Mediterranean Blend Sumac Tea/Staghorn Tea Company -Just Tea-Zen-

I remember when I was younger, visiting New Jersey, the giant sumac trees with the beautiful dark red clusters were all over the place where my family lives. I was terrified of them because my cousins had me convinced that they were poison sumac. It was years later that I found out that they are two completely different trees. It’s a good thing…because I’m about to drink some sumac!

Staghorn Tea Company plucks those beautiful bundles from the sumac tree and blends them into a very interesting and delicious tea. They say “It’s remarkably tangy and wicked good!” and that is completely true! The tartness reminds me a little of hibiscus blended with a citrusy flavor. There’s something else in the flavor that I can’t quite associate with anything, but I can tell you it is amazingly delicious. This particular blend had orange and lavender which gave it a smooth and relaxing flavor. It is quite tangy, which is great just the way it is, but when I sweetened just a little with some agave syrup, OH MY! This REALLY enhanced the flavor! It’s like no other tea I’ve experienced before and if you haven’t tried it, you are definitely missing out.

Their tea bags have enough in them for a 12oz cup which, is a healthy sized cup of tea. I sipped a little less than half and then I put the rest in the refrigerator…I just have to try this over ice!

Health fact: sumac is at the top of the herb list for antioxidant power. BONUS!

I wish I could come up with a better explanation on the flavor of this tea. I guess you’re gonna have to find out for yourself! It’s just SO amazing!

Pop on over to their website and learn about this tea. Order plenty of sumac tea because once you try it, you’re gonna be hooked!

Want to Know More About This Tea?

Leaf Type: Herbal

Where to Buy:  Staghorn Tea Company

Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!

1 thought on “Mediterranean Blend Sumac Tea/Staghorn Tea Company -Just Tea-Zen-

  1. This sweet wonderful young lady grew up sipping hot tea with her mom and how do I know? I am proud to be her
    mom! This was passed down from my mom as we enjoyed our cup of hot tea in the evenings.

    I am so proud of my daughter writing the reviews for the tea companies because they are very well written and straight from the heart.

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