Rosé All Day from DAVIDs Tea. . . .

“Whoa. This tea smells like…”

“Wine?” My fiancé laughed, finishing my sentence for me.

Yes, dear reader– this wine-inspired tea (Rosé All Day– David’s Tea, your marketing team sure is on point with the trends) smells like– you guessed it– wine. Like, for real. There is an astringent, slightly alcoholic grape-i-ness behind all the fruit in this infusion. It’s lightly pink and perfectly fruity, but with a hint of something MORE that just screams “ice cold alcoholic grapes!” to me. Brewed (which I’ve only done cold so far, because, hello– wine without the alcohol that I can drink during the workday, gimme), it’s that same scent brought totally to life– perfectly reminiscent of an icy glass of pink goodness. I think this one would be as excellent on its own as it would mixed with some chilled prosecco– or would be an excellent mocktail for someone avoiding alcohol but still wanting in on the fun! Perfect to have in your summer-sipping arsenal– and totally Instagram-worthy (just make sure you hashtag that #roséallday for maximum trendiness).

Here’s the scoop!

Leaf Type:  Herbal
Where to Buy:  DAVIDs Tea

This delicate and mildly fruity pink tea tastes just like a chilled glass of rosé wine.

Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!

English Breakfast from Rishi Tea. . . .

There’s something about English Breakfast tea that’s like coming home to me. It hasn’t always been that way– in fact, let me take you on a brief history of Mary’s Experiences with English Breakfast Tea (abridged).

5th grade: to celebrate the end of a history unit on the Boston Tea Party, Mary’s teacher throws a traditional British cream tea party, whilst wearing a giant pink satin hoop-skirt-dress and powdered wig. Mary tries to sip black tea with milk and sugar and promptly gags. End of attempts at caffeinated black tea for many years to come.

(brief interlude, in which Mary begins to drinks herbals and green teas and becomes obsessed, but still won’t touch black tea with a ten foot pole. Ah, such wasted time!)

Junior year of college: Mary goes to England to study abroad. On first full night in town, students are treated to a traditional cream tea welcome party. Mary eats finger sandwiches. (Verdict: delicious.) Mary tentatively pours a cuppa. Mary adds milk and sugar because monkey see, monkey do. Mary takes a sip. Decides nope, still not a fan. Two days later, Mary starts her internship, and boss makes her a cup of tea during break because this is what all Brits do, right? And who is Mary to buck tradition? Sip. Sip sip. Siiiiip. WHOA. This is really good. PROMPTLY OBSESSED. Never goes back.

The end!

I know. Great story, yes? All of this to say, my past with English Breakfast tea is storied and vast. And every time I try a new good one, I’m brought right back to those formative moments. This one from Rishi is no exception– rich and malty, it takes milk and sweet perfectly, it’s well-balanced and rounded out, with no obvious acidity. Is it a life-changer? Probably not. But is it comforting, reminiscent of good things, warm and delicious and just what I hoped it’d be? Yup. Just like home.

Here’s the scoop!

Leaf Type:  Black
Where to Buy:  Rishi Tea

What makes a great breakfast tea? Our buyers have spent years studying tea bush cultivars that present the most robust character, bright red cup color and awakening aromatics. Through extensive travel and tasting, we have found some of the very best in the Assamica gardens in Thailand’s remote northern mountains. This unique origin yields an English Breakfast that is full-bodied, lively and brisk with accents of raspberry and lingonberry. Perfectly balanced on its own or gratifying when smoothed out to taste with milk and sugar.

Tasting Notes: Lively, robust red cup with a brisk flavor and sweet caramel undertones.

Ingredients: Organic black tea

Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!

Jumpin’ Jelly Beans from The NecessiTeas. . . . .

Picture this: it’s Easter. You’re eight years old. You see a big ol’ bowl of jellybeans sitting on the kitchen table, waiting for family members to arrive to celebrate and nosh on.

Now picture this: you’re uncomfortable in your Easter dress. You’ve been at church all day. Your kitchen smells delightful, but you have to wait until everyone comes before you can eat anything. You just want A FEW JELLYBEANS, dangit. So you fish out as many of the green beans as you can find, toss them in your Easter hat and sneak away to have a little pre-dinner aperitif.

And then everyone comes for dinner and no one even questions the lack of green jellybeans in the bowl. If there aren’t any at all, did they ever exist in the bowl in the first place? Mwahaha.

You guys– this tea is a perfect recreation of those sugar-filled springtime holiday memories of yore. I iced my sample of this one, because hello– and that was the right decision. It’s a sweet, fresh, fruity candy-Cherry flavor, and makes for a delightful chilled treat anytime of the day, given its lack of caffeine. I could see this one being a great tea for little ones to sip on, as well. This one reads more like a treat tea than an everyday tea for me, but it was especially delightful and spot-on to the flavors noted. And would probably be a great sipping companion to an Easter-hat filled with green jellybeans. Not like I would know.

Here’s the scoop!

Leaf Type:  Green Rooibos
Where to Buy:  The NecessiTeas

This tea is no longer available but click below for teas that are.

Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!

Zesty Ginger Lime from Storehouse Teas. . .

Summer is pretty much exclusively iced tea season for me– and frankly, if it can’t be cold-brewed, it probably isn’t going to get much love in my tea cabinet during the warmer months.

So when this little unassuming gem showed up in my most recent sample stash, it wasn’t even a question that I’d be brewing it cold. The ginger and the lime immediately pop in the cold brew, with hints of lemongrass lingering behind.

This one lived up to its name (“zesty” indeed!) and was fantastic with a splash of lemonade stirred in right before sipping. It’s the perfect addition to my summer iced tea stash– and definitely one I’ll be sipping again soon!

Here’s the scoop!

Leaf Type:  Green Rooibos
Where to Buy:  Storehouse Teas

Organic Green Rooibos from South Africa combined with zesty lime citrus and soothing ginger is refreshing and delicious, excellent for digestion and relaxation. Zesty Ginger Lime is stimulating yet caffeine-free, with anti-oxidant rich, hydrating and skin care enhancing properties. Great iced!

Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!

Watermelon Oolong from Gypsy Soul Tea Co. . . .

I’m not really a watermelon fan, you guys.

I know. Have I even earned the right to review this tea?! Stick with me, and I’ll clarify– I like the FLAVOR of watermelon. Fresh, juicy, summery– it’s delightful. But something about the texture of watermelon gets me– it’s kinda mealy, super watery (duh), and while I love its natural flavor, it’s often super light and diluted, and I just wish it wasn’t quite so… subdued.

This tea from Gypsy Soul takes all the things I dislike about watermelon, eradicates them in one fell swoop, highlights my fave (that tangy, fruity flavor!) and KNOCKS IT OUTTA THE PARK. For serious. I cold brewed this one overnight to be put on ice (because it’s just begging to be sipped cold), and I think I could’ve drank about a gallon rather than my measly 16 ounces– that’s how good it was. The flavor is spot-on, fresh and juicy, fruity melon– maybe a touch of candy-esque tang, but nothing near as artificial. Not a hint of mealy-ness in sight. I’m a happy camper.

No more feeling a little left out at summer BBQs– I’ll have this blend on ice with me instead!

Here’s the scoop!

Leaf Type:  Oolong
Where to Buy:  Gypsy Soul Tea Co

Sweet, juicy, thirst quenching watermelon flavor on high grade oolong tea. Great hot & cold!
Oolong tea is full of healthy antioxidants and is commonly used to support good health

Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!