Just the notion itself of a cream tea (meaning a full tea service, scones + jam + clotted cream, etc.) brings up all the good feels for me, you guys. During my brief study abroad stint in London in college, this was my regular treat-yo-self to myself– a book, cream tea, some quiet.
So while this tea (aptly named “Cream”) from Adagio isn’t making me any specific promises including scones and jam, it certainly has some significant memories to live up to. And live up it does! It’s a lightly sweet, slightly vanilla-ish, mostly sweet-cream flavor that blends beautifully with the Ceylon base.
It, unsurprisngly, takes cream and sugar incredibly well, and is especially delightful on a rainy morning with the windows open and a good book nearby (ask me how I know). The reviews from fellow tea-lovers tell me that this one is an awesome accompaniment to other teas, and bumps up the creamy factor in everything from herbal infusions to Earl Greys. I haven’t tried this yet, but you’d better believe it’s how I’ll be finishing the rest of my stash. Along with scones + jam + clotted cream, of course.
Here’s the scoop!
Leaf Type: Black Tea
Where to Buy: Adagio Teas
Which comes first, the cream or the tea? If you’re not sure, don’t worry… neither are the English. However, its unanimously agreed that, whether you prefer your tea first, or cream first, this dairy-free cream flavored Ceylon black tea is a treat for your teacup! Sweet, inviting and warm, with a delicate creamy consistency and aroma of fresh black tea. Pleasantly brisk and very refreshing. Teatime calls…
Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!
Rainbow Sherbet from The NecessiTeas. . . . .
In my early tween years, I was lucky enough to have one of my best friends living right down the block. With our minor amounts of freedom (given our newly advanced age of 12), we were able to bike around our neighborhood to our hearts’ content, and often snuck a few extra blocks in to get to the local general shop just around the corner. Our favorite treats to stock up on? Big League Chew, and Mambos, of course– and one time, when we were feeling really adventurous: rainbow sherbet.
Now, let me paint you a little picture real quick: here we were, 12 years old, a half a mile from our homes on a hot day with nothing but a backpack and our bikes, stocking up on candy and very-meltable ice cream. I don’t know why we were so stricken with this sudden craving, but we HAD to have sherbet. So we bought ourselves a half gallon, shoved it in our backpacks, and raced against the clock to bike it back home before it melted and got everywhere. Honestly, I can’t remember its state by the time we made it home, but I can remember the exact feeling of the ferocity of biking like you were carrying a melting Hope Diamond in your backpack. Intense.
So when I saw this rainbow sherbet tea from The Necessiteas waiting for me in my most recent sample stash, I was over the moon. “Rainbow sherbet?!” I thought. “My favorite! And it won’t even melt on me! SWEET.” (I may be almost 30, but I have the mindset of a 12-year-old sherbet smuggler deep within me still, apparently.) I threw this one on ice, hoping to replicate those sweet, fruity, creamy flavors I love so much. The verdict? It was a really good green iced tea. But was it totally sherbet-esqe? Not entirely. I enjoyed this one a lot, ad will definitely sip it again, but I have such a specific flavor-memory of rainbow sherbet that anything that doesn’t entirely hit it on the nose is going to be a little bit of a disappointment to me.
Now, if 12-year-old Mary’d had this tea stashed away in her backpack instead of a rapidly-melting frozen treat? She probably would have been a happier, less-sticky camper.
Here’s the scoop!
Leaf Type: Green Tea
Where to Buy: The NecessiTeas
Real fruit makes this raspberry, orange, and lime sherbet combination a classic treat!
Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!
Happy from Wild Leaf Active Teas. . . .
If you know me, you know I am ALL-IN when it comes to natural goodies. Tulsi tea falls squarely in this category, friends, and I’ll eagerly drink it up whenever I have the chance. Tulsi is an adaptogenic herbal tea, which means its herbal smarts adapt to support your body in the way that you need at that moment. (Remember, I’m not a doctor. I’m just riddled with hippie tendencies.)
This particular blend from Wild Leaf boasts a balance of tulsi and chamomile with hints of lemon balm and rose petals. A true herbal, it brews up beautifully, and the flavor only intensifies as you let it steep. I will say– stevia-haters, beware: it’s included in this blend. It’s not overwhelming or saccharine to me, but if you’re sensitive to any trace, you might want to stay away.
Beyond that, though, this cup has become a new favorite for me to sip in the long workday afternoons, or right before bed– regardless of whether it’s actually working to boost my happiness levels, who knows! But it does make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside to know that I’m not only getting the benefits of those smart herbs from Mama Nature, but that I’m enjoying them via a delicious cuppa as well!
Here’s the scoop!
Leaf Type: Herbal
Where to Buy: Wild Leaf Active Teas
Stress and anxiety-busting tulsi and calming chamomile create this bright and flavourful blend designed to help you be in your best mood, no matter what is thrown your way today. Sit back, sip this tea and then get back to making your way through life’s journey.
Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!
Vista Blend from Plum Deluxe. . . . .
Some teas are workhorses. They’re made for caffeinating you, or calming you, they never let you down– but maybe they’re not the fanciest or most intricate. (I’m lookin’ at you, English Breakfast and Chamomile.)
Some teas are fancy. Like, hand-me-my-monocle-and-top-hat, I Am A Very Important Person levels of fancy. (Oh hello, super delicate and intricate blooming white teas currently eyeing me up warily from the cabinet. You can tell I’m not fancy, can’t you?)
Some teas are the perfect in-between. They’re intricately flavored with a perfect balance, but they’re also… comforting. They’re gonna be there for you, they’re not gonna let you down. But they’re also gonna make you feel like the fancy, knowledgeable tea-drinker that you are (while still hanging out in your sweats).
This tea from Plum Deluxe, the Vista Blend, is such a tea. It’s a beautifully balanced, intricate flavor (hello, apricot and lavender– YUM.) that is incredibly unique, but it’s flexible enough to be brewed hot or iced (and tastes incredibly delish made both ways). Picture this: it’s like hanging out in some Italian villa, staring out over a gorgeous view (a VISTA, even. See what I did there?) while in your comfiest pjs, eating Italian snacks straight outta the bag. It’s comfort. It’s refinement. It belongs in your cup right now.
Here’s the scoop!
Leaf Type: Herbal
Where to Buy: Plum Deluxe
The apricot + lavender “Vista Blend” is inspired by one of our favorite things about nature — the views. This tea reminds us that we can have a beautiful view wherever we are, if only we slow down to appreciate it.
We use a base of earthy honeybush tea, paired perfectly with Oregon lavender and apricot essence. The fruit and floral pair to create a calming influence. It’s just delightful — and especially refreshing on ice. Originally this tea was a seasonal-only blend but based on your demands, we’ve elevated it to a signature blend so you can get your Vista cuppa anytime of year.
Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!
Thai Iced Tea from Arbor Teas. . . .
Let me take you back, friends. To a tiny Thai restaurant around the corner from my single-girl apartment, in a bygone era. Picture this– five girlfriends smushed around a corner table, ordering the spiciest dishes off the menu (and dying equally over how good they all were, and also how our mouths and subsequently, entire bodies were aflame from the inside), our only respite coming from the sweet, creamy Thai iced teas peppered all across the table. I don’t even think we knew whose was whose anymore– we just kept ordering them, passing them around, trying to quell the spice-fire.
And that, my friends, is the LAST TIME I had a Thai iced tea. I KNOW! My life has changed a bit since then, in that I am both neither a single girl anymore, nor do I live in that apartment– but certainly not because I don’t *like* Thai iced teas anymore (even typing that seems like blasphemy). Rather, due to the revolt that dairy has since decided to wage on my body and thus, sweeping them off the table.
So while I was a little glum when I saw a few samples of Thai iced tea dry leaf blends in my review pile, I knew I wanted to give recreation a go. AND THEN: I found coconut milk condensed cream at the hippie grocery store on our block and all was right with the world. I brewed this one up cold, overnight in a mason jar (my favorite iced tea method), and when it was steeped and strained, stirred in some deliciously sweet & creamy condensed coconut milk, gave it a stir, and was immediately transported back to that corner booth, mouth on fire, seeking respite in the cold, spiced, creamy and sweet Thai iced teas of my relative youth. Well done, Arbor Teas! I’ll be recreating this one in my kitchen again for many a day to come.
Here’s the scoop!
Leaf Type: Black
Where to Buy: Arbor Teas
Finally, Thai Iced Tea with NO artificial flavors or colors!
Thai Tea (also known as Thai Iced Tea) is a popular iced drink hailing from Thailand, commonly found in Thai restaurants across the US. Our Organic and Fair Trade Certified Thai Iced Tea is a traditional blend of strong black tea, vanilla bean, cardamom and anise. It can be enjoyed hot or cold with a twist of lime as a self drinker (without milk). Or it can be brewed to create a traditional, restaurant-style Thai Iced Tea when combined with ice, milk and sugar!
To recreate a restaurant-style Thai Iced Tea, we recommend steeping a double strength cup of tea. Then sweeten the hot brew with sugar, and serve over ice. Glasses of Thai Iced Tea are usually topped with dairy, such as sweetened condensed milk, whole milk, half and half, or coconut milk (this last one, of course, is not actually dairy). The final addition of dairy usually rests on top of the ice cubes creating a beautiful layered effect in the glass! For illustrated step-by-step instructions, check out our guide How to Make Thai Iced Tea and/or see our how to video.
NO artificial colors or flavors! Did you know that the deep orange color of Thai Iced Tea served in restaurants is usually attributed to artificial coloring? Well, no longer! We’ve developed an organic teablend that includes no artificial colors or flavors. As a result, when dairy is added to this iced tea it will not turn orange, but a beautiful, natural light brown!
Ingredients: organic black tea, organic cardamom, organic anise seeds, organic vanilla extract, and natural vanilla flavor.