Grape Freeze from DAVIDsTea. . . .

Everyone has that one (or if you’re me, like, a thousand) weird stories from your childhood. Now, most aren’t going to go sharing them for all the world to know– but sometimes, in the name of tea, awkward stories must be told.

As a younin’, I LOVED all things fruit– real and fresh– of course, but fake fruity flavors, as well. All of it. Gimme.

Around the age of 3 or so, I came down with a bad cold and needed some medicine. Knowing I’d spit out that nasty bubblegum flavored medicine in a heartbeat (sorry, mom), my mother played to my strengths and picked up a bottle of Grape Dimetapp. You know the type– bright purple, tastes nothing like grapes off the vine? That’s the stuff.

Anyways, my three-year-old palate, having no idea this was medicine and not candy, slurped my little plastic dosing cup down willingly. A few hours later, when my mom asked my sisters and I what we wanted to drink with dinner, I of course enthusiastically replied, “DIMETAPP!”

I got water instead. (Thanks, mom. Sorry, mom.)

All of this to say: you guys, I still love that fakey fruity flavor. I am allll about it. It’s not real grape, of course. But it’s delicious nonetheless. And what does this have to do with tea, you ask? On ice, this tea is a Dimetapp dead-ringer. Slightly more adult, mind you– hints of the green tea base in the background, not nearly as saccharine-sweet– but otherwise, spot on. Is it an everyday tea for me? No, probably not. But it is a fun summer treat, harkening back to the quirky palate of my youth? Yup. And it’s a tasty one, at that.

Now if you’ll excuse me– I have a dinnertime beverage to pour for my inner child.

Here’s the scoop!

Where to Buy:  DAVIDsTea

This tea is no longer available but click below for teas that are.

Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!

Sweet Dreams from BlendBee. . . .

You know when you find a tea company that you just love SO MUCH that you want to order their entire tea catalog? I have a small but mighty list– and just added one more. Blend Bee, will you be my tea-bff?

I recently ordered a design-your-own blend from Blend Bee (more on that to come), and the awesome owner, Jamah, told me she thought I’d be a fan of her Sweet Dreams tea, a lemony, custardy honeybush. And she was so right!

One of the reasons I love Blend Bee so much (besides the awesome aforementioned customer service) is that each tea isn’t just a great, flavorful brew, but comes packed with beneficial herbs with great health-supporting properties. Besides the incredible flavor in this brew (light, pillowy vanilla and sweet lemon), I’m also getting anti-inflammatory immune system support, digestive encouragement and more. Have I totally flaunted my tea-crush enough yet? Because it’s real, you guys. Blend Bee, let’s be bff-4-eva.

Here’s the scoop!

Leaf Type:  Honeybush
Where to Buy:  BlendBee

This comforting and delicious Honeybush blend is perfect to help you wind down and relax. Rich and creamy, this blend helps with late night sweet cravings. Also, designed to help you detox while you sleep. Sweet Dreams!

Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!

Tea with Popcorn? Oh yes please! #DAVIDsTea

Growing up in my house, popcorn was revered. It was The Ultimate Snack. I have the fondest, most sensory-specific memories of helping my mom toss kernels into the hot stir crazy machine, watching them circle around in sizzling oil until they were all popped and fluffy. We’d flip the machine upside down into its handy attached-bowl, and when we REALLY wanted a treat, we’d smother it in melted butter and big flakes of crunchy salt. HALLELUJAH.

Or when we’d travel to my family’s cottage up north, we’d swing by the upstate Piggly Wiggly to pick out our traditional Midwestern-cabin-snack-food of mini cereal boxes (not having to share Lucky Charms with my sister was the ultimate luxury) and– you guessed it– Jiffy Pop. And of course, there would be an all-out throwdown over who got to be the one to vigorously shake it over a fire until the pan was unnaturally puffed and full of oily, salty, puffy goodness.

All of this to say? I know my popcorn, you guys.

So I’ve been eyeing this selection from David’s Tea for a long time, but abstaining– what if it didn’t meet my strict popcorn-sommelier standards? Finally I had a free tea reward and decided to take the plunge. And– spoiler alert– I’m so glad I did! First things first, this tea SMELLS divine. Like roasty, toasty, buttery popcorn, with just a touch of that kettle corn sweetness. The internet tells me that this tea is a green with apple bits, popped corn and a touch of maple. Now, I’d be hard-pressed to believe you on the “green” thing until it’s actually brewed– the bag mostly looks like apple chunks and popcorn pieces, but sure enough, the leaves emerge as you steep. Brewed, the flavors really come out. A touch of honey helps the popcorn flavor emerge even further, though it doesn’t necessarily make it all the more sweet. I get a little vanilla, a little apple, a little green and a hint of maple– and while the popcorn flavor isn’t overwhelmingly there, that roasty, buttery flavor is predominant, and that’s good enough for me. I might not be making popcorn daily with my mom anymore, but this tea is the perfect replacement for that salty nighttime ritual. Just don’t make me share any with my sister.

Here’s the scoop!

Leaf Type:  Green Tea
Where to Buy:  DAVIDsTea

This blockbuster blend mixes green tea with apple and real popcorn.

Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!

Mary Enjoys Cease & Desist from 52Teas. . . . .

With a name like Cease & Desist, I knew this tea had to have a good story. And with a company like 52 Teas? I knew it had to be a good tea!

Apparently, this tea was originally named after a favorite alcoholic horchata-esque treat (that rhymes with Thumb-chata), but after being served with a cease & desist letter, the name had to be changed. Lo and behold! We’re left with this tasty, cheekily-named delightful genmaicha.

First things first: this tea is a treat to brew. Big green leaves and toasty popped rice, it was ever-so-fragrant– my mouth was watering on the smell alone. I’ll admit I took a sip of it straight and while it was tasty, I knew a bit of cream + sweet could really take it to that next, crumb-chata level of deliciousness. Sure enough, a touch of coconut milk + maple syrup and I couldn’t slurp up this sweet, cinnamon-y treat quickly enough. My only note is that this one didn’t quite hit on the alcoholic horchata notes for me as much as it did straight-up milk-of-Cinnamon Toast Crunch. (Or in keeping with brand-name avoidance: Flinnamon Boast Lunch. Maybe?)

I’d wager that this is even better than its original intention– the flavors were spot on breakfast cereal for me, and I loved every second of it. I think this probably has something to do with the addition of the toasty popped rice making it a genmaicha that really pushed those cereal-y notes over the top.

Fun flavors and a touch of anti-establishmentarianism? Count me in.

Here’s the scoop!

Leaf Type:  Green Tea
Where to Buy:  52Teas

This tea is no longer available but click below for teas that are.

Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!

Dreidel, Dreidel, Dreidel from Tea and Tins. . . . .

Upon first glance, you might be thinking I’ve maybe misplaced my calendar. Or I’m a time-traveling, tea-drinking reviewer who has accidentally jumped from the winter holiday season to late spring without realizing it. I assure you– I am not. (Although HOW COOL would that be. If there’s a Time Lord out there reading this in need of a new companion: hit your girl up.) But I’m also not such a purist that a Hanukah-themed tea can’t occasionally find its way into my cup post-Daylight Savings Time, and spoiler alert: I’m glad it did!

This dry leaf, to start with, is adorable. Blue stars, glittery gold orbs, and tiny mini marshmallows round out a straightforward black tea, and it brews up quite nicely, if not a bit plainly. The brewed cup smells strongly of mini-marshmallows, and upon the addition of a tiny bit of coconut milk, it’s all I can taste. In the best way possible!

This tea is all marshmallow, all the time. I can’t get much of the caramel flavor that the description claims, but this is toasty, pillowy marshmallow goodness atop a nice robust-but-not-acidic black tea base. I’d highly recommend this tea with some sort of cream or sweet, but note that this really amps up the dessert-like quality, whether that’s what you’re gunning for or not. Overall, seasonally-appropriate or not, this is a great one to sip year round when you’re looking for a treat. Or when you’re trying to track down the nearest TARDIS to catch a ride through time and space. Either or.

Here’s the scoop!

Leaf Type:  Black Tea
Where to Buy:  Tea & Tins

Loose leaf black tea, nicknamed Dreidel, dreidel, dreidel ! It has a spicy and warm taste (if you like “Star Dust”, you should definitely try this one!)

Ingredients: black tea with warming taste of caramel, marshmallow and Star of David sprinkles.

Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!