De-Lovely from the Tea Crew

With a name like De-Lovely, you can’t help but expect a tea that will bring a smile to your face.  De-Lovely from the Tea Crew is an oolong tea with sweet almond and chocolate flavors.

Chocolate teas can be tricky, sometimes they aren’t very chocolate-like, and other times they end up like watered-down hot cocoa.  However, De-Lovely smelled very promising, both in the dry leaf and in the brewed tea.

Upon my first sip, I knew this chocolate tea was a winner.  The oolong base is more roasted than green, and goes very well with the marzipan almond flavors.  With a rich and nutty base, the chocolate notes thrive, bringing a dark chocolate, almost-floral sweetness.  When I looked at the ingredients list, I noticed that there is even a bit of coconut in the mix to help add a buttery mouthfeel and creamy richness.

The oolong tea base helps keep this from being too decadent or overpowering.  The tea leaves themselves still have a strong bodied presence among all the sweet desserts. Nutty, roasty, chocolatey, this tea is just lovely!


Here’s the scoop!

Leaf Type: Oolong
Where to Buy: The Tea Crew

Somewhere between green and black tea lies Oolong tea, semi-fermented loveliness.

This blend is sweet, nutty and chocolatey. It’s delightful, it’s delicious, it’s de-lovely!

Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!

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