tastes just like sweet, spiced, fruity oatmeal. The notes of malty bread-iness balance out the dried fruit/cinnamon spice beautifully, and make for a perfectly autumnal treat.

No offense, pumpkin spice, but if this is what you’re up against, you’re gonna have to up your game. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got another cup of fall to brew!

Here’s the scoop!

Leaf Type:  Black
Where to Buy: A Quarter To Tea

This tea is no longer available but click below for black teas that are.

Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!