Sleep from We Are Tea. . . .

Oh, my aching back! I have a severe case of text neck that has traveled down my shoulder and upper back and sleeping has been a bit rough lately. A friend told me that tulsi is the best pain-in-the-neck reliever and I would love to get a good night’s sleep, so let’s see if it gives some relief.

When I mix my own tulsi blend I usually just put tulsi and lavender. This blend also has chamomile and rose. It looks beautiful in the sachet and is clearly nice big pieces and not dust. You can tell it is fresh by the lovely colors of the ingredients – no oasty gray here. And the sachet is made of cornstarch! No nylon in this baby, so I can toss the whole thing in my compost tomorrow – after I resteep it, of course!

After three minutes of steeping, I am ready to be enticed away to la-la land. The tea tastes and smells primarily of tulsi to me even though that is the last ingredient listed. Secondly, I taste chamomile and then the lavender and rose equally and subtly. It is a little bit savory and a whole lot relaxing. There is a lingering herbal aftertaste and it isn’t really floral, but still savory.

I could swear I feel my jaw unclenching, and I didn’t even realize it was clenched…

Here’s the scoop!

Leaf Type:  Herbal
Where to Buy:  We Are Tea

There aren’t many things that a good night’s sleep can’t fix, so we created this ultimate night time blend to help you along the way. Settle your mind, sink into your pillow and let this caffeine free tea melt the pressure away. No sheep counting required!

Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!

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