Grape Freeze from DAVIDsTea. . . .

Everyone has that one (or if you’re me, like, a thousand) weird stories from your childhood. Now, most aren’t going to go sharing them for all the world to know– but sometimes, in the name of tea, awkward stories must be told.

As a younin’, I LOVED all things fruit– real and fresh– of course, but fake fruity flavors, as well. All of it. Gimme.

Around the age of 3 or so, I came down with a bad cold and needed some medicine. Knowing I’d spit out that nasty bubblegum flavored medicine in a heartbeat (sorry, mom), my mother played to my strengths and picked up a bottle of Grape Dimetapp. You know the type– bright purple, tastes nothing like grapes off the vine? That’s the stuff.

Anyways, my three-year-old palate, having no idea this was medicine and not candy, slurped my little plastic dosing cup down willingly. A few hours later, when my mom asked my sisters and I what we wanted to drink with dinner, I of course enthusiastically replied, “DIMETAPP!”

I got water instead. (Thanks, mom. Sorry, mom.)

All of this to say: you guys, I still love that fakey fruity flavor. I am allll about it. It’s not real grape, of course. But it’s delicious nonetheless. And what does this have to do with tea, you ask? On ice, this tea is a Dimetapp dead-ringer. Slightly more adult, mind you– hints of the green tea base in the background, not nearly as saccharine-sweet– but otherwise, spot on. Is it an everyday tea for me? No, probably not. But it is a fun summer treat, harkening back to the quirky palate of my youth? Yup. And it’s a tasty one, at that.

Now if you’ll excuse me– I have a dinnertime beverage to pour for my inner child.

Here’s the scoop!

Where to Buy:  DAVIDsTea

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