A love letter to this delightful, chocolate-y lavender tea, from Mary (a fan).
Dearest chocolate-lavender honeybush, you unexpectedly tricky surprise. Prior to our first meeting, did I think you might be a little much? Perhaps– and yet, I added you to my tea order regardless. And when you arrived, did I not shove you to the kind-of-back of my tea cabinet, purposefully ignoring you a little bit until the time was right? YES. And YET: when your brewing time arrived, did I know we’d soon fall in tea-sipper-and-tea-leaf love? Certainly not. Did I assume your notes of chocolate would be that strange combination so often found in chocolate teas, that of overwhelming, fake, and flat– all at once? Did I doubt that you’d be the one in a million to change my mind and actually make me believe that could chocolate tea could be delicious? I mean– I hoped. But I was skeptical.
(Interlude: I’m well aware that if this were a REAL love letter, there sure would be a lot of caveats in my profession of love. Let’s be grateful that tea isn’t a sentient love-letter-recipient.)
OH, but you chocolate lavender tea– you are just perfect. You’re mild and sweet, comforting and cozy and rich just as a chocolate tea should be, but rarely is. You require no added sweetness, but you’re a match made in heaven with a dollop of decadent coconut cream on top. You’re the standard I now hold all other chocolate teas against– this is now a much, much higher bar than it ever had been before.
Dear chocolate lavender honeybush tea, you truly are as easy as a Sunday morning. And any Sunday that involves chocolate is a win by me. Mmm.
Here’s the scoop!
Leaf Type: Herbal
Where to Buy: Plum Deluxe
When we launched our line of hot chocolate blends, we found our favorite flavor was chocolate and lavender. The rich decadence of the chocolate was enhanced by a tiny flourish of floral calm. So that’s when we realized it would make the perfect herbal tea!
Everything feels easier after a calm cup of this blend. Honeybush tea and cacao nibs are paired with fresh Oregon lavender to make a dreamy cup of perfection.
Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!
Omija Berry Blush from Story of My Tea. . .
This tea found its way into my cup on one of those fake-out spring days. You know– it’s April and you’re mourning the fun of spring and are just itching for some green grass, chirping birds, and a pitcher of iced tea?
Except here in the Midwest– the birds have all flown south for the winter, the grass looks like the color of that “green smoothie” (yeah right) you tried to make this morning to bolster your winter blues– and you haven’t made a pitcher of iced tea in MONTHS because hello, it’s cold outside!
And then, you dig through your tea stash and find something fruity and light– maybe not to make iced (you prefer a 24 hour cold brew method, after all, and tea is needed posthaste), but makes such a tart and tangy, sweet and fruity hot cuppa that you’ll allow it?
That was TOTALLY this blend for me, friends. Something about the berry blend used here was just a liiiiittle more fun/interesting than your average herbal bear, too– it was tangy and tart, but not mouth-puckeringly so. The berry flavors were vibrant– a little reminiscent of a fruit-by-the-foot in-a-cup… just sans all that sugar.
In a few months, I bet this one will be DELIGHTFUL iced. Until then, though– pile on those warm winter clothes, hunker down in your cozy bed, get the kettle boiling, and serve it up hot.
Here’s the scoop!
Leaf Type: Herbal
Where to Buy: Story of My Tea
Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!
Full Moon Chai from Plum Deluxe. . . .
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, tea-friends– it takes a lot for a chai to impress me. Now, it also takes a lot for a chai to disappoint me– I find them to be the workhorse of my tea cabinet. Usually, most chais are pretty good: spicy, sweet, bold and earthy. Pretty good, no matter what you throw in there. But for a chai to be REALLY special? It has to go above and beyond.
If you know my love for Plum Deluxe’s offerings, you know where this is going– this one went above and beyond. The addition of vanilla butternut extract (which, hello– am I the only one in the world who didn’t know that “vanilla butternut” was a thing? because it’s delicious.) takes the perfectly-blended spices to the next level of creaminess– almost to the point where this chai could do perfectly well on its own, sans cream or sugar, and still knock it out of the park.
If you often find yourself just satisfied (rather than blown away) by a chai like myself, I’d highly recommend this one, friends. Perfect for cozying up on a chilly winter afternoon!
Here’s the scoop!
Leaf Type: Black
Where to Buy: Plum Deluxe
Full Moon Chai was one of our original blends, now back with even more creative energy. We’ve taken our classic, signature masala chai and added a splash of vanilla butternut extract. This simple twist adds a depth, warmth, and vibrancy to your traditional chai, and also gives the flavor a hint of sweetness and creaminess without having to add lots of sugar or milk (though we do like this blend prepared as a traditional masala chai or chai latte).
Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!
Smart Tea from Wild Leaf Active Teas. . . .
I am a sucker for a tea with a magical claim, friends.
This one is a delightful green, with hints of berry and mint at the forefront. Now, I’ll be honest– I may have brewed this one up a bit too hot, as I hadn’t realized it was a green until after my water went a’boilin’. (Not my– wait for it– *smart*est moment, but I digress.)
But regardless, it was everything I love greens to be– fruity, light, grassy– and nothing I dislike– bitter, or vegetal.
Did it make me any smarter?
I can’t say for sure (and my flub on the boiling temp would surely suggest otherwise), but it was great afternoon sipping, and gave me just enough pep to make it through til the end of the day.
If I’m smart enough to know what’s good for me, I’ll be brewing this one again!
Here’s the scoop!
Leaf Type: Green
Where to Buy: Wild Leaf
Channel your inner Einstein with mental stimulating Ginkgo Biloba, Peppermint and Gotu Kola. Whether you need to tackle a job interview, a test or just figure out what’s for dinner, drink this minty flavored tea to bring out the most brilliant you!
Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!
Jane Eyre from First Edition Tea Co. . . . . .
Something about the fall/winter months that makes me want to read Jane Eyre. I want deep, spooky, atmospheric, dramatic love stories, sweeping drama, chilly breezes and of course– good tea.
Of course, this likely has something to do with the fact that I first read Jane Eyre in an October, a few years ago– and everything makes me crave tea, frankly. So you can imagine my delight when this lovely little Jane-themed sample popped up in my sample stash while the air was still crisp and cool outside.
Jane Eyre is a black tea filled with autumnal like delights– currants, cranberries, cinnamon, fennel, licorice– all things reminiscent of a dark and spooky night. Brewed, it’s hearty and dark, but not pitch black– a fall tea that’s still light enough that it could be as appropriate when sipped at an apple orchard as it is with a book in your hand, next to the fire. The spice is the most prominent flavor here for me, though the cranberry/currant notes find themselves onto my palette as well, making this tea almost-reminiscent of a liquid fruit cake. I just have an inkling that Jane would’ve been a fan of this brew, friends.
Reader, I drank it. (and it was gooooood.)
Here’s the scoop!
Leaf Type: Black
Where to Buy: First Edition Tea
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